It looks like even at "Your minimum resistance" that it's very tight. Is that as low as it can possibly go?
Yes, that is the minimum (the screw before recording the first video was set to the top left, sure).
EDIT: there is a point, around 1/2 turn to left (from the top-right) that seems the end (the top-left). But you can get turn forcing more. In any case, I did not get a better result.
Thanks for the vids.
As I wrote some posts above this is because you set the resistance too strong.. I have exactly the same situation as your second video shows when I set the resistance too strong, then I know that I only have to give it a liiiitle bit less resistance and then I get the auto-return back. So please try that.
Set it it a half turn less and post your impressions. when the shifter does not auto-return to neutral then you got a broken shifter but I expect that my suggestion will solve the issue because it happenes to me also but only in the situation descriped above.
After receive the shifter this morning, I have been trying different setting (points in the screw turn), to get one where the shifter has a "decent" return-to-neutral, but still a "decent" travel resistance. This point, is near the middle, in my unit.
there shouldn't be an up down auto return. seems like yours is working like it should. do you drive manual in real life?
I drove a 12 years old Peugeot 406 Coupe. This afternoon I have recorded a video of the shifter for you and for all users saying that a real shifter must haven´t a return-to-neutral mechanism ->
As I say, the shifter or this car has 12 years and around 110.000 km, and this shifter isn´t particulary strong: any other car I drive habitually has one harder.
I don´t know if this is an issue of my unit, of if it´s common to all. I have ordered a return (with a money refund), because if it is the first, I prefer to buy another unit in my country, later (when V2, V3, etc are for sale, with improved return mechanism) . And if it is the second, I am, as I said in my first post, very dissapointed with the feeling of a shifter announced as "real car feeling" (really near G27´s shifter).
Moreover, after this, the crunch noises of my T500 case, and the shoddy paddle repair, I am considering selling my T500 to buy a set of Fanatec Clubsport (steering wheel base, BMW rim, shifter and pedals V2).