Suddam Hussien Caputured?!

Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
I see very little bragging, the presidents statements we quite modest, after all he could have just gone with a big fat "I told you so"

How can you fell remorse for a man who killed thousands of innocent people? Do you also feel sorry for Osama and Hitler? He should experience every bit of pain he made his people endure.

The president didn't seem to brag, but most of the military personal seemed to be bragging slightly, talking down on him, etc.

I respect all of your posts GTR and I don't want to get in any sort of a bro-ha-ha, but you misconstrued why I was feeling sorry for him. I was seperating how he looked from what he did. Like I said, I don't think what he did, or what Osama and Hitler did, was right and I don't feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for those who were punished by him for what I view as horribly misguided reasons. But he just looked so tired and disheveled, I couldn't help it. He looked like a homeless person, and at first I always feel sorry for them, just by looks. I don't know if they're not really homeless and this is a scam, or if it's their choice, or fault, or if something horrid happened in their life.

I don't know about him feeling every bit of pain that he forced upon others. Just the whole, "Eye for an eye, and soon everyone will be blind." makes sense to me. I think he should die for what hes done, which I think is better than the torture that he put so many through. It just... Blah. I'm just confused about everything.
Originally posted by VG30DETT
The president didn't seem to brag, but most of the military personal seemed to be bragging slightly, talking down on him, etc.

I respect all of your posts GTR and I don't want to get in any sort of a bro-ha-ha, but you misconstrued why I was feeling sorry for him. I was seperating how he looked from what he did. Like I said, I don't think what he did, or what Osama and Hitler did, was right and I don't feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for those who were punished by him for what I view as horribly misguided reasons. But he just looked so tired and disheveled, I couldn't help it. He looked like a homeless person, and at first I always feel sorry for them, just by looks. I don't know if they're not really homeless and this is a scam, or if it's their choice, or fault, or if something horrid happened in their life.

I don't know about him feeling every bit of pain that he forced upon others. Just the whole, "Eye for an eye, and soon everyone will be blind." makes sense to me. I think he should die for what hes done, which I think is better than the torture that he put so many through. It just... Blah. I'm just confused about everything.

Well I think the military personel showed more enthusiasm because they don't have to show the self restraint the president does. I think the world would think very badly of the US if the president was jumping up and down and causing a scene. I think the soldiers are justified in their jubilation because they found someone they had been searching very hard for.

I see what you mean about the looks thing, However I just cant find it within myself to feel sorry for him no matter what condition he may be in because to me his actions supercede the pity that you feel.

I also agree with the "Eye for an eye, and soon everyone will be blind." thing but in this scenerio he has taken one to many "eyes" to be excused. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those people who feels no remorse but in the case of people like sadam I feel there is no excuse, he didn't do this once, hes done it for years.
Originally posted by milefile
Suffice it to say he looked pitiful. And pity is a low instinct.

I hear hes back to his cocky self. The news says hes arrogant and sarcastic with this interogators. Did you hear that stupid quote? Someone asked him if he wanted water and he said "No, I cant have water because if I have water I will have to pee , how can I pee when me people are in bondage?" Omg what a retard.
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
I mean really, think of all the money we could make. I know TONS of people that would gladly pay money to see him getting the crap beat out of him. Or maybe a webcam in his jail cell?

****, Id definately pay to see that, but make it so that his victims family are doing the beating
Originally posted by Bollocks#999
****, Id definately pay to see that, but make it so that his victims family are doing the beating

Not only can we show it on pay per view but we could auction hour long torture sessions on ebay! :lol:
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Would you rather we had not went to iraq and let saddam continue his reign of self serving tyranny?

Yes. They didn't pose a direct threat to the US, so what business is it of ours?

Why don't you go to iraq and tell those people that we shouldn't have helped them.

I would, but they're too busy bombing US soldiers.

In the end I guess you can never understand what it is like to live in fear of your government because you have never expirienced it.

I live under a democratically-elected government where a president, who can serve no longer than four years without election, is shrouded in advisers and a good system of checks and balances. And yet, something like this can still happen. It's an insult to all Americans who still believe that war is the last resort.

