Now that's something you don't see every day, an EJ done right 👍
Now that's something you don't see every day, an EJ done right 👍
I just found my old external hard drive so if you want more tasteful Hondas feel free to ask, I've got like 15000 pics of anything Honda related.
Alrighty then, a small batch of EG(well, EH actually) hatchbacks to start things off. Keep in mind some of those pictures are well over 10-15 years old, way before the whole Hellaflush/stance/VapeBros thingies were a thing.
This one features the unobtainium BackYard Special kevlar lip and somewhat ugly duckbill spoiler.
This one is basically a rolling Mugen catalog, including the ultra-rare lightweight NR10-R wheels.
Same car, but with more sedate Mugen RNR wheels
Really never understood the whole bonnet-bra fad. Seems to only protect a portion of the bonnet, and it looks really tacky, and ruins the look a of the car. However, bonnet-bra aside, that Ferio above is rather nice, as is that CRX.
Also really liking that 106 Rallye too.
Rock chips protection is the main purpose I believe. The majority will be at the very front.
The rims aren't though, that's the tasteful mod.That Forester is a stock STi, bodykit wise at least.
What's modified on the Evo 4?