i'd be happy to help in testing and equalling those ptw's!
I'd also be willing to work on that sort of stuff but I know what a trouble it can be to organize the series and I'm quite sure a request for help on a topic like this wouldn't be very common (although I know it would be made if it was needed).
That said, I've already done most of the testing I could imagine a steward of the WRS testing.
2.5 pwr is a great range in gt mode for the RUF, DB9, Esprit, Corvette, Skyline, and many more. 👍
200 hp is a great mark for light weight MR cars.
4.0 pwr is a great place for pretty much any street car.
On top of those less used concepts, there are still many well known themes to be used. Cars from the JGTC run against each other fairly well and only minimal chages are needed for a very close arcade race (and with those you can easily refference a place like GTRP to find which cars need a handicap and which ones don't).
Likewise, supercars are well matched and we've seen something along those lines work rather well in the past (zonda vs S7).
I'm sure the races of the future WRS will be just as good and better than the past so I'm not worried about my suggestions making an immediate difference... I'm just looking to throw my perspective out there and see how people react.