Just did the Japanese 90's seasonal event circuit Toscane in GT5. Within 10 laps I reached my old times again of 1:28:786. Without using any techniques like heel and toe or whatever.
The shifter feels very nice. Closest thing to a real car's shifter you can get for this price I reckon. Didn't adjust anything yet apart from making sure it had the latest firmware.
It will take me a while to test it better, but for now I sure know I'll be less bored when racing as I've got more to do. Also I need to work on some new techniques for manual shifting which I haven't done until now. One con though of the overall setup is that you simply have no feeling in the clutch pedal on the T500 RS. So you really have to do things on muscle memory which will take a goo while to properly memorize.
Oh well, since I just woke up. Coffee for now and then some more playing with my new toy.