STORAGETRUNKS GT3 SERIES - SLS AMG - 90 Minute Race Series- Monday Nights 19:00 UK- FREE SPOTSFinished 

Did you change something from the original race settings @Stephen Vann ? I make this question because I don´t know how it works. For me its unbelievable to have 2 times this week 90 min simulation with some drops of water at the beginning and a couple of 30 min races without one drop, and suddenly, during the official race, to be under this huge amount of rain! I had the setup of La Sarthe and I was quite happy with my pace, but I tell you, it was impossible to drive this car properly with wet tires.
Seems that I have to learn a lot of about races (fuel, tires, race settings....) because each time that Im happy with my performance and enjoying the race....... something happen
Did you change something from the original race settings @Stephen Vann ? I make this question because I don´t know how it works. For me its unbelievable to have 2 times this week 90 min simulation with some drops of water at the beginning and a couple of 30 min races without one drop, and suddenly, during the official race, to be under this huge amount of rain! I had the setup of La Sarthe and I was quite happy with my pace, but I tell you, it was impossible to drive this car properly with wet tires.
Seems that I have to learn a lot of about races (fuel, tires, race settings....) because each time that Im happy with my performance and enjoying the race....... something happen

Javi, no changes, we used the settings as posted.
It is always a lottery with weather, as in real life, nothing is certain.
As posted earlier, having the weather at only 20%, and with Changeability on x13 it ensures the weather cycle does not stay the same throughout the whole race.
In practice, it depended ion the temperature, but even then you could still see weather changes, even from overcast to sunshine, but at x13 it ensures the weather cycles quickly.
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Very high changeability means conditions will change a lot, even from one run to another. Going from underwater to bone dry in a minute or two was really unnatural.

I enjoyed watching the changing light and sunny spells either side of the long rainy phase. It provided some entertainment while I chased back after huge mistakes.
Some points of clarification I'd like from the stewards, if they have time. The only ones I consider a priority involve johnhepburn.

If you have the replay, it's worth watching The_GrinReaper for the first dozen laps. Epic contest with him and LOGICLINE!

GTP_Jonjig, did you pit at the start of lap 36 because you had changed to IM when the track dried? At 10:30 to go, you were in 2nd! By 9:30 you were 4th and starting a pit stop nobody else needed. Clever to ghost yourself when rejoining at Casio Triangle so LOGICLINE could pass as you recovered; I'll try to remember that.

gu1tar3rich and PeeStationNowork
Lap: 3
Turn: 130R to Casio Triangle (braking zone)

gu1tar3rich and PeeStationNowork
Lap: 3
Turn: 130R to Casio Triangle (middle)

Lap: 6
Turn: Degner 1 (off track)

Lap: 6
Turn: Hairpin (off track)

johnhepburn and The_GrinReaper
Lap: 6
Turn: 200R

Lap: 6
Turn: Spoon (off track)

johnhepburn and gu1tar3rich
Lap: 6
Turn: Spoon

johnhepburn and BenMillard
Lap: 8
Turn: Degner 1

johnhepburn and BenMillard
Lap: 8
Turn: Hairpin (approach)

johnhepburn and BenMillard
Lap: 8
Turn: Spoon (approach)

johnhepburn and jfrod52
Lap: 9
Turn: 1

johnhepburn and BenMillard
Lap: 9
Turn: Degner 1 (approach)

johnhepburn and aughablo
Lap: 11
Turn: Dunlop

EDIT: Change of plans means I'm back at mine and can continue.

Lap: 16
Turn: Spoon (off track)

Lap: 17
Turn: Spoon (off track)

aughablo and GTP_Jonjig
Lap: 27
Turn: Spoon

GTP_Jonjig and The_GrinReaper
Lap: 30
Turn: Casio Triangle (entry)

GTP_Jonjig and The_GrinReaper
Lap: 31
Turn: Turn 1 (approach)
(Sorry but an explanation is probably needed here - GTP_Jonjig flashes his headlights but both cars are on the lead lap. This signal is usually reserved for cars about to be lapped; are we allowed to use it in other ways?)

GTP_Jonjig and The_GrinReaper
Lap: 31
Turn: Turn 1 (entry)

Lap: 32
Turn: Pit Exit
(I didn't watch every pit exit, just saw this by chance.)

Lap: 33
Turn: Snake (off track)

Lap: 37
Turn: 130R (off track)

Lap: 41
Turn: 130R (off track)
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Some points of clarification I'd like from the stewards, if they have time.