And why not wipe out every dictator on Earth? Who's to say it stops at Saddam?
If you ask me, it shouldn't stop at saddam.

But due to my base in reality, I know that a campaign of that size is almost impossible.

However, I do feel that on a moral level, the strong should stand up for the weak.

Hence my support for saddam's death and removal based on his crimes against humanity, not his threat to the u.s. (btw, I know he's not dead.) (I also do think he was a threat to us, but thats only because Im a conspiracy theory nut who is actually crazy enough to believe the aims-iowa strain of anthrax that showed up in letters to a couple of u.s. gov. officials was from the strain sold to bahgdad univ.) (and I am sure that each strain, whether related or not, were indeed, from the aims-iowa strain.)

Anyway thats enough from this nut ball... catch you guys later.
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
they should beat him on pay-per-view and donate the money to victims families. I'd pay to watch.

that is THE best idea ive EVER heard

yup. your a genius

count me in......ill gladly pay $50 to see saddam get his ass beat:D
Originally posted by M5Power

Yes. They didn't pose a direct threat to the US, so what business is it of ours? [/B]

Thats the exact kind of selfish thinking that makes the world a horrible place. Me Me Me, nobody thinks about anyone but themselves and their own interests.

I would, but they're too busy bombing US soldiers.[/B]

Your stereotyping an entire country because of a few idiots, with that kind of reasoning all white people are all criminals like Mcveigh (sp?) and the unibomber.

I live under a democratically-elected government where a president, who can serve no longer than four years without election, is shrouded in advisers and a good system of checks and balances. And yet, something like this can still happen. It's an insult to all Americans who still believe that war is the last resort.

War was the last resort. Nothing else seemed to work. Why is it that the people sitting at home watching the news complain more than the people who are actually risking their lives?

And why not wipe out every dictator on Earth? Who's to say it stops at Saddam? [/B]

Who's to say it doesn't?
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Thats the exact kind of selfish thinking that makes the world a horrible place. Me Me Me, nobody thinks about anyone but themselves and their own interests.

Why are they supposed to? Is the US supposed to be the world's police?

Your stereotyping an entire country because of a few idiots, with that kind of reasoning all white people are all criminals like Mcveigh (sp?) and the unibomber.

Yeah, but I thought it was a good image. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Federal Building to blow up.

War was the last resort. Nothing else seemed to work. Why is it that the people sitting at home watching the news complain more than the people who are actually risking their lives?

Fair point - in the ten years between the Gulf War and this, we had peace and prosperity, and didn't do a thing about Saddam. And then, suddenly, in five months, we'd not only made Saddam out to be a major threat to the American people, but we'd "exhausted all diplomatic options." How utterly stupid.

Yes, Saddam Hussein was a bad human being, but President Bush isn't exactly WonderWoman - he's sent hundreds of Americans to their deaths fighting a war that wasn't even necessary.

Who's to say it doesn't?

So then who makes the call on which are the "bad" leaders and which are the "good" leaders?
Originally posted by M5Power

Why are they supposed to? Is the US supposed to be the world's police?[/B]

No but most people actually have hearts and care for other human beings. Are you telling me that if you were under the rule of a cruel dictator that you wouldn't want help?

Yeah, but I thought it was a good image. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Federal Building to blow up.[/B]

If you don't reply because you get thrown in prison can I have your stuff? :lol:

Fair point - in the ten years between the Gulf War and this, we had peace and prosperity, and didn't do a thing about Saddam. And then, suddenly, in five months, we'd not only made Saddam out to be a major threat to the American people, but we'd "exhausted all diplomatic options." How utterly stupid.[/B]
You call innocent people being killed peace on prosperity? Maybe for you but not to the people under his rule. The sanctions placed on iraq werent enough, what did you have in mind as an alternative? a spanking? Be realistic, as long as this man was in power nothing would change his ways. Although it woulda been a hell of alot more efficient to just send in a military sniper adn take the bastard out durring one of his appearances.

