Super Unofficial DiRT 4 Thread (PS4/XB1/PC)

I know I'm late, but man this is exciting news! It just confuses me that the Evolution devs are not part of the development. It would've made sense for them to be part of it since rally games are what they started out with.

I really hope the soundtrack is more like DiRT Rally's and less like the DiRT games which preceded it. Always better to have music exclusively composed than to have licensed tunes. In my opinion, it also keeps with the throwback era. Although if they are going to go down the licensed route, then I hope that they use this as the menu music:

My god what a phenomenal song! This NEEDS to be in the game :bowdown:
From experience you really can't half-arse physics in a game. It's either sim or arcade. Simcade almost never satisfies either side of the fence. Arcade physics with "sim" mode (or vice versa), almost always never works well either. You really have to commit to one side.

If it was a developer starting entirely from scratch I could see your point but Codemasters aren't, they already have both of the fundamental bases required to have this dual-physics setup. Indeed that's how one of the devs has described the two sides of the game: "Dirt 3 but better, and Dirt Rally but better". They have already proven they can pull off both of these things, and we know they're treating them separately rather than attempting to merge them together. So I don't see why either physics system would suddenly become worse, simply because they happen to exist on the same disc this time.

Track generator is good to an extent, but like GT5's generator after 10 or so tracks everything starts to feel same ol' same ol' with no personality. Sure it gives variety, but it will never have the same cachet as a proper hand designed track.

I can understand that concern but I'd say there's a few key differences. The constraints that govern generating closed-circuit racetracks (like the fact it necessarily must form a closed-loop, or the types of corners and gradient changes that are acceptable, for example) are likely far greater than those for point-to-point rally stages. CM should have more freedom in generation (and hence greater variability) than PD's course maker could ever manage.

Another thing that will naturally help with repetition is, in GT5 the tracks you generate you would lap a number of times. In Dirt 4, a lot of the stages you generate you may only drive once. And if you're spending less time on each generated course, any flaws they may have are probably less likely to stand out.

Then on the personality front, I think the important factor there is the quality of the scenery generation, rather than the track generation (unless you think hand-design gives something unique to the actual driving surface that procedural generation couldn't, if so I'd be interested to hear). PD's course maker was not very good at this, so much so most tracks were just planted in a giant field and that was it. Again, I think CM probably have greater freedom to populate stages with more varied and dense scenery, so stages won't just look like lines carved out in some vast expanse.

Alternatively, take heart from Modnation Racers' auto-populate feature, which was masterful at generating interesting and lively scenery. Not the same type of game, but it does prove that can be done.
Looks like it's a return to fictional stages - the menu screen shows that the Australian stages take place in Fitzroy, Queensland, but the place does not exist (there is a Fitzroy River near Rockhampton, but the location on the map is closer to Brisbane).

Also, the driver roster appears to be made up of the same drivers that appeared in Dirt Rally.
Looks like it's a return to fictional stages - the menu screen shows that the Australian stages take place in Fitzroy, Queensland, but the place does not exist (there is a Fitzroy River near Rockhampton, but the location on the map is closer to Brisbane).

Also, the driver roster appears to be made up of the same drivers that appeared in Dirt Rally.
Heck, there's a Fitzroy down here in Melbourne... I don't want fictional stages, I want legit ones!
They were testing the waters, reportedly and that DiRT Rally 2 would be bigger and better.
Are we sure Dirt Rally 2 is still planned? Or did it become Dirt 4?

I don't want fictional stages, I want legit ones!
I don't think it's that big of a deal. Real stages are nice, but developers are sorely lacking in imagination. Everyone just recreates the same stages - for example, Ouninpohja features in Dirt 3, Dirt Rally and Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo (and probably in WRC 6, though I haven't played it). Likewise Hafren. They may be iconic stages, but they're clichéd. If recreating stages isn't an option, at least fictional stages give developers the opportunity to create stages that are interesting and challenging.

there's a Fitzroy down here in Melbourne
There is actually a Fitzroy in south-east Queensland, but it's a bureaucratic formality more than a physical place. There's also another one in New South Wales around Coffs Harbour, and the map icon in the image makes it hard to see exactly where the stages are. Looking at the video of Petter Solberg, it's tough to make out the name of the stage, but it doesn't look familiar.
I don't think it's that big of a deal. Real stages are nice, but developers are sorely lacking in imagination. Everyone just recreates the same stages - for example, Ouninpohja features in Dirt 3, Dirt Rally and Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo (and probably in WRC 6, though I haven't played it). Likewise Hafren. They may be iconic stages, but they're clichéd. If recreating stages isn't an option, at least fictional stages give developers the opportunity to create stages that are interesting and challenging.
I'm just hoping that these fictional stages are actually good to drive on, and provide a memorable experience. They have all the resources to do it...
I'm just hoping that these fictional stages are actually good to drive on, and provide a memorable experience
They have made some excellent ones in the past. Well do I remember the likes of Skara, Caesrw and Ellendale (among others) in Colin McRae Rally 2.0.

I know Codemasters have taken heat for re-releasing old content as DLC in the past, but I for one would not mind if they released a "Greatest Hits" package of stages from previous games, updated for the current hardware. Of course, it would probably take a lot of effort from Codemasters to do it.
I wonder what is going on between Toyota and Codemasters? Looks like they're missing again. Shame, because I've been craving some Celica GT4 goodness for some time.

