Suggestion Box.

  • Thread starter boombexus
So at the moment we're running a 3 lapper against the AI. I like the 3 lapper idea but the AI seems to be upsetting people.

How about a 3 or 5 lapper free run? No AI but you submit your best 3 (or 5) laps in a row. Granted that would mean that we couldn't save the replays but I can't really think of a better way to do a series of laps without AI for potential screw ups.

The other thing to do in order to have long races without AI would be to go to COMPLEX STRING!!! :)

or maybe just do a fully dirty, full contact AI enduro....

just thinking out loud.
When I was at the top of Div 2 I would have been all for quick movement between divisions. Now I'm in Div 1 and I've run a few bad weeks. In some cases, I just didn't have enough time... in others, I didn't like the car track combo and had trouble concentrating on the race.

I submitted a time anyway because I figure hey, someone's gotta lose every week... might as well be me. I think it helps everyone to have lots of times submitted. If we started shifting divisions, not only would it mean more work for GoKents, but also more arguing about who's in which division, and probably penalizing or rewarding players who don't deserve it.

.... still thinking out loud.
Another way to do a multi-lap race with minimal AI problems would be to do a sim race with qualifying. We could start ahead of the field, and if the car we're in is fast enough to stay out front, but not so fast as to lap the AI, we'd never see them.
the best way i think to do a multi lap race is to run a race car against very slow cars. like the GT-one, full mods in the sunday cup series. Once you dodged the cars on the grid you would enver see them again, unles syou lapped them which IS a realistic option with that car combo in 2 laps....but you get my idea. In Sim mode you have alot of options, i'm not a big fan of arcade cars.
Originally posted by HareTurtle
Another way to do a multi-lap race with minimal AI problems would be to do a sim race with qualifying. We could start ahead of the field, and if the car we're in is fast enough to stay out front, but not so fast as to lap the AI, we'd never see them.

This was something close to an idea I put down earlier... and I like it. :D

I'm going to use this format for the next multi-lapper, so be ready for it in 2 weeks. ;)

As for division changes, what I would like everyone to do is write me if you think you deserve a change in placement. I really have no problems with it, and would like to hear it from individuals rather than getting complaints about changes without ever saying who or where the division changes are. Even if you think someone else should be moved, write me, everything in our contacts will be confidential, so don't hesitate.
Just let me know.

Now keep those suggestions for track and car coming... I have week 55 picked (more or less), but after that it's in the air.
Looking forward to your suggestions,
I really prefer multi-lappers (3 to 5 laps) to be in arcade mode.

The one thing that really bugs me about doing them in sim mode is the constant, go into the championship, select race, start race, mess it up, quit race, quit championship, restart championship, restart race etc. If you add qual into that it only makes it worse.

Anything over 5 laps is ok for sim mode as you've got more time actually racing instead of going into and coming out of menus.
Originally posted by daan
I really prefer multi-lappers (3 to 5 laps) to be in arcade mode.

The one thing that really bugs me about doing them in sim mode is the constant, go into the championship, select race, start race, mess it up, quit race, quit championship, restart championship, restart race etc. If you add qual into that it only makes it worse.

Anything over 5 laps is ok for sim mode as you've got more time actually racing instead of going into and coming out of menus.

You'r totally right daan.

The arcade mode setup for restarting races is almost perfect and makes racing multi-lappers as easy as racing hotlaps.

Problem is...
Everyone is constantly suggesting multi-lappers, multi-lappers... blah blah blah. So I get on it within 2 weeks of taking over the series, and what happens... constant whining about the AI and contact.
Im sorry, but if I wanted someone to ask for one thing and then ***** about me giving it to them, I would go get a girlfriend. :lol:

What I can say for sure is, Every multi-lapper from this day forth will be with an incredibly over-powered car.
(that also means no arcade cars in multi-lappers.)

It seems like I need 2 people... you guys hear this?
I need 2 racers for race research.
1 from div 2
1 from div 3

I wanna test how race combos work for racers of all speeds. That means Im not really looking for the top runners of each class, infact, Im hoping for some middle to bottom of the pack finishers.

