Steve Jobs is dead at 56

  • Thread starter rocko100
-Steve Jobs attended a calligraphy course by chance. When Apple later developed the Mac one of the features was that, for the first time, personal computers should have different fonts.

-When Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web he used Next cubes. He has said that it would probably not have been done on any other computer.
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Had the strangest toast this morning...

Steve jobs didn't really do that much, not being rude.

The man that designed everything, from the iPhone, iPad, iPod, to the iMac, macbook and macbook air was actually Phil Schiller.

Steve jobs just helped the company from going out of business over 10 years ago.
Steve jobs didn't really do that much, not being rude.

The man that designed everything, from the iPhone, iPad, iPod, to the iMac, macbook and macbook air was actually Phil Schiller.

Steve jobs just helped the company from going out of business over 10 years ago.'s actually more likely to be this guy:

But were it not for Jobs, he wouldn't have had the chance to do any of that! Jobs also told the design team to work on a range of 'iPods' that were easier to use than existing MP3 players. They were under the instruction of Jon Rubinstein but Jobs was the man behind the project.
Jobs also told the design team to work on a range of 'iPods' that were easier to use than existing MP3 players.

My Dad once had an iPod, and it took me ages to work out that you scroll through menus by moving your finger around the centre buttons. :dunce:
I think Steve Wozniak explained it very well. Jobs had a particular vision about the devices he wanted. They should be "natural" extensions to yourself, not exactly / not only tools that you use and need to master.

You can be the best enginier in the world and never design such a product, simply because you aren't asked to do it, or to try harder. Jobs, the way I see it, was relentless, and had no fear of exploring new frontiers.

I probably wrote this already, but I'll write again. You need to be a computer user before the Macintosh to understand how Jobs always meant "revolution". typing COMMANDS?? MD ? CD? ha ... just drag/drop/click/trash/file/folder/copy/paste/print ...

The only comparable experience for a young person nowadays is to go from a normal portable phone to an iphone.
vv Best article I have seen to date about Steve Jobs. I didn't care for Apple much, and most of what Jobs created rubbed me the wrong way. But I do love that he's a story of success rising from poor to ultra rich, and employing tens of thousands and pumping billions into the economy along the way. why does occupy wall street hate him? Check out the article.
Steve Jobs was a good man may he R.I.P something ironic happened to me the day they announced his death I started reading an article on him when all of the sudden my Mac turns off I turn it back on and then I get a Mac Panic Screen so both Steve and my Mac Rest In Piece.