Team WRS vs Team iR

  • Thread starter Kent
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Staff Emeritus
United States
Southern Louisiana
Welcome all!

This is the thread for the organizing and racing of this unique challenge posed by "fastpat" of team iR.

Mr. P
missing link
Max E

We will be representing team wrs.

Pat, please come and post your team.

After we get your final team list, we will start organizing what the races are to be.

:taps foot:
Waiting on your pat...

Remember, post your teams members first. ;)
Alright so far I have got the legendary:

Hope to get this thing going by the end of next week stay tuned people :)
End of next week?

How about we get this going asap.

First off...

Now we need to establish a few things.

How many races?
(3 I say)
How to score?
(8 points for first, 7 for second, down to 1 for 8th place)
What courses?
(this needs further discussion)
What cars?
(further discussion needed)

Now, we need to get those questions out of the way, then we can start.

As for announcing cars and tracks...
I would like to wait on that until we are ready set and ready to go with the races (that way we limit practicing evenly for both teams).

Now, pat, if you could get back to me asap on some of those questions I would really appreciate it.

Also, I would like to have all this organized by the 21st.
That is one week from today.

so let's get to it!
Well Gokents, the easiest way to keep score is to do the good old go by 2s, so go from teh last place, 8th = 2, 7th = 4, 6th = 6, 5th = 8, 4th = 10, 3rd = 12, 2nd = 14 and 1st = a giant 16 points.
As for track selection, well liek I said, the first race should be tottaly random like both team agree on one track, then the team with the most points at the end of the first race gets to choose the second track, then the third race will be say a public vote? or again another track where the 2 teams agree on one track.
For car, just choose random S type cars from arcade mode, to make it fair and equal, so you will need skill to do it, and not just go to GTvault and get settings for a car.
HAHAHAHA, i dont think any of our div 1 drivers would bother going into gtvault. thats where i go lol,

Just a suggestion on how to get a fair series without negotiating forever: Have a four race series. Have each team pick two cars, designated car 1 and car 2, and also pick two tracks, track 1 and track 2. Team "A"'s car one would be raced on team "B"'s track 1, team"B's car two would race on "A"'s track two etc. You might include a rule that the two cars chosen by a team would be from different classes (C, B, A, S, F1), so a team couldn't stack their car choice too much. This won't work, of course, if rally races are permitted, since there's a good chance team "A"'s car choice won't be able to drive on team "B"'s rally course. The choices should be declared by email to a neutral party, such as a mod at an OLR forum not involved. As for whether Sim or Arcade cars are used; I think it's more fair if each team get's maximum latitude in their choice, but you guys can settle that.
Ok, Hare Turtle has a great system there. 👍

This is what I propose.

- 4 races
- Each team chooses 2 road tracks
- Each team chooses 2 road cars

We send our choices to a third party to confirm our choices, then we post our picks and assign team wrs's car picks to team ir's track picks and vice versa.

I would like to see a GT challenge, not a rally or f1 challenge.
Both rally and f1 are different genres compared to gt racing in the traditional sense.

Anyway, Pat...
Get around to these ideas when you can, but remember this isn't gonna be a 2 month project. :mischievous:
So please, try and get this going with me. :D
Starting to sound just like a Board Challenge. :rolleyes: Maybe you should let an OLR Mod from another board like NoQuarter decide the tracks and cars. Then both teams can't complain.
It would have to be next week for me. This weekend is the MLG Chicago event so I wont have time to do anything else.

The cars and tracks dont matter to me. Slow or super fast F1's i'm game for some racing.
I'm with GT3Mich. Let's see if we can get some third party experienced palyer to decide on 3 cars, and 3 races. Then we can also give guidelines to them for selection.

ie; no Rally, no F1, no tire wear (5 laps or less) etc.

And, I'm with 3rd gen on not STARTING until next week at the earliest.
i was wondering if perhaps somebody wanted to stand down and let me participate. the other day i was just really mental that day and now since i basically have not played in weeks except for submission eve forced runs, i am really in the mood for some serious competition (which i know these guys will bring). plus, i want to run with my buddies ron and link, which i have never done at the same time before. so what do you say guys? do any of you want to give up your seat?
Alright everyone... News regarding team WRS just in.

GoKents is stepping down.

Off the team... that's right, off the team, no racing, no fun, no nothing. :(

However, there is news to compliment that...

Max E will be taking my place.
That's right, max will be running after all.

Catch you guys around.
btw, team iR...
I hope you all realized the list of people that were regulars with the weekly when you made the challenge cause it looks like you just got put up against a nice list of badass racers.

Anyway, I'm out of this now, so have fun and catch you all on the results page for this comp. :mischievous:

One final word:
Don't let me down fellas. 👍
P, Max, Link, Sphinx... do it right and whip some ass. 👍

Later. :D
I'm ready whenever guys :sly:

Still the question looms? ...... I know 3rdgenracer is valid and fully verified 👍

but what about the rest of these unknown racers? If they dont have replay devices! .... I wont race them and thats guaranteed 👎

Reply to this please .... and if the answer is good then we will send you guys that ass kicking you are plainly looking for :D

I remember Smith from The Matrix had a great line .... It is inevitable :dopey:

This should be fun .... I like taking candy from babies :P .... yummy 👍
Alright everyone... News regarding team WRS just in.

