Tasteful Modifications Thread

  • Thread starter Patrik
Hate to have to say this, but I would not call any of those cars tastefully done.
I understand those aren't the most complementing wheels you could put Golf, and the Miata has a primed bonnet that will probably going to get painted. But how is that M coupe isn't tasteful?
Well those BBS wheels are somehow replicas or similar model of wheels used in motorsport but they have purpose there. They aren't mean to be beauty show but useful. If those wheels look like used in motorsport doesn't mean they look good. It's just some kind of trend i can't figure out yet.
Apparently all that dirt is a custom wrap.

Assuming the other cars in the shot are like this, which they probably are, given the somewhat new Charger, its pretty far from tasteful IMO.
Is the owner seriously trying to show off that their bumper nearly scrapes? Not sure which is worse, that or those people that take low-angle shots of their cars in fields with tall grass so that they look lowered.