Right on, so I got an exhaust from "top speed pro-1" and the only issue I have with it is that the exhaust tip is
Now mind you I DID need an exhaust, in fact it was for safety. If you take a look at the old one you will see there is a small problem.
And the reason behind it was....
Oh look at that, absolutely no support. So anyhow I had to take it to a shop to get the final bolt off the turbo, it was in such a bad place...but nothing an extended impact gun couldn't take care of.
So here is the new exhaust on it.
Then in other news, I took my spare wheel out and I was amazed that it looked like this:
And "Flamve" figured to fix his squealing issue with some better belts and changed them...
We also found out that the engine is ugly as sin without those plastic covers.
And another random bit I cleaned my motorcycle.
Thats all for now.