Tandem Logic.

  • Thread starter Gonales
My greatest enemy on tandems (specialy trains with more than 3 cars together) is the tiny nuance between getting a decent distance to keep the train safe and the blindness provided by the smoke. The most annoying moment in my experience is when im drifting in the limbo depending of a very small perception of the track.

Otherwise, as i don´t tend to use optimal cars and settings for speed, i don´t mind to do my own thing while im being chased. And while chasing, i try my best and do all i know to match his triangle sweet spot, but its very dependant of how much the leading car wants to be chased. If i feel that he is pushing way too much and reducing the angles to get far from me, i just go and look for somebody else.

I don´t have time and energy for such competitive mentality.
I'm so glad blokes don't have a go at each other so hardly on this forum (or maybe they do behind closed doors) :lol:

Other then that good write up by the OP, I feel like going drifting now.
I have drifted online quite a lot, and when comparing tandeming online to real life, I made some conclusions. (Tandems including more than 3 cars, mostly.)

In real life, there are some things people take into account.

For starters: Lead drifters don't initiate over 90 degrees, unless everyone knows that the lead car will do such a thing because of habits. They watch their angles, and drifting lines. Try not to hit the apex of every corner, to give chase cars the possibility to win a bit of time in specific corners.

When chasing: in the middle you should be mixing leading and chasing. This sounds stupid, but in practice it's pretty easy. Keep decent lines, try to match the leader as much as possible without getting too close. The more cars that are in the tandem = the more distance between the cars, until there is enough space to avoid collisions when spins, or vehicle malfunctions occur.

Chaser of the pack: Just chase the last car, give it the space to transition, and try to follow the 'snake' in front of you. Don't ever try to overtake, that's obviously NOT the point of tandeming.

Outsiders: To join the tandem, wait on a straight where the tandem can either slow down, or stop. Sometimes picking up a bit of speed before the tandem is there, helps. Don't EVER interrupt the tandem for any reason. Don't rejoin tracks when a tandem is approaching, watch when exiting the pits etc etc.

These are some basic guidelines that are still ignored by a lot of drifters online. Try to keep this in mind, and with (hopefully), a reduction of smoke in the future... Maybe we can get those 10 man trains with Full laps.

Yours sincerely, (kidding)

hi everyone.
Nyordia, posting this 3 days after we did the three car tandem with trim, i feel a bit guilty^^ Good thoughts you wrote down, especially the part of the second car is the most important i guess. I have no idea how to let the train look good when the second is in a too close tandem with the first (yes i did that too^^).
see you,
A good way to get around the smoke problem while tandem drifting is to try a wet track like Suzuka. It's easier to see in a group.

Also, people who want to tandem should try having the same PP or within 50 PP of each other from least to most PP. Otherwise you run the risk of a lot of fast cars thinking some people just suck when it's really that their car is 10x slower than yours. Then you get the trash-talking and the constant slamming into people.

And you should use the same tires. Comfort Hards.
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If there's more than 2 cars its not a tandem anymore. Go check the definition of a tandem Gonales....

Anyway like all your posts this one shows how full of yourself you are.
If there's more than 2 cars its not a tandem anymore. Go check the definition of a tandem Gonales....

Anyway like all your posts this one shows how full of yourself you are.

Do explain, because as I understand it 'Tandem' refers to two (or more) cars drifting in sync.

"Tandem (or in tandem) is an arrangement where a team of machines, animals or people are lined up one behind another, all facing in the same direction."

It doesn't soley refer to "two"
Gosh... now i realized how much of rust cost to stay away from the game for some few weeks. After some weeks without play GT5, i came back with all strenght this week and yesterday i was training with friends in the VDC Nurburgring section uphill and if i tried to tandem around 50 times, probably i did decently less than 10 times.

Drift in GT5 can be like learning to run on a bike, but tandem demands shard reflexes and a very accurated timing. No mater how many theory about techniques and stuff we know, nothing replaces the daily pratice.
If there's more than 2 cars its not a tandem anymore. Go check the definition of a tandem Gonales....

Anyway like all your posts this one shows how full of yourself you are.

Do explain, because as I understand it 'Tandem' refers to two (or more) cars drifting in sync.

"Tandem (or in tandem) is an arrangement where a team of machines, animals or people are lined up one behind another, all facing in the same direction."

It doesn't soley refer to "two"
Tandem - Dictionary definition

1. a bicycle with two sets of pedals and two saddles, arranged one behind the other for two riders
2. a two-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses harnessed one behind the other
3. (Individual Sports & Recreations / Horse Training, Riding & Manège) a team of two horses so harnessed
4. any arrangement of two things in which one is placed behind the other
in tandem together or in conjunction
Zoom +
4. any arrangement of two things in which one is placed behind the other
in tandem together or in conjunction

Well... get your opinions.

