Steam sale thread: Summer 2017 Edition

I got Arkham City GOTY as well. Would get The Witcher 2 and Deus Ex but I just have so much stuff already waiting to play that they will probably be on sale again before I'd have a chance to play them.
Well, what is the Witcher 2 like?

Looks like a murder mystery style of story telling with RPG stuff.

I second this question, loads of people seem to love it but I still don't know what it's like. Skyrim maybe? Looks like Skyrim. Which is to say, not the sort of thing I'd enjoy. I was always more of a Fallout kind of guy.
definately get witcher 2 if it's that cheap, you get a lot of game for that money

haven't really played the 2nd part yet(I intend to one day) but the first one was quite special, not quite sure what you could compare it to though, it's a really darkish rpg with an interesting storyline and a fun combat system
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New flash deals! That's a surprise, I'm guessing these are the last ones (unless 4am GMT is still the 27th in America?), Just Cause 2 is excellent so get it if you're even slightly curious about it.
Damn it! The second time I see JC2 for 5 bucks and the second time that my PC cannot handle it. :lol: This is such a great offer.
If I could sum it up some way:

It's like Mass Effect meets Skyrim. :lol:

It's probably not the best way to describe The Witcher 2 but it's the best thing I can think of to describe it properly. Plus I've already visually modded mine for more clarity (but SMAA injection seems to not work :( )
Contact them and they'll probably let you exchange it for something else.

Who, Steam? Not a chance unfortunately. Might be worth a shot but people rarely get refunds unless a game is just out-and-out broken.

Dirt Showdown is an arcade version of Dirt 3, which is already pretty much the most arcade racing game of the last couple of years, it was a downloadable title on the consoles so it's not massively surprising your non-Logitech wheel isn't supported, however I have just found this:

Greybeard999 (from Codemasters forums)
Try this, it works for all the wheels I've tried. (3) Make sure you are working with an unmodified game, re install if necessary.

Go to X:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\DiRT Showdown\actionmap ... (or where ever your files are installed)

Find lg_g25.xml and open it in your editor. Change the "devicename" to the name windows calls your wheel, check your driver for this. (it has to be exact) For mine I changed the device name to "Logitech Driving Force Pro USB". Make sure the priority is 2. (it should already be at 2 anyways but check) Save the file with the same name lg_g25.xml.

When the game starts. go to config and your wheel should be the second choice. It will prompt you about loading that device, say yes. It will load your wheel and gray out the right and left for steering but you can change all the other controls (brake and throttle might be to be set, boost and handbrake, etc.) Save that profile, adjust your advanced settings and force feedback and enjoy the game.

In a round about way this is what Codemasters told me to do and it does work. They also said they didn't know of any patch in the works. If you swap files from another game it won't save game anymore, they are aware of that also, that's why I was told to reinstall.

One thing that is Steam specific... If you validate the files on your hard drive it will see your modifed file and replace "the corrupt version" with the original lg_g25.xml and you would need to edit it again the same way as above..

Hope that helps.

Good to see we got one more set of flash sales, The Binding of Isaac had everyone who cares about indie games going pretty much mad so that might be worth checking out for 99p.

Red Faction: Guerilla was great open-world destroy 'em up fun, if a little shonky, there's honestly nothing quite like running around destroying buildings with a sledgehammer and demo charges but it wears a little thin after a while. That sledgehammer mechanic plus Just Cause 2 would probably be one of the best games ever created, though. Red Faction: Armageddon is similar-ish but instead of open world it's entirely linear. There's better shooting and an awesome magnet gun thing, the ability to repair stuff (boo, down with this sort of thing, etc.)... It's decent enough but not as good as RF:G. The first Red Faction is a great game too, very old-school shooter now but with terrain deformation. Red Faction 2... Meh. Also THQ are going down the pan fast so if you want to see another Red Faction or another Saints Row you should support them anyway, and I think you'll get your money's worth out of that bundle if you're even sort of interested.

Then there's Street Fighter, but you all already know how you feel about that I guess.
Yeah, Red Faction: Guerilla and JC2 are pretty fun. I spent around 20 hours on RF:Guerilla and 60+ hours on JC2 and I'm nowhere near the finish to either game. I also have the original RF and RF2 as I got the THQ pack a long Steam sale ago but never played them. I remember playing RF2 on the PS2, it was ok.
In the final hours a friend and me decided to go co-op shooting and so we got Borderlands 2.
So in the end
Max Payne 3 (Great game, played through most of it by now)
Dishonored (steamactivated GMG purchase)
Crysis 2
Borderlands 2

For winter sale I'll have another look to see if they list Xcom at 50% off. In such case I'll get it then.
When do they typically have their next sale? I'm guessing a winter sale in Jan/Feb rather than a Christmas sale so soon after the last one.
When do they typically have their next sale? I'm guessing a winter sale in Jan/Feb rather than a Christmas sale so soon after the last one.
Yes that would make more sense but I think next sale will actually be during Christmas holiday.
The past couple of years they've had a Christmas sale which starts before and ends after Christmas day, I can't remember but I think it ends on Boxing Day. Then there's the Easter sale in march, summer sale in June/July, a Halloween sale and then it's back to the Black Friday/Thanksgiving sale again. The big ones are Christmas and Summer, the others are relatively minor.
So the Steam Holiday Sale has started... I'd just like to point out that GTR, GTR2 and GT Legends are all 70% off but they're not a featured deal so I'll hold off on buying them until the last day.

