
  • Thread starter Curveball
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
if you read past the shock horror headline you would know that the service in the UK is being strangled by the doesnt mean that we dont go to the dentist, the British have some of the greatest awareness of oral hygiene in the world but when dentists dont get paid and the NHS funding is in crisis people always start panic mongering....and there will always be some little nobrain to believe the BS.

My comment was based solely on one gag from one episode of the Simpsons, nothing more. The dentist shows Ralph the "Big Book of British Smiles". Thus is the extent of my knowledge of British oral Hygene. After all, this is the "Stereotypes" thread.
Originally posted by milefile
. After all, this is the "Stereotypes" thread.

it sure is...but there was a report in the news today about how underfunded the NHS denal services are in the UK and this could lead to a rise tooth decay etc....i thought you may have got a hold of it...sorry...

defensive? me?...

i dont think the UK having bad food is a commonly precieved it?...perhaps it is..
Well... they're not known for gourmet cooking, and I can only think of two British resturaunts, one is in Canada. And lets just say you've got to be in a very particular mood to enjoy it. But I do love fish and chips with Colemans mustard and vinegar, washed down with pints of Guiness.
Originally posted by milefile

Guinness is Irish last time i looked...

nah, your right..we dont have the gimmicky restraunts like that, but we do have good restaurants here and fine and chips are rarely served in a restaurant here, its a take-away food..