This will be a major help because when I setup the current week, I ran the race and didn't have trouble with clean laps. (no off track problems and only light rubbing for the first 2 turns.)

Do not start sending me PMs. Include your thoughts on this either here in the thread, or in your pm that includes your final time for the week.

Thanks fellas, I actually feel much better about the series right now and look forward to getting some good stuff going.
GoKents, I think part of the problem is that people think you are boombexxus, which is obiously not the case. You have a different style and different ideas about racing, which is completely human.

Try not to deviate from boom's path to soon, and you'll be fine. In the end you can shape the weekly to anything you wish, the trick is to do it slowly, without loosing competitors.

Every race will have it's discussions. Part of the forum, and part of the fun. You're doing a fine job I think. I don't know if I have enough time to help you testrun the races for division 3, although I'd be glad to do so.

👍 go get'em 👍
I appreciate that rolfje, and I've gotta say, I don't want to stray from boom's path at all.
I don't even really see where I have strayed from it.

If you would explain to me what you mean by that, I would appreciate it.

Bottom line for me in this is that I want to provide exciting races that encourage participation.
Thats why this box is here, thats why I am willing to do almost any race.
Originally posted by GoKents
What I can say for sure is, Every multi-lapper from this day forth will be with an incredibly over-powered car.
(that also means no arcade cars in multi-lappers.)

It seems like I need 2 people... you guys hear this?
I need 2 racers for race research.
1 from div 2
1 from div 3

I wanna test how race combos work for racers of all speeds. That means Im not really looking for the top runners of each class, infact, Im hoping for some middle to bottom of the pack finishers.

This will be a major help because when I setup the current week, I ran the race and didn't have trouble with clean laps. (no off track problems and only light rubbing for the first 2 turns.)

No comment... :lol:

Generally, Arcade mode AI aren't a problem, except for in the first corner of some tracks. Remember, boombexus got his race into the 2nd 9 Boards challenge of a fully-tuned Integra in Arcade mode - where it was up against two of (or rarely all three of) the R390, TS020 and 787B. And many of us STILL won that race with little or no AI contact.

The general rule at the 9Boards was that ANY contact resulting in a 10mph speed drop - be it with a wall or an AI car - was too much. And you weren't allowed to rub up the inside of AI cars to corner better - although it's often done in Touring Car races. People should police themselves to this rule - it's not hard.
Originally posted by Famine
No comment... :lol:

Generally, Arcade mode AI aren't a problem, except for in the first corner of some tracks. Remember, boombexus got his race into the 2nd 9 Boards challenge of a fully-tuned Integra in Arcade mode - where it was up against two of (or rarely all three of) the R390, TS020 and 787B. And many of us STILL won that race with little or no AI contact.

The general rule at the 9Boards was that ANY contact resulting in a 10mph speed drop - be it with a wall or an AI car - was too much. And you weren't allowed to rub up the inside of AI cars to corner better - although it's often done in Touring Car races. People should police themselves to this rule - it's not hard.
That right there causes probably the most commotion of any rule. . . I beleive the 10mph speed drop is a great rule to go by minus walls and off tracks. . . But then again, I have seen in practically every race application except left-turn-car - aka Indy or Nascar - cars that are forced off track to not run into a competitor. I know I am going to cause a ruckus with this, but I think maybe the rules need some re-writing. . . If it were up to me, I would just Gokents do what Kent wants for these races. . . I know we are all up on Boom's style, but Kent has a style that I like too. :D
Originally posted by Famine
No comment... :lol:

Generally, Arcade mode AI aren't a problem, except for in the first corner of some tracks. Remember, boombexus got his race into the 2nd 9 Boards challenge of a fully-tuned Integra in Arcade mode - where it was up against two of (or rarely all three of) the R390, TS020 and 787B. And many of us STILL won that race with little or no AI contact.

The general rule at the 9Boards was that ANY contact resulting in a 10mph speed drop - be it with a wall or an AI car - was too much. And you weren't allowed to rub up the inside of AI cars to corner better - although it's often done in Touring Car races. People should police themselves to this rule - it's not hard.

I understand you famine.

Im not exactly a fan of overkill.

I thought dealing with ai would be a no brainer... do something bad and you would know it. Make it through without playing rough and your good to go. But it didn't play out that simple.

