Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

  • Thread starter tlowr4

What do you think about the new Internet BlackList Bill?

  • It's a load of crap! GET RID OF IT!!

    Votes: 131 67.9%
  • It's S.978 all over again. KILL IT. KILL IT WITH FIRE!!

    Votes: 57 29.5%
  • Oh finally, the US realizes that there's too much copywrited stuff going on these days. I'm happy ab

    Votes: 5 2.6%

  • Total voters
If you have a slow enough connection you can still use wikipedia, just sayin.

You could also edit the code locally on your end and view it that way, as it is just an overlay probably being generated by CSS and such.

And Zenith, not sure if you just trolling with that or if you think the USA has more problems with this kind of stuff than elsewhere?
He's so disillusioned it's not even funny...
Murdoch is like the Bernie Ecclestone of everything else. I mean damn, isn't he dead yet?

Don't worry, even if we manage to get SOPA permanently shelved (as of right now, it is due to come back up for markup, again, in a few weeks), we'd still need to get PIPA struck down. Even then, there is an upcoming bill that uses similar tools from both to prevent Child Pornography, and it is a safe bet that they'll tack SOPA/PIPA right on the back with the guaranteed passage of that (what representative, in their right mind, is going to vote against something involving child predators or terrorists?).
Ron Paul, obviously, because the bill will employ tools that may restrict the rights of innocent people. I would also vote against it because I'm not a complete moron. Our legal system is meant to punish people for committing crimes, not to punish everybody before they commit any crimes at all.

Long story short, the people who paid for SOPA/PIPA will do everything in their power to get their way.
And I will do everything in my power to not support the industries who fight for overreaching legislation such as this.
To anyone who is anti-SOPA but pro campaign finance reform - today's Volokh is for you:

If corporations are not individuals with free speech, the government gets to tell them they can't speak out about SOPA. Good stuff!
If they pass this bill, I will skip school and go up to D.C. to protest. It is just the evil of most politicians trying to get their way with us so that they can control us.
Holy Stinky!!

Edit:So Youtube is going to be shutdown?I'm a bit ill informed on all of this.I guess i should start keeping up with it.
Considering YouTube hosts well over one billion videos, with hundreds of thousands being uploaded every day, I don't see how Google could continue operating the site in its current form under SOPA/PIPA.

Today, if a video contains copyrighted material, the owner can have that video taken down. Under SOPA/PIPA, the copyright owner could have the entire website taken offline.
Sorry for making light of the situation, but I often try to find humor in things of disgust or frustration. It's my coping mechanism really. In any case, SOPA does raise some major concerns.
I just got educated on the matter in a 22 minute video and this crap is scary.

This Sopa and PIPA bill has got to be buried in the ground for good.
Today, if a video contains copyrighted material, the owner can have that video taken down. Under SOPA/PIPA, the copyright owner could have the entire website taken offline.

The poster of the video can also be liable to repay the artist for "money lost" due to the video. So say you post a video of "Popular Artist" singing a song, that song has a value of $1, you owe restitution for however many times that video is watched. If it's more then 2,500 times you will be charged with felony copyright infringement. But say it's a million views, congrats you have to pay.

The same thing goes if you post a video of yourself covering a song, that's copyright infringement and your going to owe money plus serve jail time.

I also believe there is wording in the bill that will allow the media corporations to sue you without having to pay out any costs to do so. This means they can freely sue whoever they think is infringing on their copyrights.


Honestly, people wonder why other people pirate material? It's crap like that this that makes people hate the media industry more and they'll just download stuff out of spite. I know from here on out I'm only going to buy music from labels not associated with the RIAA and as for movies? Most of them suck anyways, I mean if I wouldn't even bothering downloading it why on earth would I pay to see it?

We need to be more aware of what we buy and make sure the companies we are supporting aren't supporting something monumentally stupid.
I fear that we are entering a dark new era of the internet. If this bill isn't passed then they'll just try again and again. Politicians are a very persistant and (in most cases) disillutioned bunch.
Changed my Avatar to support taking down SOPA and PIPA.

Problem is, they'll just keep trying with worse and worse laws if this one is put down. That's what I'm worried about. How will the people react if this bill is enacted though? I'm guessing it won't be a very nice welcome party...
Didn't the Pres say he would veto it?

"As written" is my understanding - don't think I want to find out what that means. It's sad though, you'd think that we could at least count on democrats for civil rights... think again. My representatives in the senate are both democrats and both are co-sponsors.
So the government wants to kill the internet? F:censored: them, always ruin what is good for us. Only dumb people have this ideas :yuck:

:lol: SOPA in Portuguese means Soup :lol:
OH MAN I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING! Some of you may know that I'm a huge conspiracy theorist. Like 2 or even 3 years ago I saw a youtube video of a group of young people (students of universities), which were really concerned and I instantly knew they were telling the truth, my intuition rarely lets me down on this.

So basically, what they were telling is that they were human rights activists and had many insiders they worked with. One of them leaked to them that it is the "Elites/Illuminatis" goal to extremly restrict the internet by the end of the year 2012, so that later on only rich people could afford it and so that only a few, by the Elite chosen, sites could be accessed through the internet, so that the people's only possibility to get news was to use television and news papers, which are controlled by them anyway. This is one major step in achieving a one world totalitarian government.

Also it's not the first time something seemingly unlikely has been predicted by "conspirasy theorists" in the last years, only to become reality in the next few years, damned...
So basically, what they were telling is that they were human rights activists and had many insiders they worked with. One of them leaked to them that it is the "Elites/Illuminatis" goal to extremly restrict the internet by the end of the year 2012, so that later on only rich people could afford it and so that only a few, by the Elite chosen, sites could be accessed through the internet, so that the people's only possibility to get news was to use television and news papers, which are controlled by them anyway. This is one major step in achieving a one world totalitarian government.

Also it's not the first time something seemingly unlikely has been predicted by "conspirasy theorists" in the last years, only to become reality in the next few years, damned...

SOPA was bound to happen in the US at some point under the current administration. Your statement regarding the "Elite" sounds a bit out there. The main reason behind SOPA (Or anything really), is money. The government simply wants the power to sue individuals for copy right infringement online. SOPA takes this power to the extreme.
...not the government... companies.

:confused: Wait, so why are companies like Google against SOPA? Or is it just companies that benefit from SOPA (Like an MP3 download site, which, if I'm not mistaken, used to promote illegal actions in regards to downloading copy righted material). Now I'm really confused.
:confused: Wait, so why are companies like Google against SOPA? Or is it just companies that benefit from SOPA (Like an MP3 download site, which, if I'm not mistaken, used to promote illegal actions in regards to downloading copy righted material). Now I'm really confused.

...not all companies, some companies (and organizations of companies). The recording/entertainment industry that thinks they stand to benefit the most from this legislation are the ones who want to be able to sue. The government is just listening to their complaints.
SOPA would cause serious issues with the first ammendment...

Then it should be stricken down by the Supreme Court.

Honestly if this thing passes congress it should get vetoed by the president (if he's a decent liberal). If it doesn't get vetoed by the president it should get declared unconstitutional by the supreme court. If that fails, our government screwed the pooch.