Yes, Saddam Hussein was a bad human being, but President Bush isn't exactly WonderWoman - he's sent hundreds of Americans to their deaths fighting a war that wasn't even necessary. [/B]

Once again I say that if you were under sadams rule you would definatley deem it necessary. You also seem to forget the the "hundreds of americans sent to their deaths" willingly joined the military fully knowing that at any moment they could be deployed and face death. As I said before, people like you are doing the complaining not the soldiers that are risking there lives so since it does not directly affect you I don't think you are in any position to complain. I certainly havent heard any soldiers complaining.

So then who makes the call on which are the "bad" leaders and which are the "good" leaders? [/B]
:odd: It's called common sense. Sadam killed innocent people and opressed his entire country. Even you said that he is a bad man. Even a 5 year old can distinguish between good and bad. Granted that there are varying degrees of "badness" but overall it's quite simple.
Another point I would like to make is the ridiculous treatment they give to these people. He killed thousands of people yet we still need to give him a trial? Why not just finish it now with a bullet to the head? Hes going to be killed anyway. Hopefully in public too. You saw the way they treated our soldiers when they cought them, if we were to even trip him on the way to his cell we would be "bad" guys. If I were a soldier I'd gladly be court martialed for giving him a swift kick in the nuts.
4 pages of discussion and I dont think one person has brought up whether or not it's the REAL Saddam....... I'm pretty disappointed with all of you.

Conspiracy theories people :lol:,.... common, lets hear 'em :D
It is the real Saddam? DNA tests prooved that didn't they?

I heard that whent hey found him, he came out and offered to make negotiations for his own release. Is he crazy?
Originally posted by Concept
It is the real Saddam? DNA tests prooved that didn't they?

So if the US government told you to jump off a bridge,.. would you do it?

Originally posted by Concept

I heard that whent hey found him, he came out and offered to make negotiations for his own release. Is he crazy?

Another perfect reason why I'm skeptical......
Im just asking (I'm Neutral, i don't like to get deep into politics) Also are there any liberals who want an ever changing society. Or who supports republicans and bush? The fight between Bush and the democrates is fierce, so i wonder how people stand.
Originally posted by BlazinXtreme
How can I be white trash? Yes I'm white but I'm from southeast Michigan, I live in a house not a trailer, I drive a lowered SUV not a lifted truck, and my girlfriend isn't 300lbs and doesn't lay around watching Oprah. If I'm anything I'm a the poster child for suburban white boy. I mean my god they don't get any worse then me when it comes to that. I'm almost a yuppie, just minus the Toyota and Starbucks trips.

And how does liking Bush classify me as white trash :odd:? I've never really disliked any president for that matter. I dislike and like things each president has done. I don't see the point in hating the leader of your country, I mean they must have done something good to be voted in.

Most of that comment was aimed at your latest "I hate any automobile that wasn't made in America" tyrade a week or two after you sold your Japanese car.

I still don't think that just because Sadaam was captured, the war in Iraq was a complete success. Sure, Bush got a few people to believe in him more, and I don't think it was a coincidence that the stock market went over 10,000 right after this happened. But I don't see how capturing Sadaam makes this all worth it, and justifies the people in favor of the war to call the liberal people stupid, and say they have nothing to insult Bush for now. In the process of capturing Sadaam we succeeded in making countries hate us even more than they already did, and I don't think that any terrorism is going to stop just because Sadaam is captured. Sure, he could have been a source of funding, but I'd imagine that they'd only be more angry at us for capturing him and we'll have even more potential threats.
Originally posted by SublimeDood10
In the process of capturing Sadaam we succeeded in making countries hate us even more than they already did,

So we should do what will make people like us most? Didn't they teach you this is wrong in kindergarten.
I don't think that alienating our country from everyone else has many benefits, does it?

Although it's not that serious yet, we would definitely feel the repercussions if countries in Europe, say, boycotted American goods.
Originally posted by SublimeDood10
I don't think that alienating our country from everyone else has many benefits, does it?

Although it's not that serious yet, we would definitely feel the repercussions if countries in Europe, say, boycotted American goods.

We would. But they won't. They can't.