@DeltaJuliet cheers for that! The upload is pretty bad by modern standards. The download is great and that's what should be bringing the status of other players to your console in the pre-race lobby.
Would you mind doing a
speed test and give us the result here? Perhaps choose a London server to test with, as that's where I am. (Try to choose one hosted by Virgin Media, from the map of dots.)
Here's mine, 1:30pm on Tuesday (at least 30Mb/s down and 3Mb/s up is my normal result):
I know my router doesn't support "IP Fragments" so I'm just wondering if that's something your router does, even when connected to a lobby where another router doesn't support it. Getting the exact router part number would help me to investigate this. It might be possible for one of us to change a setting so the incompatible feature is turned off.
However, I think you said
@Jfrod also wasn't shown as 'entered' for you, when he and I joined after you. So it might be a feature our routers use which your router doesn't support. With more precise information about model numbers, we might be able to change a setting so our routers only work in the mode your router supports.
There are layers upon layers of protocols to make gaming connections work. We can get to the bottom of it, though. 👍
EDIT: The obvious suggestion is to make sure any file sharing, backups to 'the cloud' and media sharing between devices over WiFi is switched off when you are gaming. Even things which aren't syncing to the Internet, such as a phone talking to iTunes on a laptop, can make the router busy and that can affect its stability. Indeed, devices talking to each other within your home will easily swamp a cheap router because they aren't limited by external Internet speed.
Other suggestions are to make sure it's well ventilated. Maybe switch it off and run vacuum cleaner over all the vents to get out as much dust as you can. Switching it on very early in the morning might get you a favourable profile at the exchange, as the line should be more stable. That might increase the upload speed the exchange is allowing you. (This is why I disagree with a full reset at peak times - more likely to get a worse connection profile at the exchange if you aren't on fibre.)
@Stephen Vann the race launched fine even though some people didn't see some people as 'entered'. Delta stayed in for the whole race, too - awesome! So it might just be that the pre-lobby list is coded in a 'fragile' way and we shouldn't worry about it so much. The race launch seems to be more robust.
I did notice 2 disconnects (or quits?) after
@PetrH left. So you might be right that stability reduces when people leave. Then again, everyone else stayed in even with dropped racers re-connecting and leaving. In some cases, drivers reconnected more than once to spectate. But this didn't reduce stability.
So I'm starting to think the pre-lobby list isn't a true reflection of whether the race will launch successfully nor whether people will stay connected. It's probably a reasonable barometer of stability but maybe not something to take as gospel?