I don't recall being taught that Russians were bad - the underlying theme of my formative years is that Communism is bad, and I believe that to this day. As long as I can remember I've harbored no ill will against the Russian people in general. Now, against the Soviets, in other words the totalitarian Commmunist imperialists, I have an intense dislike. But in general I've always considered the average Russian to be a victim of his own government.
True... it was the Communists that were bad. Movies like Top Gun and Rocky IV I think are very important movies in their time and they exemplified this hate I'm talking about.
I think this is highly debatable. I think the US has created many things, both physical and non-physical, that are every bit as powerful and influential as the Romans in their day... without the need to be revered as deities.
True as well. But the Romans were the first to do that. It's like saying the Stones are better than The Beatles. They may be, but the Beatles were the first, and that's why they're considered best. Plus, in the early years of
Anno Domini, there weren't as many cultures as nowadays, so that may add a bit to the adoration of the Romans as
creators of the world.
Are not the French guilty of manipulating the truth, in the form of the Oil-For-Food scandal, and the antics of their own multiply-reelected President? Yet supposedly no one except Americans desipises the French.
That's not true... I mean, not
only the US despise the French. True, we share the EU with them, but we're also very aware of how much of a 🤬 Chirac is. But the French constitution allows for multiple reelections. As does the Italian and Spanish too, and Berlusconi is of similar type.
Was not Saddam Hussein a master of manipulating the truth and bullying, albeit at a smaller scale than the Politburo? Yet he's close to being portrayed as an innocent victim in many parts of the world, even in the West... and of course the US had no justification for removing this lying bully from power.
That is also true. The reason was the Weapons of Mass Destruction issue, and that's been proven false. Berlusconi's opposers also found some strong proof against it in the form of false correspondence. And the Abu-Ghrahib (sp?) prison case, and several other things. Anyway, because of these causes, the US is being portrayed as the big bad wolf. But GWB and his crew seem to be happy with that, and they do things internationally that seem to taunt the rest of the world.
What people argue (Euros, and possibly others) is that it's clear that Saddam was a murderer and a totalitarian bastard. But, why the hurry to attack him? Why not attack Fidel Castro, who's been in power longer and could be a bigger threat... or why not Hugo Chavez, since his country supplies about 40% of the oil consumed in the US and has said countless times that he won't be selling more. Why not take them out, as they took Noriega out. Why not go against China, who is a bigger threat to the world's economy, with their low cost manufacture.
The main issue on the war is that the US doesn't have experience fighting a war in its own homeland. And that's the sole reason why the rest of Europe wouldn't want to go to war. Spain sent troops, although 96% of the country opposed it. During WWII and the Spanish Civil War, rat, cat and dog population was almost eliminated... that gives you a good idea of the levels of desperation these people suffered. Of course, I'm not trying to martirize (sp?) anyone, but it gives you a good idea as to why no one supports the war on this side of the Atlantic.
Then why is Eastern culture, and particularly radical conservative Islam, so hysterical in their hatred of the Great Satan? Could it possibly be that they fear the power and influence that the US culture has over their own? I'm not even talking about military might; I'm talking about the influence and power of Western ideas, especially those from the US.
That is a very good question: Why. According to some experts, it's because they indeed despise our western way of life. It can also be because this way of life is threatening to destroy their way of life, which has existed for over a thousand years. The Koran supports the defence of their society, at whatever the cost. Remember, Islamism dominates Arab societies, and contrary to most of the world, politics is part of religion.
...But I do believe that this GTPlanet world is a microcosm of the real world. Go read some posts on the Automotive board or the GT4 board. You'll be surprised at how often "America sucks" comes up, no matter how irrelevent or untrue the basis of that assumption. I'm continually dumbfounded at how the most culturally and racially diverse nation on the planet is perceived as a nation of rich fat white guys who hate everybody else.
I know, I'v read it many times. I'm not new here

And usually, the America Sucks comes from people who either have never been to the US or worse still, don't know what they're talking about. I've had people tell me that personally off-line, and I sit and try to convince them why they're wrong. Some get it... some are too belligerent to even open their minds a tad. So it goes both ways.
Again, while I make no claim that Americans are never the agressors, I don't think we tend to throw that kind of behaviour at the world.
As I said before, it goes both ways. Perhaps I've met too many aggressive ones in a short period of time. But it also depends who you talk to. Obviously, Americans don't throw that behaviour towards other Americans. But the aggressive ones would be quick to point out how their country is better than others to foreigners... and if these foreigners come up and call them supid, fat, lazy bigoted bastards, all the worse. Get the point?
After all, there is a user here named I_h8_GWB...
You know, I've seen that user around, and up until now, I didn't make the connection of what GWB meant. 💡