Room will go up later tonight. Going to change it up a bit and bring out some "unconventional" drift cars tonight. I'll also be using a new and fun touge track I created. It's got some nice drifting sections in it unlike other Toscana tracks.
Kangaroo riders
Hello, i am Leungy_inc here to see if i can join.
Add me and Ill give you a try out this afternoon if you want?
sorry didn't see this post until late. perhaps tomorrow arvo if you are free?
add me on PSN. Leungy_inc
Yea, tomorrow arvo should be sweet.. Provided my internet connection stops playing up
How did everything go down with tryouts? I wish I was able to get on GT5.
Was hanging with a mate this arvo so wasnt able to get to the PS3. Am on now though so If Leungy wants, I can do the try out now..
Sorry, I am not really able to play during the evening, parents watch TV around that time. except for the occasion where I can. I can only play in Mornings/afternoons. Also not going to be available this evening anyhow.
also what is your PSN?
my psn is geti01, I sent you a friend request too..
ah yeah i accepted it this morning. though it seem you were afk. can you play now?