Lap: 6
Turn: Degner 1 (off track)

Lap: 6
Turn: Hairpin (off track)

johnhepburn and The_GrinReaper
Lap: 6
Turn: 200R

Lap: 6
Turn: Spoon (off track)

johnhepburn and gu1tar3rich
Lap: 6
Turn: Spoon

johnhepburn and BenMillard
Lap: 8
Turn: Degner 1

johnhepburn and BenMillard
Lap: 8
Turn: Hairpin (approach)

johnhepburn and BenMillard
Lap: 8
Turn: Spoon (approach)

johnhepburn and jfrod52
Lap: 9
Turn: 1

johnhepburn and BenMillard
Lap: 9
Turn: Degner 1 (approach)

johnhepburn and aughablo
Lap: 11
Turn: Dunlop

I did mention this after the race but......

This is john from my replay point of view



Lap 14 , just before he left


One from lap 5


So as you can see john clearly had a connection issue , he never moved ...

Basically we were all racing with a lagging car , it is quite funny watching you Ben on my replay , because you are by yourself when all these incidents occur lol...

I watched the bits with pee and rich , I don't know if you were highlighting them because of the top wheel to wheel action they were having 👍, or if it was as an incident ? If it was the latter , then if either of the participants have an issue it's down to them to report it and not you , since you weren't involved ( or anywhere near it ).

It is a bit ridiculous that you are pulling peoples driving apart , mistakes happen , when your pushing and on the bumper of the car in front, your visibility is hindered. Going into braking zones , trying to stay on the track , not hitting the car next to you and hitting the perfect line is not the easiest of tasks , we're not pro's and we are all learning , so these mistakes are going to happen when we race enthusiastically ... And we will ;)
OK, that's cool. I won't be quite so cautious around other cars. If I ever catch them in the first place. :lol:
Wow Ben, youy certainly take the time to watch all the action.

I save the replays, but only watch them if people post incident reports, as i just dont get enough time to go through the whole race.

I guess apart from the many errors and mistakes that happen, there must also be some great action that i miss seeing as well.

John Hepburn, yes was an issue for sure, but i guess he was parked there changing into his Gym outfit.
as i check them and if i really understood correctly, good point of every comment (talking about since suzuka)
obviously and by me also totally logical thing: bad weather here, equally to real, INCREASES gapes between the groups. worse grip/view = more accuracy, smoothness needed = more experience, cool pace, prediction, quick adaptation, ... = so shortly: skills. ago i've had been surprised, how can some players do some fascinating results. now i know already: despite it seems, when people approaches top then will every else progress harder and small, here often works different way. until we drive 90-95% of physical engine possibility, and with a some mistakes, we do some "good standard" pace. when these top skilled 96%+ then progress continues still a lot. it's all about overall balance. if i may example: like when someone tries to throw a bowling ball so that it stop at peak of a hill front of him. if throws too strong ball will continue & fall down again (off track, crash etc. or at least slowdowning due poor pace) if too less then weak, slow result. also i believe, good accessories (steerwheel, pedals, big screen/visibility of details/, multi screen+/or 3D, cockpit/seat, etc etc) helps alot! every aid welcome, every detail counts with, because one of main disadvantage by virtu simulation: no sense of existing forces ('Gs) or/and wide range sight view (about up to 170-180 degrees in real). appreciated are feedback then, multi screen, manual gearing (needs more skill, but rewarded with an awesome control and adaptability to actual situation), good satisfying internet connection, peace for optimum concentration/focus, many many else ... i wont as an 'GTwikipedo' haha. apologies mr. and mrs. moderators/thread police.
just last thing: wont be sad anybody when someone are faster!! in this game, i realized, we should to find opponents, which are equal to us (mainly) and taking a joy by that. game = amusement! anyway, emotion, our dreams etc. are part of amusement, nothing bad or wrong. just remember, soon calm down and start enjoy again!
so stay cool as possible, look to the star, work to follow your dreams (but keep your feet at ground to prevent hard fall) and try to enjoy every UNIQUE moment.
wishes all of that from me (for gamin' same like for life) despite it sounds as a casual phrase, especially if says it somebody "emo- labile immortal lifeloser" like i am. (never mind because it doesn't must mean i am dumb blind brainless creature :) simply take that as a life-science theory) BON VOYAGE xoxox !
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Hey Pee, i am not going to complain about your Czech to English translation, as it is far far better than my English to Czech, however in just a few simple words, what do you mean my friend ?
John Hepburn, yes was an issue for sure

