Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

  • Thread starter tlowr4

What do you think about the new Internet BlackList Bill?

  • It's a load of crap! GET RID OF IT!!

    Votes: 131 67.9%
  • It's S.978 all over again. KILL IT. KILL IT WITH FIRE!!

    Votes: 57 29.5%
  • Oh finally, the US realizes that there's too much copywrited stuff going on these days. I'm happy ab

    Votes: 5 2.6%

  • Total voters
Yeah they delayed it till 2012 then sneakily rescheduled for the 21st I believe. It sucks I can't really do much from the UK but I've been trying to get people to phone up their local rep and talk about it.
You can make a letter to congress here. Though right now it's down for maintenance.

Edit: Wrong page. I've fixed the link.
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No. Apparently they are postponing talks on it till next year, due to signatures. Or at least that is the most recent information I recall.

Nope, restarting on Wednesday.
Update.... Or not. Despite the fact that Congress was supposed to be out of session until the end of January, the Judiciary Committee has just announced plans to come back to continue the markup this coming Wednesday. This is rather unusual and totally unnecessary. But it shows just how desperate Hollywood is to pass this bill as quickly as possible, before the momentum of opposition builds up even further.
I download movies off the net while they still are in the cinema, you know why?

I don't want to spend $40 to see a movie I may not like.

Services, such as Lovefilm, provide you with unlimited renting movies for a small amount of money per month. Just throwin' it out there :)

Didn't really feel like putting the Video itself up.

Edit: Likely has been seen already but here's the list of companies supporting this bill, some I question since they aren't even entertainment oriented. Disregard though as they have officially pulled their support.
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If you think this bill has anything to do with piracy, rather than just companies refusing to adjust their business models, you are beyond naive.

The MPAA tried to ban the VCR because it would "destroy" the film industry back in the 80's. The RIAA tried to ban MP3 players under the same reasons. And most all other media that could, possibly, be used to record things as well. Now these mediums and their related devices help generate a decent amount of revenue for these companies.

Their claims that they are killing jobs is also a huge amount of ********. The CEO of Viacom received a $50 million increase in compensation last year, while they are now promoting a video about all the jobs that have been lost because of piracy. It is simply a massive amount of greed, and very little to do with making sure the creative talents behind much of the media we enjoy get paid. And now they want the power to just shut down things suspected of violating copy right. Talk about a wonderful way to shut down small competitors and labels without having to go through the proper channels.

It would seem history is repeating itself. These industries always seem to respond the same way when a new technology emerges; try to kill it! We can even go back further to cassette tapes (remember them?). The Dead Kennedys had a interesting take on it;


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for someone being paid for the work they do. However, this is beyond heavy handed. I would hope that if this bill ever did make it passed the House and Senate, that President Obama would veto it when it came across is desk. At the very least he may do what's called a "pocket veto". That's when the president sits on a piece of legislation for thirty days, and it becomes essentially the same as veto.

As for music, which I'm very passionate about, I've said for years that piracy isn't killing the industry, neither is downloading. CRAP is killing the industry. Give me something worth buying at a decent price, and I will GLADLY buy it. I'm over the age of 35, I'm not buying a Justin Beiber album. For years what was the biggest complaint about CDs? That they were overpriced. Now that we can make CDs at home, we KNOW about the rip-off. Clinging to the same business model that you've had since the 50's isn't working in 2012. Sorry for the rant about the music industry, but I really do get angry about this.
My stance on SOPA is that this country has bigger things to worry about right now then online piracy. If you pass a law all it's going to do is hurt everyone and help no one. People will still pirate material, they will just have to find another way to do so. I when Napster was shut down people thought that would be the end of downloading music....yeah we see how well that worked.
I don't like the bill, but why in the hell are websites going to be blacking out to protest? Sounds like a waste of time and money if you ask me.
I don't like the bill, but why in the hell are websites going to be blacking out to protest? Sounds like a waste of time and money if you ask me.

Because the general population hasn't the foggiest idea what the hell SOPA is. By blacking out sites like Wikipedia, you'll get a whole lot of people focused on the issue.
Just imagine Facebook closed for 24 hours, with the main page only saying:



There would be a massive reaction.
Just imagine Facebook closed for 24 hours, with the main page only saying:



There would be a massive reaction.

Wikipedia is going down tommorow and that gets 25million views a day so surely that will do something. I doubt facebook will though. If google did though that would really screw people up, but once again I doubt that they will.
Just imagine Facebook closed for 24 hours, with the main page only saying:


Problem is, they have too many sponsors to answer to...Even though a good deal of user-contributed copyright violations occur on their site as well. Still, that couldn't hurt awareness of this issue.

On one hand, I understand how the industry is getting tired of thieves copying and distributing something they have no right to redistribute. The internet service suppliers are fed their content from these media companies, so they're somewhat forced (or complicit) to agree with them, or their cable/satellite feed for TV won't be there for broadcasting to these same subscribers. Then, the consumers would find a different supplier. Rather than sink together, they're going to support each other.

On the other hand, I dislike the ideas of restricting my content because Media Conglomerate A has a beef with Corporation B. Personally, there's a lot of crap of the 'net that would disappear, but it's not my place or my feeling that it should be contained at the supplier's level, save for things that actually break the law. Blaming the quality (or lack thereof) of the content isn't a valid excuse for illegal redistribution, but maybe companies should review their astronomical costs and salaries paid out before passing the losses onto the consumer. Or perhaps developing your own ways to solve "piracy", instead of asking for government support on the matter...why should my legislators support something that develops a profit for what is essentially a tiny group of individuals.

It sounds like I've answered my own questions, but anything that stands to review my legal choices of what I can or can't do on the web is unacceptable.
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I wonder what Conservapedia's take on SOPA is...I'm sure that if der Nachrichtungführer Rupert Murdoch supports it they would follow his lead. :rolleyes:
I wonder what Conservapedia's take on SOPA is...I'm sure that if der Nachrichtungführer Rupert Murdoch supports it they would follow his lead. :rolleyes:

Adolf R. Murdoch declared Google the leader of internet Piracy.
Adolf R. Murdoch declared Google the leader of internet Piracy.

Apparently, controlling the minds of 33% of America isn't enough. Claiming that Google has the reach of too many politicians is a straight-up douchebag line.

It would figure of all people, he would say that.
He's so disillusioned it's not even funny, but what do you expect from an 80 year old man? I think this is the problem with SOPA, we are asking a bunch of white, rich, technophobic old men to create and pass laws regarding the Internet. If the US feels like they must have some sort of Internet legislation, at least have people who know how to use a computer write it.
Don't worry, even if we manage to get SOPA permanently shelved (as of right now, it is due to come back up for markup, again, in a few weeks), we'd still need to get PIPA struck down. Even then, there is an upcoming bill that uses similar tools from both to prevent Child Pornography, and it is a safe bet that they'll tack SOPA/PIPA right on the back with the guaranteed passage of that (what representative, in their right mind, is going to vote against something involving child predators or terrorists?).

Long story short, the people who paid for SOPA/PIPA will do everything in their power to get their way.