The game looks amazing though. It's a day 1 purchase for me, as I also thought Dirt Rally was extremely good on the PS4. I think Codemasters are now as good as they were in the late 90's, during the PS1 Toca era. 👍
Are we sure Dirt Rally 2 is still planned? Or did it become Dirt 4?
That is indeed the question. DR2 was definitely discussed as being a thing they wanted to do, I would certainly hope they do continue in that vein and not just lump it in with the rest. We've all probably had a little bit too much of one thing being said and another thing being done recently for that to be a good idea.
DR2 was definitely discussed as being a thing they wanted to do, I would certainly hope they do continue in that vein and not just lump it in with the rest
I wonder if they're waiting for the next generation of console, or looking to create a new engine to replace the EGO Engine.

Any news on the possibility of Skoda rally cars joining the fun?
Everything we know is in the first post. Ot is, however, quite plausible that Škodas will feature. We know that the game will include R5 cars, and there's quite a selection of R5s available these days - the Ford Fiesta, Škoda Fabia, Peugeot 208, Hyundai i20, and Volkswagen have a Polo R5 planned for 2018. There was a Mitsubishi Mirage built to R5 regulations competing in the Asia-Pacific Rally Championship last year, but it hasn't been homologated. And I have also heard of R5 versions of Citroëns, Protons and Toyotas, but haven't seen them.
As of now I'm sitting this one out till the proper reviews are in. I'm interested in Dirt Rally 2...not interested in a quasi-Dirty Rally 2 + Dirt 3 Sequel.
I'm interested in Dirt Rally 2...not interested in a quasi-Dirty Rally 2 + Dirt 3 Sequel.
I've always thought that the difference between rallying in Europe and rallying in America is that the Europeans treat rallying as a discipline and the Americans treat it as an extreme sport. Dirt 3 put the focus on extreme sport, but the pendulum appears to have swung the other way for Dirt 4.
I've always thought that the difference between rallying in Europe and rallying in America is that the Europeans treat rallying as a discipline and the Americans treat it as an extreme sport. Dirt 3 put the focus on extreme sport, but the pendulum appears to have swung the other way for Dirt 4.
It's funny how it's considered an extreme sport over there yet their events are all gentlemen drivers in cars which aren't far off production spec. Rallying just doesn't work in USA, RX has potential but we will never see it [GRC] in a DiRT game whilst the World Championship is in there.
Rallying just doesn't work in USA
Which is weird, because five minutes on Google Maps reveals some great roads around Denver in particular that would make for a fantastic rally, as would some of the stuff in the San Gabriel Mountains and San Bernadino Forest behind Los Angeles.

we will never see it [GRC] in a DiRT game
I think the GRC is wildly over-rated. For one, the whole process of qualifying is a joke; the entry lists are so short that only one or two drivers actually miss the final. The circuits aren't particularly challenging, either. And where joker laps in the World RX add distance to the lap, in the GRC they're a shortcut, so if you take it on the first lap, you're practically untouchable.
I wonder if they're waiting for the next generation of console, or looking to create a new engine to replace the EGO Engine
Considering what Evolution managed within this generation, I think that'd be a poor excuse. They did say that the EGO engine wasn't capable, so why not go with one that could? Despite hearing noises that they are looking into it, I can't help feeling that the photo mode side will be the same as previously.

I reiterate here that I have loved all of the previous games (except DiRT Showdown which I never played) but all that excitement and majesty without a proper photo mode is just bloody stupid.
For those who demand Dirt Rally 2... i think Dirt Rally was more like a test... a project with a smaller budget aiming for a hardcore audience. Codemasters was focussing on the casual market for many years, with 30fps titles like Grid 2, Dirt Showdown etc.

Dirt Rally changed that, but they didnt know how successful this would be. In the end, it turned out well. So, will there be a Dirt Rally 2? I guess not, Dirt 4 is the game you are looking for. Im sure it will have more in common with Dirt Rally then Dirt 3.

It will have more casual appeal, but the sim mode will also please hardcore fans. Win-Win situation if you ask me.
Dirt Rally has such a good reputation that I don't think Codemasters can afford to ignore it.

Isnt that a bit... picky? I mean... both games are Dirt games. Just a slightly different name. I think we should be happy about Dirt 4 instead of demanding Dirt Rally 2 (which would propably be the same game anyway)
Isnt that a bit... picky?
Not at all. Codemasters would be fools to disregard the success and popularity of one of their titles for the sake of doing something different.

I think we should be happy about Dirt 4
Most people are. But while it was a well-made game, there were some elements that were not received particularly well. Now the company is coming down off the success of Dirt Rally and the first details of Dirt 4 suggest that some of those unpopular elements may be coming back. Ordinarily, you could understand their reservations, but then you come up with "I think we should just get happy that they're making another game".

When you don't care about the quality of the finished product and just smile and accept what is offered, you end up with Tommi Mäkinen Rally - a lazy, shoddily-built attempt to make a quick buck.
Not at all. Codemasters would be fools to disregard the success and popularity of one of their titles for the sake of doing something different.

Most people are. But while it was a well-made game, there were some elements that were not received particularly well. Now the company is coming down off the success of Dirt Rally and the first details of Dirt 4 suggest that some of those unpopular elements may be coming back. Ordinarily, you could understand their reservations, but then you come up with "I think we should just get happy that they're making another game".

When you don't care about the quality of the finished product and just smile and accept what is offered, you end up with Tommi Mäkinen Rally - a lazy, shoddily-built attempt to make a quick buck.

Why bringing up Tommi Mäkinen? This game is almost 20 years old and not even a Codies title. I think you should me more positive about Dirt 4 and trust the developers. This is the team behind Dirt Rally after all.
I think you should me more positive about Dirt 4 and trust the developers.
And I don't think that you should blindly accept whatever is offered based on nothing more than blind faith. Especially when you know what that developer is capable of, both good and bad.