I didn´t know that. From my point of view he had his car parked in the track some meters before turn 1 disturbing a lot, and I thought that was there for everybody until he decided to go to the gym. Before this, he didn´t want to rejoin and I said myself........ this guy is a problem.
Hey Pee, i am not going to complain about your Czech to English translation, as it is far far better than my English to Czech, however in just a few simple words, what do you mean my friend ?
emmm, same problem here about your question. may you be more exact? what you need to know? whole post of me or what...
do you understand nothing what i posted? or overall meaning? or why ive posted it? or why right now? or.. or... or...
sometimes " just a few simple words...." its not enough, Steph.
edit: another surprise for me then, lmao, don't give "likes" to unclear posts. lol
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emmm, same problem here about your question. may you be more exact? what you need to know? whole post of me or what...
do you understand nothing what i posted? or overall meaning? or why ive posted it? or why right now? or.. or... or...
sometimes " just a few simple words...." its not enough, Steph.
edit: another surprise for me then, lmao, don't give "likes" to unclear posts. lol
You ended the post with " BON VOYAGE " does that mean we wont see you again ?
GTP_Jonjig, did you pit at the start of lap 36 because you had changed to IM when the track dried? At 10:30 to go, you were in 2nd! By 9:30 you were 4th and starting a pit stop nobody else needed. Clever to ghost yourself when rejoining at Casio Triangle so LOGICLINE could pass as you recovered; I'll try to remember that.

aughablo and GTP_Jonjig
Lap: 27
Turn: Spoon

GTP_Jonjig and The_GrinReaper
Lap: 30
Turn: Casio Triangle (entry)

GTP_Jonjig and The_GrinReaper
Lap: 31
Turn: Turn 1 (approach)
(Sorry but an explanation is probably needed here - GTP_Jonjig flashes his headlights but both cars are on the lead lap. This signal is usually reserved for cars about to be lapped; are we allowed to use it in other ways?)

GTP_Jonjig and The_GrinReaper
Lap: 31
Turn: Turn 1 (entry)

Lap: 32
Turn: Pit Exit
(I didn't watch every pit exit, just saw this by chance.)

I wish you'd done a fresh post rather than editing ... Only just noticed the change...

The tyre change .. I stuck on a pair of fresh heavy wets , then the track dried out , I was losing 5 sec a lap so had to change to RH to stop losing even more time .

Incidents with Grin , did you watch it from bumper cam ? As I said in previous post , visibility is hindered , all I could see was spray , so I slightly missed my braking point, I still managed to slow the car down enough for resulting contact to be very minor , 0 damage, the turn 1 incident I let grin straight back past.. I flashed my lights to warn grin that I was about to attack so he knew to be ready...

The incident with Aug, again I missed my brake point, aug didn't .

I cut the end of the pit lane , simple , no other cars around , probably done in frustration ..

I'm sure that if Grin or Aug had any problems with what happened an incident report would have been sent , since none done , they are putting it down as a racing incident ..

You do realise I have watched the replay ? So I had a good look at your race ... You had a tonne of off track incidents mainly by yourself , ever heard the term 'pot, kettle and black' ?

I just have one question for you Ben , do you actually watch real Motorsport ?
@GTP_Jonjig thanks for explaining those moments from your perspective, as stated at the start of my message I'm just wondering how they get interpreted. Missing a braking point and colliding with another car, in particular. Again, in my message I explain I made the same mistake but swerved off track to avoid contact.

If it's fine to ram someone when you are out of control, so long as you let them back past, I'll be sure to do that in future. It would have saved me a lot of time and kept me with my group through the early stages. Just seems a bit unfair on the other driver, to me.

As for going off track, the rules are black and white about how to rejoin. But it feels deeply unnatural when recovering from a crash - that's why I'm seeking clarification on them. I included some of my own moments, for balance. (I didn't want to quad-post in the topic as it would be hard to quote and other replies would be in between.)

Yes, I watch real motorsport. First message describe this as an 'ultra clean' series with stewards and penalties can be applied. It's my first season in a strict GT6 series so I'm trying to understand when penalties get applied. (I've raced and even hosted strict series in other games.)

EDIT: As we've previously discussed, my current controller glitches 100% left sometimes. New one is due to be delivered at the end of this month. Also, I was noting some lap numbers when stuff happened, after I got in clear track. Sometimes wandered off the side while doing that.

EDIT2: Sorry just checked first message and it says: "Pit Entry & Exit lines must also be adhered to at all times possible." As you agree you didn't do that, is this something the stewards penalise? Cold RH tyres on wet off-line track made me very cautious exiting the pits. If I could have crossed the pit exit line, I could have saved a second or two entering turn 1 after my last stop.
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@GTP_Jonjig thanks for explaining those moments from your perspective, as stated at the start of my message I'm just wondering how they get interpreted. Missing a braking point and colliding with another car, in particular. Again, in my message I explain I made the same mistake but swerved off track to avoid contact.

