Major discovery!
Rough terrain confirmed:
Just for kicks and giggles, I decided to try putting dense anchors on Eifel Flat, and lo-and-behold, first try, rough terrain! This also confirms that the severity of bumps is directly affected by the hill gradient they're placed on. Steeper the hill = bigger the jump, and vice-versa.
Again, like my other tracks, this was on the very first export. I want to see how banking affects these smaller bumps, because it's clear that the default banking setting was actively playing a part in this track. I'll update this post in a few minutes with those tests, and upload the track variants with most satisfactory results. There's still a few more things I can try to make the bumps/terrain to behave slightly differently, largely in the placement-of-anchors aspect. I'll do more on Eifel Flat, and likely some in Death Valley.
In my opinion, these bumps felt a little bit like driving the Nurburgring with an extremely stiff car.
The tracks should be published, I did a large, medium, and small variant.
Even at minimum banking, bumps were still present. So there is a way to modulate their severity if you're trying to go for realism. The small/soft variant actually feels very Nurburgring-y, it's difficult to get destabilized just from normal driving technique, but you can still see and feel the car bouncing around, and pushing limits can lead to sticky situations:
The medium variant, as mentioned earlier, feels like driving the Nurburgring in an extra stiff car - things will get hairy if you aren't careful. (Pic at top)
The large variant, as you can see, was very aggressive, and likely has very little practical applications - although, I was testing with a GT3 R8. It may still be manageable with soft or rally tunes:
In my opinion, as a rule of thumb for banking settings, I'd say race cars are limited to the minimum one or two settings, road cars/road rally would be best suited for the medium settings (mainly two and three, probably only four if you're feeling brave), and maximum is really only useful for chaotic maps, and
maybe rally - it may depend on build, however.
I think I'll have time to update the OP tomorrow, but we'll see. At minimum I'll add the confirmation of rough terrain.