Test Drive Unlimited 2

  • Thread starter McLaren
The game is scheduled to come out in the middle of January
Says who? It is sheduled for Q1, the game does not have a release date at this moment. Therefore it could be scheduled anywhere up to April 2011 which then means it had all the way up to March to be done...
You're right. It is officially Q1 2011. Amazon has the release date of January 15th. And that might be a date they're shooting for, but the official date.
Never trust Amazon, I swear half the time they will chuck a random date on to cause a stir.
It must be something on your end. GPS & buying other cars works fine here.

Ok I finally figured it out, the GPS button in the vehicle controls doesn't do anything, you have to bring up the map (in the avatar controls) and then set a GPS target

Ok got a Ford GT now :D

Drove past a Police car at over 200kph - he didn't chase me???


What kills the framerate is the antialiasing it seems, it almost cuts my framerate in half when I go from none to 2x
Everytime I load up the game, it won't use my graphics settings even though they still show in the menus, The refresh rate still at 60hertz even though I've set it 100hz, so I have to keep redoing it everytime I play - grrrrr

Just had some rain just then, looks pretty cool after the rain passes and the road is still damp. Rain doesn't seem to splat on the windshield, and wipers don't turn on?
I wished the cars were better modelled and nicer looking.

Seems more fun than the first one, more things to do. Been playing with a pad and it works ok, now to try it with my wheel and see how the FFB feels


edit - Wheel support seems broekn, the car hardly turns until you have full lock! too much damping as wheel, but changing the settings doesn't so anything. Anyone get it to work right? Settings?
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What's the deal with this (seemingly) lame ass beta? Some chick suggests I go somewhere while calling me, I agree and my GPS directs me there. Once I get there, I'm unable to do anything - what's the point? It's at this time where I'm thinking this is nothing but a waste of HDD space. I find things on my own, like an Audi dealer but again I can't enter, yet I can see other players through the window. :odd:

Only place I've been able to get into since playing this thing was a damn hair salon. :odd:
TBH, I'm getting the same feeling. Whilst I enjoy the gameplay, I'm very disappointed in the sounds & the car modeling/detail actually almost feels no better than TDU1's. :indiff:
This beta was crap indeed.

I won R8 but already had 6 cars in my garage.

Told me I should sold one of my cars. Which I did, actually I had to sell 2 cars when I bought one. No chance selling car while being in garage.

They told me I have to go used car dealer ... guess what ... no dealer in beta.

Sounds of the cars are pretty much same.

Graphics are nice, also driving which is similar to tdu1.

Really annoying lack of cars on the road, poor design. Cop cars were always driving towards me, never driving in the way in which I was driving.
I think the beta is great, actually; i love it. Should be the best racing game of 2011 as long as GT5 comes out this year.
I thought overall the sounds were better than TDU

Anyone have problems driving that big Audi off roader? Throttle didn't seem to work on it....

What's the deal with this (seemingly) lame ass beta? Some chick suggests I go somewhere while calling me, I agree and my GPS directs me there. Once I get there, I'm unable to do anything - what's the point? It's at this time where I'm thinking this is nothing but a waste of HDD space. I find things on my own, like an Audi dealer but again I can't enter, yet I can see other players through the window. :odd:

Only place I've been able to get into since playing this thing was a damn hair salon. :odd:

I had that problem intially as well, on other play throughs, I was able to enter other locations. Best to bring up the map and set a GPS course
I thought overall the sounds were better than TDU

Anyone have problems driving that big Audi off roader? Throttle didn't seem to work on it....

I had that problem intially as well, on other play throughs, I was able to enter other locations. Best to bring up the map and set a GPS course

I figured that out sometime this morning. Apparently, there's absolutely no love for DS3 compatibility so I had to use the DFGT, and now I own a California and DBS. :D

Hope they do another weekend session.
This beta was crap indeed.

I won R8 but already had 6 cars in my garage.

Told me I should sold one of my cars. Which I did, actually I had to sell 2 cars when I bought one. No chance selling car while being in garage.

They told me I have to go used car dealer ... guess what ... no dealer in beta.

Sounds of the cars are pretty much same.

Graphics are nice, also driving which is similar to tdu1.

Really annoying lack of cars on the road, poor design. Cop cars were always driving towards me, never driving in the way in which I was driving.

Quit your whining, its a Beta, not a free game. Wanna complain, go complain/ send in a beta file report on the official beta forums.
I figured that out sometime this morning. Apparently, there's absolutely no love for DS3 compatibility so I had to use the DFGT, and now I own a California and DBS. :D

Hope they do another weekend session.

How is the DFGT working for you?
I can't even steer properly, no matter what settings I use! The car won't turn until I go near full lock....
How is the DFGT working for you?
I can't even steer properly, no matter what settings I use! The car won't turn until I go near full lock....

I didn't have much of a problem with steering to be honest. The Mustang was a bit of a handful at first, but that's mostly down to the driving aid I was using, it went wherever I pointed it. With the California and DBS, even more so....

...Although, now that I remember, there is a smidgen of steering lag. I think that's why it seems the car doesn't respond until you're near full lock, that's happened to me quite a few times, mostly when I'm traversing the dirt paths.
Quit your whining, its a Beta, not a free game. Wanna complain, go complain/ send in a beta file report on the official beta forums.

I was just writing down things that bothered me and should be fixed.
Even though its beta its still crappy beta. Girl called me on cellphone telling me I should follow gps and when I came to the place there was nothing. And so on and so on.

Im not whining so stop bitching, ok?
I was just writing down things that bothered me and should be fixed.
Even though its beta its still crappy beta. Girl called me on cellphone telling me I should follow gps and when I came to the place there was nothing. And so on and so on.

Im not whining so stop bitching, ok?
That there sounds like whining to me :rolleyes:. You don't write down bothering things here, heard of an NDA? Probably, so don't disrespect the opportunity to even be a part of a Beta by breaking some simple rules. Post the problems on the forums where they are meant to be, not here. That way they will know there is a problem and send it to the devs...
How do you know I didn't do such a thing?

Honestly I am not whining, just saying what was wrong with beta. I understand clearly everything cannot be flawless. This why is called beta and I think it is the right thing to point out flaws.

Good to know for further not pointing out the flaws regarding any game.
But you have revealed practically half of what happens in the beta, and if you wanna tell the developers what to fix, post it in the TDU2 forums, not a website dedicated to Gran Turismo.
But you have revealed practically half of what happens in the beta, and if you wanna tell the developers what to fix, post it in the TDU2 forums, not a website dedicated to Gran Turismo.

Not only that, you shouldn't be discussing the content of the beta (except in the official beta forums) at all. Don't you remember agreeing to their NDA?.
No, but the TDU2 developers aren't going to be looking for beta bugs being reported on GTPlanet are they?

It's fine to discuss TDU2, I don't even care if people start talking about types of tree, but you shouldn't be revealing beta info and breaking NDAs.
Go to youtube, there are bunch of videos regarding beta.

ryanb, so you are saying only gt can be discussed here?

Yeah, & the developers are making sure they get removed with the help of the members and removing the players caught from the beta.