GoKents is stepping down.

Off the team... that's right, off the team, no racing, no fun, no nothing. :(

However, there is news to compliment that...

Max E will be taking my place.
That's right, max will be running after all.

Catch you guys around.
btw, team iR...
I hope you all realized the list of people that were regulars with the weekly when you made the challenge cause it looks like you just got put up against a nice list of badass racers.

Anyway, I'm out of this now, so have fun and catch you all on the results page for this comp. :mischievous:

One final word:
Don't let me down fellas. 👍
P, Max, Link, Sphinx... do it right and whip some ass. 👍

Later. :D

Nice gesture Kent 👍 have a VIP seat and enjoy the action buddy :cheers:
Thats a very honourable gesture Kent 👍 Are you sure you want to do this because I am willing to step aside so you can be in the team? In truth this is essentially your baby and therefore you should be taking part. Let me know if you change your mind, but be assured I will give 110% for this challenge and no doubt the other members will also 👍
Mr P
Nice gesture Kent 👍 have a VIP seat and enjoy the action buddy :cheers:

👍 I second that! 👍


I guess that's one of the reasons why everyone respects you so much!

just so everyone knows, i did have the ironclad reasoning that i should run because i'm the prettiest.
Mr P
Still the question looms? ...... I know 3rdgenracer is valid and fully verified 👍

but what about the rest of these unknown racers? If they dont have replay devices! .... I wont race them and thats guaranteed 👎
Well, I know I don't have a "replay device," (don't even have a compatable system) so I guess I'm going to have to step down.

Oh dear, FastPat, what have you gotten us into now...

I hope he hasn't said anything that will affect our relations in the future... ;)

P.S. Since this was just kind of a whim of FastPat's here (or someone's whim...certainly wasn't a thought out plan by me or Quinzo...), we didn't have any sort of qualifying at iR, so this competition in no way represents our true overall performance as a team, and should not be taken as such. ;)
Just making sure you know I'm not trying to put anything like a reputation at stake here...
Thats bad news Sevn 👎 Just out of curiosity, how do you actually compete and verify your times, is it based on trust or what exactly?

Perhaps FastPat should respond to this because I'm sure the replay verification ruling for this challenge was highlighted from the beginning.

Also just wondering how long it would take for you guys to setup a true representation of iR and of course have replay devices for proving submitted times?


Well this kinda got out hand because Gokents took this in his own hands!! He made it a Team Vrs Team thing, wasn't my fault, I got Hog in this to either take my or your place Sven, I never knew Max was part of WRS ( a clan I am guessing ) z06fun still hasn't signed up at iR but he's a good racer.

For the replay verification thing, we can send in a screen shot of replay file, and sector times of the replay I guess.

Sven don't worry you have no faith in us or anything? Clan leaders always think they can win no matter what, thats why they are leaders!!
I know for a fact that Mr P will not settle for screen shots. 👎 If you want to race, you better start looking for an X-port. They only cost $30 US. Good place to start is EBAY.
If you iR guys do not have replay devices and have never participated in a large-scale OLR event, you are in way over your head. I don't think you guys realize how low laps times can get with some of these guys.:lol:

And we are not a "clan" and do not have "clan leaders". WRS is a weekly racing series, every man for himself.

clans r dum:tdown:
uhhh, first of all, I am Poor, second of all im not just taking a screenshot I am sending in Sector times ( I hope you know what those are )
Now I could get one on E-bay but 30 bucks then turns into like 56 Bucks Canadian and I will have to beg my dad or mom for a Credit card and some money, by time that happens it will be like a month from now, so if he can't trust me then thats his problem because sometimes you need to trust people in order to get the TRUTH!

Anyways, why not screenshots? they prove just as much as a Replay does, all a replay is, is a extended vesion of a Screenshot, I will even take like a 1000 Pictures to make a flip movie if you want me too.

Clans are dumb? Well then Mr I know everything about online gaming (since Clans are WHAT MAKE ONLINE GAMING!!) you will be crying to find the good racers online for almost any game ie Gran Turismo 4, and will most likely join one after like a month of playing, trust me, before I was not in a clan in StarCraft I sucked then when I got into a clan I rocked, and went as far as the WCG (World Cyber Games) Clans are connections to the world of gaming.
Anyways, why not screenshots? they prove just as much as a Replay does, all a replay is, is a extended vesion of a Screenshot, I will even take like a 1000 Pictures to make a flip movie if you want me too.
Screenshots do not prove how many corners were cut, how many times you ran off course, how many times contact was made with the walls, how much the car was juiced up with a gameshark, if the car was hybrided or not, need I go on? It's easy to get fast laps. Getting clean, fast, legal laps is another ballgame entirely.
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