TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
Looks AWESOME đź‘Ť with the MOMO knob on it. How much shorter is it with that compared to the Thrustmaster one?? How do you find the resistance on it??

Cheer fella.

It's about 4" (10cm) from the top of the knob to the faceplate.

The resistance is not quite a hard as I like, but very close. The screw only seems to turn about a quarter of a turn and it's really tough to turn. Is your one the same? The book says two full turns.
Cheer fella.

It's about 4" (10cm) from the top of the knob to the faceplate.

The resistance is not quite a hard as I like, but very close. The screw only seems to turn about a quarter of a turn and it's really tough to turn. Is your one the same? The book says two full turns.

Yeah tension screw is the same??? It does turn two full turns if you go counterclockwise :lol:
The Thrustmaster one is 13.5cm (5 1/2") from top to base!!! 3.5cm is a huge difference!!! might have to invest in a new knob :lol:
The cockpit your using looks identical to the frame (different seat) to the GTxtreme i'm using, what name was yours sold under :confused:
nice pics by the way...hope to see a vid of it in action soon đź‘Ť
Yeah tension screw is the same??? It does turn two full turns if you go counterclockwise :lol:
The Thrustmaster one is 13.5cm (5 1/2") from top to base!!! 3.5cm is a huge difference!!! might have to invest in a new knob :lol:
The cockpit your using looks identical to the frame (different seat) to the GTxtreme i'm using, what name was yours sold under :confused:
nice pics by the way...hope to see a vid of it in action soon đź‘Ť

It's a Speedmaster:

It's very similar to your rig, both have the supporting arms high under the wheel plate which stops any wobble.

The Momo knob is great. Same as the one I have in my car. 'spensive though when you add it to the price of the shifter. Still you only live once and I work hard. :)
It's a Speedmaster:

It's very similar to your rig, both have the supporting arms high under the wheel plate which stops any wobble.

The Momo knob is great. Same as the one I have in my car. 'spensive though when you add it to the price of the shifter. Still you only live once and I work hard. :)

I agree đź‘Ť were you able to hard mount the wheel to your frame? I had to file about 0.5mm off the top of the M6 bolts I used in order to squeeze them in as the mounting threads line up exactly with the two arms of the frame holding the wheel plate :irked: I still use the clamp supplied with it as it seems to provide that bit more stability to the whole thing :sly:

Edit: heres a picture of the mounting...

T500 wheel mounting by BNGTracer, on Flickr[/IMG]
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I agree đź‘Ť were you able to hard mount the wheel to your frame? I had to file about 0.5mm off the top of the M6 bolts I used in order to squeeze them in as the mounting threads line up exactly with the two arms of the frame holding the wheel plate :irked: I still use the clamp supplied with it as it seems to provide that bit more stability to the whole thing :sly:

I had the same issue, should have countersunk the screws. I just chucked a couple of furniture feet pads at the front and back of the wheel and it's solid as a rock.
good idea. if it works then its ok đź‘Ť

Hey mate, wandering if on PS3 you plugged this to the USB port do you need to set up anything? i mean n GT5 or it work straight away?
so bummed that this do not work with Fanatec wheel. maybe frex seq then , at least it can be wired to plugged directly to the gt3rs
Hey mate, wandering if on PS3 you plugged this to the USB port do you need to set up anything? i mean n GT5 or it work straight away?
so bummed that this do not work with Fanatec wheel. maybe frex seq then , at least it can be wired to plugged directly to the gt3rs

just plugged it in the turned the PS3 on. all worked straight out of the box đź‘Ť
Finally :)
My TH8 RS arrived :)
And it is.... wow... I didn't thought it is sooo huge :embarrassed:

So, now I'm ready for the ClubSport wheel :D

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Mine is at the city link depot ............and they can't be arsed to deliver it until some time 09.00/1700 Monday............ Not surprised.........Got Batman Arkham City to amuse me until then
Just did the Japanese 90's seasonal event circuit Toscane in GT5. Within 10 laps I reached my old times again of 1:28:786. Without using any techniques like heel and toe or whatever.

The shifter feels very nice. Closest thing to a real car's shifter you can get for this price I reckon. Didn't adjust anything yet apart from making sure it had the latest firmware.
It will take me a while to test it better, but for now I sure know I'll be less bored when racing as I've got more to do. Also I need to work on some new techniques for manual shifting which I haven't done until now. One con though of the overall setup is that you simply have no feeling in the clutch pedal on the T500 RS. So you really have to do things on muscle memory which will take a goo while to properly memorize.

Oh well, since I just woke up. Coffee for now and then some more playing with my new toy. ;)
Just did the Japanese 90's seasonal event circuit Toscane in GT5. Within 10 laps I reached my old times again of 1:28:786. Without using any techniques like heel and toe or whatever.

The shifter feels very nice. Closest thing to a real car's shifter you can get for this price I reckon. Didn't adjust anything yet apart from making sure it had the latest firmware.
It will take me a while to test it better, but for now I sure know I'll be less bored when racing as I've got more to do. Also I need to work on some new techniques for manual shifting which I haven't done until now. One con though of the overall setup is that you simply have no feeling in the clutch pedal on the T500 RS. So you really have to do things on muscle memory which will take a goo while to properly memorize.

Oh well, since I just woke up. Coffee for now and then some more playing with my new toy. ;)

Have fun đź‘Ť

I was thinking about some kind of mod for the clutch, something like the break mod just not as tough.
Have fun đź‘Ť

I was thinking about some kind of mod for the clutch, something like the break mod just not as tough.

To be honest, I've tried it now and no mod is necessary in my opinion. To me the shifter is more then perfect enough.

But what's a break mod? I want to keep my shifter in one piece. ;)
Break is to seperate one piece into two or more pieces. Brake is to slow down. Totally different words mate. lol
I know what you mean though, but yeah... I am perfectly happy so far with the resistance. It doesn't feel much different then compared to my Lancia. Throw is fine to for me. Got used to a 7 speed shifter pretty quickly too.

On a little side note, this really should have come with the wheel. It makes the whole experience more complete in my opinion.

Also the clamp is just rock solid. I wish they would have made such a good clamp for the wheel as well. Oh well...
Also I've got it mounted next to the wheel since its comes just a bit above half the wheel when you look directly from the front. To me it's not real troublesome even though it should be lower in reality but "meh..." for now.

*goes back to enjoying his shifter*
Nice, could you perhaps do a finger test with the resistance set to absolute min & max.
Just to get a visual feel on the difference in resistance :)

(Just use one finger to move it)
Sorry Vince, didn't mean it like that. ;)
A clutch mod... I dunno. I already got used to do everything by feel, as long as I don't rush. Getting higher average times with the manual transmission. Odd... I always used the paddles to shift before.
The clutch mod is an interesting thought đź’ˇ nothing like what is on the brake is necessary, but possibly a spring with about 1-2kg more resistance would feel a bit more precise?? in saying that though I agree with Logi saying you pick up the feel fairly quickly and it just becomes a muscle memory where the friction point is set.

@ Logi: can the friction point be change using the calibration software (I don't have a windows computer running ATM so can't test until next week when I get one :( )
Nice! Rub it in why don't you.

Are you looking at the shifts? Or just going by feel?

In due time I would presume.

just going by feel.. you dont have to look at the shifts.. the shifter exactly known in which gear you wanna shift..