I don't want people rubbing ai in corners to take position, but at the same time, I dont want to stress everyone out with strict demands of no contact.

So Im leaving to each of you.
This series is going to continue on a honor system and ai contact is something each of you will have to decide on your own. Good luck and try to keep it clean. :D

Look at this, think about how I am doing it, and ask yourself if boom and I are doing it any differently.

No off tracks/wall touching, no contact resulting in an advantage.
Plain and simple.
GoKents, actually I wouldn't pay much attention to me, sinc I am racing only for the 4th week here. It just seems to me that boom left little room for discussion, while you are constantly inviting other people to debate about things which aren't going to be resolved unless you RULE about them.

You haven't done anything wrong in my book yet, but remember that
  1. You can't change the rules once the race is started
  2. Drivers allways talk in their own interest/advantage (watch the "touch cars' discussions closely) ;) Those with offending replays are probably moaning the most, thereby clearing the path for submission... :rolleyes: (only guessing, don't shoot)
  3. Given 10 racers, 5 racers will think the race is great, the other 5 will think it stinks. 10 out of 10 is rare. "We're all different - I'm not" - Monty Python

Another thing that comes to mind is that I would first start out with a couple of weeks not-too-crazy races, preferably controllable hotlaps. This would give the race organizer time to see what drivers he/she has, and make it clear to the drivers what kind of organizer he/she is. After that's settled, try a more "open to debate" race like this week's.

Please do not feel offended in any way, I really admire the time and effort you are putting in to this, and I am enjoying online racing so much that I am really looking for an extra TV so my wife can watch TV without bothering me, or me bothering her about "3 hours before closing, and I just FEEL that fast lap in my fingers!". :lol:

That extra TV would call for a driving force pro and a playseat, too, offcourse, but I have to ease that in (and save up for it :lol: )

Have fun!

Would you all be interested in a preview of next week's race?

Not much.

Only the car.

I thought this could help for people who may be limited on time to race for prize cars, or people who are limited on credits to purchase new cars.

I was thinking I could post the car for the next week, that way everyone could get the car and be prepared for the next week.

However, I wouldn't mention specifics of tuning, the track, or the race format.

So what do you all think?
ummm...I say no. I like the fact that Tuesday is a new deal, you gotta dive into it and get the car and start working right away. However...if the car is a kinda obscure one, or one with limited say the 787b....then a heads up say on Sunday night that you'll need this car might be good for those who don't use a race garage of some sort....
Originally posted by GoKents

Would you all be interested in a preview of next week's race?

Not much.

Only the car.

I thought this could help for people who may be limited on time to race for prize cars, or people who are limited on credits to purchase new cars.

I was thinking I could post the car for the next week, that way everyone could get the car and be prepared for the next week.

However, I wouldn't mention specifics of tuning, the track, or the race format.

So what do you all think?

Quoted so everyone would be sure to see it.

Scuderia, I understand your point, but I really intended this for people without xports.

With an xport cars are never a problem, but without an xport ...
That's why I want as many opinions as possible. :D
but hey, you may have a point... getting the car and getting to work on the race should work for the early bird, so... (insert my dilemma.) :D

Looking forward to more input...
I think posting the car a day or two ahead of time would be a help to those who don't have an xport, a garage stuffed with tuned cars, or a ton of credits. 👍
I dont have an xport, but I would agree saying the car like 24 hours before the deadline, plus it would help me to get back to +10 million credits :D

ONLY the car :)
I can't see any harm done, in letting us know the car 1-2 days before deadline. I usually don't race Monday night, so it could be nice using the time to get the car.
In my 13 weeks I only once had to do a 10 race championship to get a particular car, so the problem isn't major. But if you think, there would be some difficulties for some of us to get next weeks car, please go ahead and post it. I'll only see it as yet another great service to us racers. :)
I'd like to propose a race suggestion. Again, like the Instant races (another one coming soon) this idea has stewed in my head since waaaay back when HSB racing was formed.

As an individual we participate in spot race, lap times, instant races, and arcade races. Each one unto it's own. All quite fun, and a good way to learn.