It seems to flip flop between "Two", "Two or more" and "Many" depending on where you go, hence my confusion. I'd check oxford for a more reliable source but my bookshelf is in the garage due to mid-moving-ness .

Regardless, for the sake of argument let's say that the definition is soley "Two", what then, would you call a 'tandem' as we know it which involves 3 or more cars?

Just to clarify, I'm not being snarky here. I'm genuinely curious.
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I think tandem is two or more. Team drifting is more than 2 cars, and often gets mixed with tandem drifting.

But, it is me saying, so, it can be a totally useless info. I am also curious to look more for it, but i think i will let someone else, who understands more than me speak about it. :lol:
I think tandem is two or more. Team drifting is more than 2 cars, and often gets mixed with tandem drifting.

But, it is me saying, so, it can be a totally useless info. I am also curious to look more for it, but i think i will let someone else, who understands more than me speak about it. :lol:

I'm just speaking out of what I know from my time researching drifting and I've never heard of multiple cars drifting in synchronization being referred to as anything but "Tandem drifting" regardless of the number of cars involved.

I've fished out my Oxford Dictionary

Definition of tandem


a bicycle with seats and pedals for two riders, one behind the other.
a carriage driven by two animals harnessed one in front of the other.
a group of two people or machines working together:
the Giants had the greatest pitching tandem in baseball history


with two or more horses harnessed one behind another:
I rode tandem to Paris
alongside each other; together.


having two things arranged one in front of the other:
a tandem trailer

in tandem

alongside each other:
a tight fiscal policy working in tandem with a tight foreign exchange policy
one behind another:
there were two seats in tandem

It seems to reflect the definition Wikipedia had listed that I quoted previously, so "two or more" seems rather unanimous. However it appears to change depending on the context, so I can't say for certain.

Sorry for going off topic.

Tandem drifting refers to an unspecified amount of cars following the same line. Doesn't have to be 2.

If there's more than 2 cars its not a tandem anymore. Go check the definition of a tandem Gonales....

Anyway like all your posts this one shows how full of yourself you are.

Don't tell me to go check on something when you area actually wrong about it. Actually, telling someone something is wrong when you are wrong, is quite the same as being full of yourself, isn't it? Thinking you know all and such?

Besides, you may not like me, but I definitely know what I'm talking about. This however does not mean I am full of myself.
Tandem drifting refers to an unspecified amount of cars following the same line. Doesn't have to be 2.

Thanks Gonales, I wasn't doubting you for the record, I was just curious.
Now I feel like the guilty one here... I tandem in a 500-600hp supra while following silvia's and others thing 400-500hp... Oh well, it's fun and looks good so yay! And so no one comes on and tries to rage at me, yes, the silvia's etc also FOLLOW me :) except on suzuka. It transitions fast for some reason.
I believe it can be called a train for more than two cars drifting the same line as well. Though some may not like that term.
And I know you're wrong. From YOUR link:

4. An arrangement of two or more persons or objects placed one behind the other.

'Nuff said?

4. any arrangement of two things in which one is placed behind the other
in tandem together or in conjunction

Explain this then, genious.
4. An arrangement of two or more persons or objects placed one behind the other.

4. any arrangement of two things in which one is placed behind the other
in tandem together or in conjunction

Not meaning to pick sides but @DarkAvengerZR1 you are arguing against the definitions YOU posted with definitions you posted. Sounds slightly mad?

The argument about cars in a tandem I have always heard it called a tandem regardless of how many cars.
4. any arrangement of two things in which one is placed behind the other
in tandem together or in conjunction

Explain this then, genious.

First of all, it's Genius*

Secondly, the fact that your statement stands, does not mean mine is overruled. For example... Gay can mean happy. But also homosexual. Which means, that both can be true. Savvy?

Not meaning to pick sides but @DarkAvengerZR1 you are arguing against the definitions YOU posted with definitions you posted. Sounds slightly mad?

The argument about cars in a tandem I have always heard it called a tandem regardless of how many cars.

You're right. :)

I have never heard of such a thing.

Never heard of what? A tandem? Really?
I am sorry but are we really arguing the definition of tandem?

I really did like this thread before this argument started.

And i am just going to say this to get back on topic. The OP is 100% correct.
No, silly. 3 or more drivers being considered a tandem. Always heard it referred to as a "drift train."

Well, there you go. As far as I know, it's really common, so that says more about you than me.

I am sorry but are we really arguing the definition of tandem?

I really did like this thread before this argument started.

And i am just going to say this to get back on topic. The OP is 100% correct.

You're right. They have nothing else to say, so they just start useless stuff like these arguments.
What do you mean? I'm not taking offense, if possible, just curious.

Considering your other posts towards me in other thread, I was quite defensive, definitely after your choice of owrds. ("No, silly..."), I know it's an expression but still... Why call someone silly for asking a question? (Just curious as well, no offence taken). Hereby I apologise for my earlier statement. ("It says more about you than me").