If it's fine to ram someone when you are out of control, so long as you let them back past, I'll be sure to do that in future. It would have saved me a lot of time and kept me with my group through the early stages. Just seems a bit unfair on the other driver, to me.

As for going off track, the rules are black and white about how to rejoin. But it feels deeply unnatural when recovering from a crash - that's why I'm seeking clarification on them. I included some of my own moments, for balance. (I didn't want to quad-post in the topic as it would be hard to quote and other replies would be in between.)

Yes, I watch real motorsport. First message describe this as an 'ultra clean' series with stewards and penalties can be applied. It's my first season in a strict GT6 series so I'm trying to understand when penalties get applied. (I've raced and even hosted strict series in other games.)

EDIT: As we've previously discussed, my current controller glitches 100% left sometimes. New one is due to be delivered at the end of this month. Also, I was noting some lap numbers when stuff happened, after I got in clear track. Sometimes wandered off the side while doing that.

EDIT2: Sorry just checked first message and it says: "Pit Entry & Exit lines must also be adhered to at all times possible." As you agree you didn't do that, is this something the stewards penalise? Cold RH tyres on wet off-line track made me very cautious exiting the pits. If I could have crossed the pit exit line, I could have saved a second or two entering turn 1 after my last stop.
No problems , glad I can help ..
I am unable to really answer your questions about my incidents, somebody else will have to take a look.
Ben, our title page ULTRA clean and all the rules, were to discourage drivers to enter our series who thought they couldnt drive in a fair manner.

It has worked throught, as all our guys are very good.

As for the strict letter of the law Ben, well we use common sense in reality.
If there is an incident, where one guy thinks another has taken advantage of him with an unfair move, then we post to the stewards.

The whole idea really is to make sure no drivers aggressivly takes advantage of another driver.

There will always been bumps, and always be broken rules, but if these are non event incidents that are not detremental to others then we let them go.

If a driver crosses the pitlane line and takes an advantage of another guy by cutting in fron of him, then a stewards report should be made by the injured party and the stewards will look at it.
If there are no cars about, and the driver is coming on track, then in reality we let these things go really.

We make the rules to deter hooligans, and you can see by our regualrs that none of us are.

You imagine that everytime you went over 30 mph in your real car that you phoned the police and told them, i dont think they would bother, yet really a law is being broken.

We just have to use common sense Ben, i think in the last 5 series we have only had 3 penalty points issued.
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Good news @Stephen Vann I will be participating for one more week lool... Although I'm not sure how much off this bickering I can take lol... My race was messed up from the minute go lol I had an opportunity too pass @Jfrod after turn 1 but decided I would hold back rather than potentially take us both off by accident... Then the incident with John hep caused me to go off track and loose valuable time allowing @GTP_Jonjig to close in on me after being able to hold him at a steady gap for a while, I made an early pit stop as the rain started but made a wrong choice for inter's instead off full wets thinking it would only be a short spell so couple laps later and I was back in pushing me further down field then from there was all tits up lol I believe I was last at some point then managed to get by @richroo as I believe he made the same mistake with tyres also but suffering rather a little worse than my self :)... (Praise the Lord)... Still kept in the game believing I could jump everyone on RH tyre change when weather finally dried up but lost so much time on wets that I was overlapped and only managed to catch up to @PetrH to take home 6th place...
Even tho it's only a game, it is very exciting being a part of the series being able to race against some rather competitive drivers & always having a challenge on my hand to do well...

Just thought I'd put my 2pennys worth in seeing as everyone else is lol!!!
too late, sorry.
suzuka, petrh, laps #37 #40, unknown corner/turn - cruising off track!
(by the way: how many points down due penalization? thanks)
too late, sorry.
suzuka, petrh, laps #37 #40, unknown corner/turn - cruising off track!
(by the way: how many points down due penalization? thanks)

Hi Pee, the rule is 24 hours from the finish to post incidents.
and ideally i like to know which corners ? and which drivers.
there driver-> ...ka, PETRH, la.... same corner, hi speed one, i think 1st after ¿spoon¿ aka 1st before final ¿hairpin¿ aka ¿4th¿ from end (finish line) ...
another penalty or DQ due breakin rule of rules, lack of education about circuits, for being late and still an ridiculous bothering sh** and dont being clear enough when reporting myself, sorry
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