Not really much to add, the sales right now are a bit mediocre. Intrusion 2 is quite fun though.
So the Steam Holiday Sale has started... I'd just like to point out that GTR, GTR2 and GT Legends are all 70% off but they're not a featured deal so I'll hold off on buying them until the last day.

Not really much to add, the sales right now are a bit mediocre. Intrusion 2 is quite fun though.

Thanks for the heads-up. I think I'm going to get that simbin Mega bundle. I don't have any of them games yet and they all look good. Or are there some in there that aren't worth it?
Oh the Steam wintersale is on...

Well, there goes my hard earned money - again... :D

Hoping to get some really good bargain's. :P
I obviously didn't look far enough, didn't seem much to offer on the front page and was mostly around 25% off, still a little tempted by TD Ferrari Racing Legends though.
Anyone play Operation Flashpoint Red River? I think I might buy that flash sale...

nvm lol. 4.2 on metacritic.

I think I have Dragon Rising, it's... Acceptable, but I got sick of dealing with the squadmate AI. It has a ridiculous interface for giving orders which was clearly designed for a console controller and, at the end of the day, MOH 2010 was better.

Thanks for the heads-up. I think I'm going to get that simbin Mega bundle. I don't have any of them games yet and they all look good. Or are there some in there that aren't worth it?

I'd say there's one or two that you could do without, but seeing as you get GT Legends, GTR2 and all the good packs for Race 07 I'd recommend it anyway as I don't think (but I'd have to check) it would be cheaper to buy them separately.
GT Legends can be had for 99p on disc, you can then activate it on steam for free.

Oh also I believe the Ferrari's and Porsches are missing in GTR2 for licence reasons.
GTR2 & GT Legends are £2.25 each! Massive bargains!

Actually, yeah, they're not going to get cheaper than that. I already have both but I think I might buy them again just so I can make my task bar a little less crowded (and I got GT Legends for something ridiculous like 25p anyway).

Great to see the THQ Collection is the 6th best seller, they're filing for bankruptcy now so hopefully this will help them out for at least long enough to get Metro: Last Light out the door... I really don't want THQ to die, though, Saints Row 3, the Red Faction games and Metro 2033 have all been pretty solid in my opinion.

Also, if you don't have the Hitman collection, I can't recommend it enough. They haven't aged all that well if I'm honest but if you can get into the right frame of mind they're all decent (well, I haven't played the first much, but Silent Assassin and Blood Money are both excellent). Don't be fooled by Absolution, from what I've heard it's nothing like the older games so you're not getting an up-to-date follow up if you just buy that. Also it might be worth pointing out that Hitman: Contracts is on PC, just not on Steam; I've only seen it on GameFly. It doesn't work all that well, though, I can't remember why but I was having problems with it.

GT Legends can be had for 99p on disc, you can then activate it on steam for free.

I've heard this before but I haven't heard from anyone who has actually confirmed that it does work, have you done it? I can't remember where I'd find my code now, I guess I'll go have a look.

Edit: Can't find my code, I guess I'll just buy it.
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OK it seems that Steam upped the ante somewhat, a few days ago it was all about the holiday sale but I couldn't see much that stood out, now it's stepped up somewhat and there are some lovely bargains :)

Being more of a console gamer I wasn't so familiar with GTR2 and GT Legends, might pick up the latter despite having seriously the most terrible trailer ever.
Anyone play Operation Flashpoint Red River? I think I might buy that flash sale...

nvm lol. 4.2 on metacritic.

I played the one before that, Dragon something and it was pretty cool. Really buggy though on the 360, but kind of like diet Arma 2. I might pick it up to since you mentioned it. Co op on it is probably really good if it's like the 2nd one.

I just read a review of red river and it wasn't very kind. It said it took everyhting great about operation flashpoint and threw it away and tried to make a fast paced shooter.
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Oh also I believe the Ferrari's and Porsches are missing in GTR2 for licence reasons.

Just an addendum on this, they are missing but they can be activated quite easily. Just download the v1.1 patch (European or US, doesn't matter) and apply it to the Steam install, then add the NoCD exe of the game. Ferrari's and Porsche's are now available.

Both files are available here -

You're also definitely going to want this -
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Just an addendum on this, they are missing but they can be activated quite easily. Just download the v1.1 patch (European or US, doesn't matter) and apply it to the Steam install, then add the NoCD exe of the game. Ferrari's and Porsche's are now available.

Both files are available here -

You're also definitely going to want this -

Awesome, thanks for the info!

Well, I accidentally stayed up until 3.30am for some reason and happened to look at the Steam store. Before I knew it I'd bought the Rage DLC (it's not discounted but Rage is, which probably means it won't get cheaper but £3.49 is pretty cheap anyway), Thirty Flights of Loving (again, only 25% off but it's only £4 at full price) and GT Legends. I imagine I'll pick up GTR2 tomorrow.


kind of like diet Arma 2.

I'm pretty sure the original OpFlash was made by Bohemia, then DR and RR were relatively subpar copies developed by Codemasters. I've heard good things about the Bohemia games but their track record for bugs and intuitive control schemes is what has put me off picking it up so far. I might look it up properly though, it could be really good.

Edit again: Bohemia's OpFlash has been renamed Arma: Cold War Assault. It's from 2001 and it was Bohemia's debut game. I think I might pass on it...
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