Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
I see very little bragging, the presidents statements we quite modest, after all he could have just gone with a big fat "I told you so"
How can you fell remorse for a man who killed thousands of innocent people? Do you also feel sorry for Osama and Hitler? He should experience every bit of pain he made his people endure.
The president didn't seem to brag, but most of the military personal seemed to be bragging slightly, talking down on him, etc.
I respect all of your posts GTR and I don't want to get in any sort of a bro-ha-ha, but you misconstrued why I was feeling sorry for him. I was seperating how he looked from what he did. Like I said, I don't think what he did, or what Osama and Hitler did, was right and I don't feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for those who were punished by him for what I view as horribly misguided reasons. But he just looked so tired and disheveled, I couldn't help it. He looked like a homeless person, and at first I always feel sorry for them, just by looks. I don't know if they're not really homeless and this is a scam, or if it's their choice, or fault, or if something horrid happened in their life.
I don't know about him feeling every bit of pain that he forced upon others. Just the whole, "Eye for an eye, and soon everyone will be blind." makes sense to me. I think he should die for what hes done, which I think is better than the torture that he put so many through. It just... Blah. I'm just confused about everything.