Team NEMESIS | Kings of North America | Night Slide PPD until GT6

  • Thread starter DGambino1
Sooooooo... I've gone to 3 divebars tonight.. Woooo

Hope you guys are doing well. Can't wait to get back!! Gl this weekend!
Sooooooo... I've gone to 3 divebars tonight.. Woooo

Hope you guys are doing well. Can't wait to get back!! Gl this weekend!

HELL ya marc. have fun out there and be safe out there!
Why dont you like Matt Powers, I mean me?

I don't like him errr you I mean because you seem more fixated on advertising rather than your career, dare I say a ken block equivalent. Which is odd because I should like you in theory; young, good looking car, fair amount of skill. Give it a few weeks and I might start to like you.
I cant believe my runs when going with you. I was so angry at myself. haha good job thought btw!

was i driving bad? :yuck: sorry if i was brake checking you. i was getting warmed up after my 4-day hiatus and dove right in to the swing of things.
U still did good E, that match between us was close! I kept missin the second to last clipping point so I thought for sure u were gunna take it...until that insane understeer/drifting gnome gotta hold of u hahahahahahahaha
U still did good E, that match between us was close! I kept missin the second to last clipping point so I thought for sure u were gunna take it...until that insane understeer/drifting gnome gotta hold of u hahahahahahahaha

lol ya i was trying to keep up with you and was on 5th gear when i was trying to get through that section. BAD TIMING to switch up my game. lol. good times though.
Hah o ya always fun! Lol. I jus can't believe how good I am for bn gone for 2 months...I thought I wuld need to start all over. So this win was a big confidence booster hahahaha
my last run with Zed was looking good, but I ended up cutting on him SUPER hard, which led to a loss for me lol.. it was either cut or take him out... so I cut.. cant win em all :)
Yupp sls is an awesome car, prob one of my favorite drift cars.

Good job Jordan! Looks like you are getting back to how you were before!
Ya sumtimes shtuff like that happens. Happens to me all the time! Like every time I tandem! Haha
Yep, thats the way the cookie crumbles

I was just trying to make my run look sick with him! I watch too many videos.
You and me both lol...

the sls amg is awepic! It's mean I'm going to be using it for competitions.

Ive never used it, but it looks hella sweet.

awepic is getting around 👍 Spank.......... lol..
Marc: How you feeling today :embarrassed: Get my text?

DGam: hope today is a better day Cap'n.

Steve: i know what you mean.. the problem is im TERRIBLE at chasing.
You and me both lol...

awepic is getting around 👍 Spank.......... lol..

Just wanna be able to be my fender on their fender and be able to switch it to the other side like its nothing and I can seem to do it.
Being A friday... 1 of my lazy days. i'll be on tonight. Will anyone be around? As for tomorrow, I'll be drunk in A ditch singing songs from 10 years ago...
I wont be, I am heading to my friends house who has a ps3 but no internet. But I will be back in time in the morning to open room for VDC practice and qualifying
Dang marc...hang in there (no pun intended). And wut u mean where I was before?? U sayin I sucked?! Lol jk.
And I feel ya E...I'm not good at followin at all either. So we can both practice with eachother
And he.ll ya E we will def practice more since ill b on lol. Trust me my following has gotten A LOT better, I was completely horrible. Marc can vouch for me on that one lol

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