Suddam Hussien Caputured?!

Yes, what do the Democratic candidates have to say about Bush now?

That they don't like the way he walks? Please. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Silverzone
Thats awesome news to wake up to. Normally I turn on the radio when I wake up, but I decided to turn on my T.V. and (my exact words at 6:00 AM)"Wow, thats cool"

Same here, usually i just sit at the computer for a few minutes before i get ready, but this morning felt like turning on the tv for some reason, and when i did, thats what i saw. I was like holy crap is this for real? I definently think we should hand him over to the iraqi's and let em stone him to death w/ the rubble of their homes that saddam destroyed. Move over hitler, youre gonna have a new playmate in Hell soon
Good news, but it's still not the end...I'm thinking that the rebels would be even angrier than they were before so our soldiers will have to be a lot more careful now.
My guess is:
They'll interrogate him and get every bit of information they can. Then he'll be tried but I dont think he will be executed (which is a bad idea cos then u get people hijacking planes demanding him to be released!) He'll then be put in top security prison somewhere.

Im sure Ive seen Saddam Hussein myself sleeping on the bench down the road, but thats just plain stupid
Originally posted by BlazinXtreme
Haha this is great I woke up this morning to the annoucment. Its great.

I love it it all these damn liberal bastard who said Bush wasn't good for a damn thing. Well looks like you were wrong. Bush wins this one.

Haha, you're the epitome of online white trash, congratulations.
If anyone is interested, you can go to and go to the news category and it will have a link to the story. At that link there are videos of the bad man and where he lived for all this time. He stayed in a small room with just a place to go and a fan in the corner.
Originally posted by SublimeDood10
Haha, you're the epitome of online white trash, congratulations.

How can I be white trash? Yes I'm white but I'm from southeast Michigan, I live in a house not a trailer, I drive a lowered SUV not a lifted truck, and my girlfriend isn't 300lbs and doesn't lay around watching Oprah. If I'm anything I'm a the poster child for suburban white boy. I mean my god they don't get any worse then me when it comes to that. I'm almost a yuppie, just minus the Toyota and Starbucks trips.

And how does liking Bush classify me as white trash :odd:? I've never really disliked any president for that matter. I dislike and like things each president has done. I don't see the point in hating the leader of your country, I mean they must have done something good to be voted in.
I have nothing against liberal, I just hate how they always always think they are right and everyone else is an idioit. No body knows everything.

Meh your right VZ, I guess I can't tell anyone any thing.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Yes, what do the Democratic candidates have to say about Bush now?

That they don't like the way he walks? Please. :rolleyes:

The capture of Saddam Hussein means the end to any insults Democratic candidates can make? I still haven't heard a reason why we went into Iraq in the first place. Nobody seems to realise that the hundreds of troops who have died to liberate Iraq are actual human beings with actual families sent to Iraq - not at all US interest - by a man who never even served in the military. Worst yet, he's being extremely smug about the war even in the face of all the human lives lost. It's literally sickening, and though I agree with President Bush on most issues, I'd rather defect than vote for him.

I just hate how they always always think they are right and everyone else is an idioit. No body knows everything.

Agreed - that liberal Rush Limbaugh is a total jackass! He's on the left of the liberals, and he doesn't even realise that he's so arrogant and all-knowing. I hate him!
Originally posted by M5Power
I still haven't heard a reason why we went into Iraq in the first place. Nobody seems to realise that the hundreds of troops who have died to liberate Iraq are actual human beings with actual families sent to Iraq - not at all US interest - by a man who never even served in the military. Worst yet, he's being extremely smug about the war even in the face of all the human lives lost. It's literally sickening, and though I agree with President Bush on most issues, I'd rather defect than vote for him.

I've talked to several buddies serving in iraq and none of them are bitter about being there. I even saw an interview on 20/20 with an american soldier who lost both his legs in iraq and he ihas no regretts that he went. I admit it is a tragedy to have lost so many lives but what if you were one of the thousands of iraqi's who were killed for stupid reasons and tortured? They are also actual human beings with actual families. True it did cost lives but everything has a price. Would you rather we had not went to iraq and let saddam continue his reign of self serving tyranny? Why don't you go to iraq and tell those people that we shouldn't have helped them. In the end I guess you can never understand what it is like to live in fear of your government because you have never expirienced it. I have lived under a dictator and knew even at a young age that my entire family and I could be killed just for having a bible in our house and going to church. To make a better life for my mother and I, my father had to escape the country and faced immediate execution if he were caught. Living everyday in fear of a tyrannous government that would torture and kill you for the stupidest reasons is something you will NEVER understand unless you have expirienced it first hand. Untill you have had to face such fear you have no right to say that freeing those people was a bad decision.
I have mixed emotions on this whole thing...

It seems like everyone was bragging how they caught him... 8 months after they started attacking Iraq. After an incident where they bombed a resturant because they had a tip he might of been there... Is this really something they should be bragging about?

I don't think what he did to his own country was right, and yes, he should be punished. It's not up to me to decide, and I've yet to think of what I would want done to him. Execution isn't a totally wrong thing and would be better than torture or complete isolation.

I feel sorry for him. He just looked so disheveled, so hopeless, so confused. I may just be a freak and the only one to feel this way.

I don't know. I just don't agree with the whole, "You have to break some eggs to make an omelet." reasoning.
Originally posted by VG30DETT
I have mixed emotions on this whole thing...

It seems like everyone was bragging how they caught him... 8 months after they started attacking Iraq. After an incident where they bombed a resturant because they had a tip he might of been there... Is this really something they should be bragging about?

I don't think what he did to his own country was right, and yes, he should be punished. It's not up to me to decide, and I've yet to think of what I would want done to him. Execution isn't a totally wrong thing and would be better than torture or complete isolation.

I feel sorry for him. He just looked so disheveled, so hopeless, so confused. I may just be a freak and the only one to feel this way.

I don't know. I just don't agree with the whole, "You have to break some eggs to make an omelet." reasoning.

I see very little bragging, the presidents statements we quite modest, after all he could have just gone with a big fat "I told you so"

How can you fell remorse for a man who killed thousands of innocent people? Do you also feel sorry for Osama and Hitler? He should experience every bit of pain he made his people endure.
You get what you give, right? Well let's hope that's true for saddam as well as the rest of us.
I have a question....

why is Saddam to be afforded the protection of the Geneva Convention where no such protection is offered to the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay?

neither are prisoners of war as was so elequently argued on these very forums?
Originally posted by milefile
Where did you hear that?

your precious Rumsfeld said it...

what, you mean its not true?


Rumsfeld: He assured that the former president's "treatment will be governed by the Geneva conventions," adding that "he will be accorded the privileges as if he were a prisoner of war."

"as if" he were a prisoner of does that mean exactly..?
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
....and that means?
It means the US Supreme Court thinks there is a chance you are right and are going to rule on it. Once they do, it is final and not even Bush can do anything about it.

until which time they are being held illegally...
I say gas him, revive him, gas him, revive him... you get the picture

That pay per view bit earlier, great idea 👍 :D
Originally posted by Bollocks#999
I say gas him, revive him, gas him, revive him... you get the picture

That pay per view bit earlier, great idea 👍 :D

I mean really, think of all the money we could make. I know TONS of people that would gladly pay money to see him getting the crap beat out of him. Or maybe a webcam in his jail cell?