- 2,037
- Colorado
There were police officers posted in my school 24/7. You know what they did? They spent all their time chasing down kids who skipped class, off campus. What good is security when they don't do what they're supposed to? When I was in school four kids over four years were caught with a gun in school. Another kid pulled a gun on a counselor. There were routinely fights after school, often involving weapons. Indeed, our school was one of the most fortified - police officers, posted guards in the halls, unarmed hall monitors, many teachers had pepper spray, and it was all a big show. Those kids still brought guns to school. The counselor who had a gun pulled on him didn't use his pepper spray, he was too scared to reach for it. The police officers were never in the right place at the right time. Most ordinary people with a handgun are completely ineffective in a conflict situation. Even highly trained police officers are fairly inaccurate. Most people with basic gun training are the victims in an armed standoff. They simply cannot keep themselves calm enough to access their firearm in time and use it effectively to stop another attacker. This has been proven over and over again.