However, when it comes to bigger and more encomapssing races, people tend to side off with a group. Such as the 9 boards challenge, TORC, GTRC and similar events.

My thoughts are that Go Kents post a team race event. The team selection would be tough, but this would be geared more as a learning experience. Too make it simple, A team would consist to 3 people. One from each division. Division 1 gets to pick a Division 2, who gets to pick a Division 3 racer. Those three will submit a total time for a the chosen race.

Yes, this is more complex than jumping in and run when you get the chance, but as many of us learned with the 9 boards, you simply make time somewhere, and keep in contact with your team members to work through problems on the track.

Yes, Division 1 will have their hands full making sure the times come together accurately and on time. Yes, you'll have to depend on someone else to fulfill their end of the bargain. GoKents could announce an extra week or two ahead of time that this event is coming up. That time could be used to individually sort out teams (via PM, AIM, or e-mail).

Just a thought that's been stweing in the back of my mind for a while.

how about if those who want to know the car in advance PM you GoKents? That way those of us who don't want to know don't, those that do get to know. No harm done, everyone is happy. It isn't like we have 100+ people racing weekly, maybe 25-30, less than half I think would PM to know the car in advance....
Originally posted by Der Alta
I'd like to propose a race suggestion. Again, like the Instant races (another one coming soon) this idea has stewed in my head since waaaay back when HSB racing was formed.

As an individual we participate in spot race, lap times, instant races, and arcade races. Each one unto it's own. All quite fun, and a good way to learn.

However, when it comes to bigger and more encomapssing races, people tend to side off with a group. Such as the 9 boards challenge, TORC, GTRC and similar events.

My thoughts are that Go Kents post a team race event. The team selection would be tough, but this would be geared more as a learning experience. Too make it simple, A team would consist to 3 people. One from each division. Division 1 gets to pick a Division 2, who gets to pick a Division 3 racer. Those three will submit a total time for a the chosen race.

Yes, this is more complex than jumping in and run when you get the chance, but as many of us learned with the 9 boards, you simply make time somewhere, and keep in contact with your team members to work through problems on the track.

Yes, Division 1 will have their hands full making sure the times come together accurately and on time. Yes, you'll have to depend on someone else to fulfill their end of the bargain. GoKents could announce an extra week or two ahead of time that this event is coming up. That time could be used to individually sort out teams (via PM, AIM, or e-mail).

Just a thought that's been stweing in the back of my mind for a while.

Great idea, it would be perfect for March break since many of us will have time on our hands that week. It will be a great learning experience for the div 2 and 3 racers who can learn driving techniques and setup tips from the div 1 racer.
Great idea but...
Originally posted by Der Alta
Division 1 gets to pick a Division 2, who gets to pick a Division 3 racer. Those three will submit a total time for a the chosen race.
The Div 1 guy/gal would pick the fastest Div 2 guy who would pick the fastest Div 3 guy and they would then win. You would need to have some kind of drafting system, or maybe just pick names out of a hat.
I would expect that to happen. However, I don't really see a way around it. There simply aren't enough "regulars" in the weekly to give an adequate draft. Also, it's tough to tell someone they have to race this week. I'd perfer to let people pick their own team, as there are plenty of Division 2 guys that are equal. Yes, favorite will play out, but some may choose to race with others.

Then again, it's never easy to ask people to depend on others in a stressed environment.


Yes, it's a bit like dodgeball in elementary school.
Originally posted by scuderia229
how about if those who want to know the car in advance PM you GoKents? That way those of us who don't want to know don't, those that do get to know. No harm done, everyone is happy. It isn't like we have 100+ people racing weekly, maybe 25-30, less than half I think would PM to know the car in advance....

I don't agree. Either it's all open, or all private. Posting the car beforehand is not a big problem I guess, but it would make things a bit more complicated, both for GoKents, and the drivers.

Personally I would choose for the option we have right now. tuesday night the car and the race is posted, and everybody has the same timeslot for racing, and administration is simple for GoKents, so he can race as well.

Just my 2 cents.
the only 2 probs i have against the team rules are, not everyone has a march school vacation (i dont), and what happens if there is an odd number of people on teams, then some people wouldnt b on a team