IceZWow you guys are really good with that editor thing. I think the sponsor idea is a neat one, i'd be willing to rock out the Fanatec logo on my ride.
Wow you guys are really good with that editor thing. I think the sponsor idea is a neat one, i'd be willing to rock out the Fanatec logo on my ride.
I tried to incorporate the GTP logo into a fairly basic racing livery. What do you think?
And if anyone wants the GTP logo let me know.
Looks great, but dang...we need BIGGER pics!
EDIT: The logo is color changeable, but it has to be on a non-metallic solid background color. I have carbon on the roof of the Z4 for example and the logo could not go there.
Cool, I'll take one.
Cool, thanks. Ill send it tonight when I get home from work.Send me an FR on XBL and I'll gift it to you.
It gives a better look at the GTP logo.
Am I on the right track?
Send me an FR on XBL and I'll gift it to you.
BTW, is your gamertag on the Xbox the same as your psn gamer ID?
Yes. Also same as my username here.
zr1chrisHow's this?
Edit: Oh Geez, I just realized that I used and "r" instead of an "n" by mistake. I'll fix as soon as I get home later and update the pics with the correct spelling.
HighSeasHoMastrSend me an FR on XBL and I'll gift it to you.
Also, here's another livery I threw together in about 10 minutes:
It gives a better look at the GTP logo.
Am I on the right track?
LuminisI'd be interested in joining a GTP Car Club as well. Thing is, I have yet to try out how well my internet connection is going to do with online racing, as its speed has considerably improved over the last few months. I think my provider's finally doing something right
Either way, I'd rrock a GT Planet logo as a sticker on just about any car I'll be driving
Gamertag: Erayo1988
Cool I'll send you some logos right after you accept the freind request.
LuminisHehe, I don't have FM3 anymore, so that'll have to wait another few months, I think But I'll accept the FR later, of course.
MuchoJimboPerhaps the Car Club is to trendy, I could always change it to Racing, thoughts?
MuchoJimboChanged it up a bit, made the Forza logo the 'P' in GTP.