Team GHH News and Information Thread

  • Thread starter HP
Getting sleeepyyyyyyy...

Long and lonely road out there.
Cheers mate :) Been good for us so far but the leader is about to lap us, maybe in an hour or two. They are crazy fast!

We qualie'd pole too :D
Ring Bandits' stream.

Delayed Live Result Feed.

According to website, 15 teams signed up. 8 teams started. Now 5 teams left running after 36 laps...

17+ hours to go. Stay true and steady GHH ! 👍
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Second wind of energy. 8 minutes infront of third. Things are trotting along nicely.
Going well Knukk!!! We are 8 min from 1st and have lapped 3rd once and theothers multiple :)
just like I said to Dan :) RB got a good livestream with little lag, But I can´t see the map... Too bad it won´t rain. Then you would have been at least 8 min in front of them :)
ASM? Not us :)

Team FBI just upped and left :ouch:
Damage minimal thus far - a couple instances of engine damage on account of some top level offroading but all in all it has been minimal. Dan just pitted then a lap early as had two dings in front, made it hard to steer so he came in.

This has been an amazing experience for us, it has really highlighted that we are not just hacks, we can match it with the big league - well, so far anyway :lol:

Extremely disappointed that there have been so many dropouts and four teams that just failed to turn up... they gave no notice, did not even send a message saying "Hey guys, can't make it" they just flatly ignored the fact that they signed up for it... disgraceful :mad:
We really are aren't we :)

Do we get a huge sweet banner with a croc wielding a gargantual hammer?

Let's see how we go first though..... this thing aint over by a damn sight :nervous:
HP the misssing teams probably had their reasons/excuses. But bear in mind GHH was this close to being the same as them :)

15 hours to go. You main concern is getting enough rest and food and loo breaks to finish the race. Go GHH ! 👍
Try turning asm on for a couple of laps to see if you gain on the leaders. You can always turn it back off.

Off to bed now. Good luck!
That is a bit ridiculous that 4 teams failed to start. I'm sure those spots could have been filled by people with the courtesy to show up anyway. Keep up the good work fellas, get those redbulls out! :dopey:
If I signed up for it and didn´t show up or withdrew for no reason I wouldn´t show myself on GTP :lol: Over 200 000 people would know it
GET AFTER IT GHH! You're doing it right. I just want to take this moment to ask if we can race other tracks now please?
Sorry Progar, training for next year starts tomorrow :lol:
I would like to take this moment to THANK YOU ALL for your support :) This thread, whilst not filled with thousands of viewers, has had a constant stream of visitors, well wishers and awesome support so thanks guys :)

We are now hooked on this event, we will need to qualify for next year but we will give it a red hot go :D

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