Teammates Championship Race 1

  • Thread starter zujo 19
Then what? Are you withdrawn? Suggest something.
Is ok wendesday,May 5
21:30 GMT(22:30 GMT +1)
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As of now,first day of practice with the F40 on S2s at Fuji...not going well at all im afraid I'm about 1.5 sec outta top 100.
Wow isnt that abit unfair, i didnt chose to race with bigracer and because he is a chicken i am DQ'ed WTF.

Edit: doesnt matter, not wasting my time over this.
1. The combo well... sucks.. in my opinion
2.The competition is fixed and there is only going to be one winner.
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Unfortunately I may drop out myself, that is IF someone can fill in my spot. I'm already doing quite a few competitions here on GTP at the moment and don't really feel like having to compete in anymore TT's (unless it's EYS), especially when we're simply adding the team mates times together in order to come up with a result. That wasn't really the fun I was expecting...:guilty:

And as Marky said, this competition is already completely flawed having Tizzla and Holl01 on one team :lol: AFAIC, why try and compete in this team based competition when you already know you're going to lose by a land slide? :ill: May as well go do some TT's and races on my own time without having the pressure to perform for the sake of my team mate.
See what happens when you sandbag Tizzla? At the moment, I've done a 1'49.9 in th F40.
Its just for fun guys,

Im keen to have this race, When can you others in my race meet up? i can race most nights
Its just for fun guys,

Im keen to have this race, When can you others in my race meet up? i can race most nights

Suggest some times. I have a lot of homework at the moment but it's only one race so it won't take long to do this comp.
@markyboy, there is no problem find another guy and we will pair you with him in team:tup:
1.GTP_DHolland 1.14.682-Replay clean:tup:
2.Boy__Racer 1.14.835-Replay clean:tup:
3.GTP_mad94d 1.15.050-Replay clean:tup:
4.GTP_timeattack 1.15.367
5.EL_ZISSOU 1.15.423
6.Atho_Gtplay 1.15.659
7.GTP_Paulie 1.16.034
8.GTP_CarlPKY 1.16.042
9.GTP_DukeOfPendle 1.16.505
10.GTP_MatejH 1.16.726
11.GTP_Lagas 1.16.879
12.GTP_CANES51 1.17.028
13.GTP_Marooned 1.17.400
14.GTP_Eriba 1.17.999
15.GTP_DaddyVDUB 1.18.295
16.GTP_d3br34k5 1.18.322
17.PAPPALCART 1.18.390
18.GTP_TURISMO 1.18.449
19.GTP_Bigracer 1.18.858
20.GTP_TIZZLA 1.19.296


What happened here TiZzla?

A handicap race and a team with a Div 1 Gold and Div 1 Silver Member?

Its just for fun guys,

Im keen to have this race, When can you others in my race meet up? i can race most nights

And now saying it again but with out the laughing ;)
He posted his result like this, me and lagas are next drivers who race with them if they pass 1st round, it was suspicious to me too:tup:
Are you interested to replace bigracers seat?
And as Marky said, this competition is already completely flawed having Tizzla and Holl01 on one team :lol: AFAIC, why try and compete in this team based competition when you already know you're going to lose by a land slide? :ill: May as well go do some TT's and races on my own time without having the pressure to perform for the sake of my team mate.

i feel the same way, which is why i have not yet turned a wheel for this event. a bad situation for the folks going against them in round 1, but imagine the team that fights hard through the entire championship to make it to the finals after many weeks of effort, and then gets eliminated by their team. :(
:lol: we aren't that good!

But if you want to rearrange the pairings thats sweet.

Rules need to be more clearly explained 👍
Havent found anyone i want to race with really, or none thats capable of running a sub 1'15 on the qualifier that wants to race with me [that would give me any chance of winning]. If anyone is intrested just message me ill still race with anyone.
Havent found anyone i want to race with really, or none thats capable of running a sub 1'15 on the qualifier that wants to race with me [that would give me any chance of winning]. If anyone is intrested just message me ill still race with anyone.

You want to pair with my partner, since I'm trying to get out of this competition? I think that would be a pretty fair team, since we were fairly close in the qualifier.
Please post your times.Deadlyne is May 7 23.59 GMT. Mad,Turismo, tizz and holl please drive your race.
Too many people are too concerned with winning. I will be posting my lap tomorrow.👍
Please post your times.Deadlyne is May 7 23.59 GMT. Mad,Turismo, tizz and holl please drive your race.

So it says winner of race passes the group? whats the point of the other person? and whats the point of them doing 3 pit stops??????????

Race might actually be interesting if we are all going for the win.

As for our race i have already asked when the others can race but know one is showing any interest
So it says winner of race passes the group? whats the point of the other person? and whats the point of them doing 3 pit stops??????????

Race might actually be interesting if we are all going for the win.

As for our race i have already asked when the others can race but know one is showing any interest

I can race tonight or tomorrow night but not sure about TURISMO. A week to get an online race round done isn't really long enough. Tizzla you suggested Saturday which is after the deadline.:lol:
Sorry, for online race is deadline may 10 23:59 becaouse is it hard to organize 4 drivers OLR.
I can race tonight or tomorrow night but not sure about TURISMO. A week to get an online race round done isn't really long enough. Tizzla you suggested Saturday which is after the deadline.:lol:

Haha ok we have 3 more days now.

i can race tonight as well.

My apoligies for doing a slow time in the qualifier - i did it with the six axxis, it was just one lap and i didnt see the harm as the qualifier description said it was just to determine the pairings. Seemingly "lucky dip" turned out looking like a rigged plan to get paired up with the best driver.

And i still dont understand the race. May as well just be me and TURISMO, as the 2 lead drivers have to pit 3 times ? :dunce:
First drivers in team holl and mad have to pit 3 times with speed however they want, marky did you found anyone?
Yeah, no chance of me or Dan catching up with you and TURISMO. You two are going to be miles ahead. I have to eat dinner and do homework but I could still race. But we don't know when Dan and TURISMO can race yet. But thanks for the extension zujo to 10th of May.:)
Too many people are too concerned with winning. I will be posting my lap tomorrow.👍

As your Teammate, I'll post mine too, or do we have to pm them to Zujo 19 for him to post them all at the same time.

oops sorry just seen this.

Please post your times.Deadlyne is May 7 23.59 GMT. Mad,Turismo, tizz and holl please drive your race.

So I'll post my time with yours Paulie.