Terrorists use handicapped child in Iraq

  • Thread starter Solid Fro

Solid Fro

I told you so.
Evil knows no bounds, as proven by the foreign terrorists in Iraq.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq interior minister said Monday that insurgents (terrorists) used a handicapped child as one of the suicide bombers who launched attacks on election day.

Falah al-Naqib told reporters in Baghdad that 38 attacks were carried out on polling stations in Iraq on Sunday and that one of the suicide bombings was carried out by a disabled child.

"A handicapped child was used to carry out a suicide attack on a polling site," al-Naqib said. "This is an indication of what horrific actions they are carrying out."

He gave no other details about the attack, but police at the scene of one the Baghdad blasts said the bomber appeared to have Down's Syndrome.

Al-Naqib praised an Iraqi citizen who was killed while blocking one suicide bomber from reaching a crowd of people outside at polling station.

Iraq's prime minister, Ayad Allawi, said the seven men who carried out suicide attacks near polling stations Sunday were foreigners. In all, insurgent attacks and suicide bombers left at least 44 people dead Sunday.

i think alot of it is probably america set up an american government over there. they dont like america, they dont want our stuff. and our government doesnt care about them, so whats the point of sending all these people over there to die

America did not set up an American government in Iraq. We only introduced democratic elections by overthrowing the Ba'ath party. They don't like America because of the reasons why we are in Iraq. If our government didn't care about them, then why would we be there in the first place?

Anyway, I think it's sad that people had to die when all they wanted to do is vote. This bothers me because I just voted for the first time in November. :(
yeah it is quite low. im sure they (the insurgents) would make the argument that our troops use children as protection though. troops give candy to children, children stay around while there is candy, and finally the insurgents don't attack while the children are around but after reading that maybe the insurgents will be fighting a total war. i can't really think of a legitimate reason why we went in the first place either. obviously its too late to pull out because many people are depending on "our" help. although supposedly the day that the new government says we want the U.S. out, we are supposed to leave. i hope that day comes soon.
Did you know, DoZeRxXx, that the world's largest oil producer is Saudi Arabia, not Iraq?

Did you also know that the US is the second largest oil producer in the world?

Finally, did you know that all of Iraq's oil profit is going to rebuilding the country?

We must be sending our troops in the wrong place...


First, I thought DoZeRxXx was joking, but reading previous statements like his makes me wish he was joking.

Now back to the topic, no more spin...
This is absolutely awful. Whoever is doing this is so completely out of touch with reality it's unbelievable.

Every time I see or hear about another incident of beheading on the news or hear of something like this crap, it makes me sick to my stomach. It's not the same as hearing about soldiers dying in the war. This kind of behaviour is lower than animals. After hearing about this latest development, I find it hard to see the wrong in the Abu-Ghraib (sp?) incident. I mean true, the American soldiers should have known better and should have realized that the world was watching and they should be setting an example because they represent the world's greatest superpower, but if I were a soldier in the US Army and I kept seeing videos of insurgents cutting the heads off of CIVILIANS, I don't know if I could remain professional at all times.

All we can hope for is that these insurgents one day will meet Allah and will be punished far greater than anything we could dole out here on earth.
i think that our gov is sending people there because of oil. almost all of our oil comes from that area and if they wont give us any, we will have to get it ourself(which is what we are doing) and i pull out of this arguement right now.
That's a great idea, since you don't have the ghost of a clue what you're talking about.
someone please paraprhase "UN RESOLUTION 1411" for me. i have been excesively busy lately. i quickly sifted through and noticed too many instances that occured in 1991. i think its a bit late to act on things that occured in '91. i probably screwed up while reading the information but whatever. maybe he did not mean we were going to take the oil but he might have been implying the idea that the U.S. is looking for a deal. obviously iraq sells its oil so.....i don't even know, whatever <8- P
I can't believe they did that. I guess these Terriosts are really that desperate to get us out of there.

Which is a reason why we need to stop these baddies.
I don't know if it is at all possible to go lower than this. It just boggles my mind as to what could possibly be flowing through the minds of the beings that committed this atrocity. Absolutely unbelievable.
i quickly sifted through and noticed too many instances that occured in 1991. i think its a bit late to act on things that occured in '91.
This is so richly ironic it actually made me laugh out loud.

UN Resolution 1411 was the resolution passed by an overwhelming majority of UN members, setting the terms of Iraq's surrender and continued existence following their speedy and stunning defeat after the original Operation Desert Storm in 1991. If you are too young to remember what that was about, Saddam Hussein's armed forces actually invaded and occuppied Kuwait, immediately south of Iraq. They did so for the express purpose of stealing Kuwait's oil and were not provoked in any way.

After several months of telling Saddam to leave, and warning him explicitly what would happen if he didn't, America and a large number of supporting countries (but mostly American forces) threw the Iraqis back across their border in about 10 days. During the late days of the war, Saddam launched random missle attacks into Israel (apparently just for the fun of it, or maybe just because he was finally within range) and he also ordered thousands of oil wells set to pump oil into the Persian Gulf or onto the ground, and lit many of them on fire. The resulting blaze took the better part of a year to put out.

The UN then set very strong conditions on Iraq. There were trade embargos (which the French among others found a way to get around), there were no-fly zones in southern Iraq where Iraqi aircraft were not allowed to go (which they did anyway, and where American and other allied planes were shot at when they patrolled the area), and Saddam was ordered to destroy all WMDs (which he definitely had some of) and ordered to allow free and unrestricted access to any site of UN insepctors' choosing (though he spent 9 years playing cute little games with the UN inspectors, first denying WMDs, then admitting some, and doing everything possible to prevent open inspections).

So after all this, and most of the non-Americans in the world screaming that we were hasty in going in, you come along and say "it's a bit late to do anything about 10 years ago"... That's just a bit rich.
neon_duke, The thing that bugs me about this U.N. Resolution talk is that, it's supposed to be an "U.N." Resolution. In my opinion, U.S. had no right invade Iraq, unless the "U.N." gave the green light. On one hand, U.S. is using this "U.N." Resolution to invade Iraq, on the other hand, U.S. themselves are ignoring the U.N., because the U.N. didn't want the invasion(yet). To me, it looks like the U.S. used the U.N. Resolution , because it suited them in what they wanted to accomplish. It's just my opinion. In the end, Hussein Regime got everything they had coming, I just don't think it was done the right way.