fcpmarcusSooooooo... I've gone to 3 divebars tonight.. Woooo
Hope you guys are doing well. Can't wait to get back!! Gl this weekend!
Why dont you like Matt Powers, I mean me?
Ste....MATT! HPI won @ GValley last night.
I cant believe my runs when going with you. I was so angry at myself. haha good job thought btw!
U still did good E, that match between us was close! I kept missin the second to last clipping point so I thought for sure u were gunna take it...until that insane understeer/drifting gnome gotta hold of u hahahahahahahaha
Yep, thats the way the cookie crumblesYa sumtimes shtuff like that happens. Happens to me all the time! Like every time I tandem! Haha
You and me both lol...I was just trying to make my run look sick with him! I watch too many videos.
the sls amg is awepic! It's mean I'm going to be using it for competitions.
You and me both lol...
awepic is getting around 👍 Spank.......... lol..
The86dMarc: How you feeling todayGet my text?
Ohhh, by the way, my name is Max
EAT YOUR HEART OUT!Im getting closer to mercing on the wheel. You boys ready. Lol
And I feel ya E...I'm not good at followin at all either. So we can both practice with eachother