The 100% club thread...

hi. new boy here. well new to this GTP Thing.just heard about it fro Game FAQS. still not quite worked out how u use it so would apreciate ur patience. finished GT3 about 2 months ago and last night i finaly got the GT one race car which was the last car to complete my colection. are there any races on this site where i can post lap times?
Originally posted by mattieboy
hi. new boy here. well new to this GTP Thing.just heard about it fro Game FAQS. still not quite worked out how u use it so would apreciate ur patience. finished GT3 about 2 months ago and last night i finaly got the GT one race car which was the last car to complete my colection. are there any races on this site where i can post lap times?

hey mattieboy, welcome to gtplanet. enjoy ur stay! :D

if u click on the lap times section u can compare times there, a link is here:

alternatively there are many sites where u can do this, eg

hope that helps!
Hey...I've been looking for this thread. Congrats for everyone else's 100%, and I just got 100% a couple weeks ago. It was a very happy time when I finally got that last tt done. Now I started over and got yet another miata....
Oh god.

Just did the first 7 tt's in under an hour, my thumbs feel like they're gonna fall off! Thank you T.M., I gotta rest now...
Thanks to manual I have 98% done...
I did all of them other than #10 with the new Logitech GT force Pro (the GT4 wheel). Using a steering wheel really changes the whole game.
Originally posted by NielsG
Finished a couple of month ago. What a heavenly joy to finally beat the last TT on complex. My wife got rather fed up with me, when I late night insisted to give her a detailed description of this stunning accomplishment. :lol: too, huh :lol: I felt a bit dopey after the look she gave me. Actually, I left one Sim Enduro race(GranValley) as my last thing to do after TT-Complex String, just so I could get the 4-fecta of prize cars. She wasnt impressed with that either.
i still got a long time to go... im at 95.6%, but the last 4.4 % is going to take a long long time... its forumula gt, a few pro races here and there, and all but 4 of the endurance races... its gonna take me a LONG time to do all that, but its all good, i gotta do it before i buy gt4
Finally got 100%. Needed to buy a new GT3 disk to do it (other was too scrached to load), but I finally did it. All I need to do now is get golds on S-2, S-5, S-6, and S-8, and I will be the GT3 king!
I finally got 100%!!!!!!
Now I am trying to get all golds in the licence test, but I am having alot of trouble with some of them, but I guess I just have to keep practicing.
Here's some motivation... It's GT3! You gotta play it!

I don't want to start over and erase all that I worked so hard to get... Anyone else have these feelings...?
ive finally joined the club...

i just finished the mistral 78 laps endurance race to get 100% in gran turismo 3. now i'm going to work on all golds on licenses as well as winning cars i missed along the way. at least i can pre-order gt4 now... I wasnt going to let myself until i beat gt3.

here are the stats of my 100%
Status: 100% (obviously)
Prize total: 12,201,300 Cr.
376 wins/502 races - 74% win ratio
licenses: 29 gold, 4 silver, 15 bronze
cars owned: 109
total mileage: 11,296.3 miles
total car value: 58,629,150 Cr.
bonus cars: 103
trophies: 517
508 days
cash: 6,942,148 Cr.

I got the game around mid-october, so it took me around 6 months to complete the game, start to finish. I'm sure it could have been faster if i had tried harder, but oh well. it was fun.
I suppose I should add my name to the list. First time through got to 98%. Did not know about the time trials way back then. Restarted game and had all gold and 100% complete at end 2002. (this save somehow got corrupted and would not load last month). Recently just finished 3rd time around and 100% complete with all gold licenses.
It probaly didn't load because you must of turned your PS2 off while it was saving or you might of taken the memory card out while it was saving. It has happened to me.
Originally posted by radicool02
It probaly didn't load because you must of turned your PS2 off while it was saving or you might of taken the memory card out while it was saving. It has happened to me.

My son was playing at the time so anything is possible.
what's up everyone, i'm not quite there yet, BUT STILL GOIN!!!! I just got my ps2 at christmas, and started playing GT3 at around march or so, AND I'M AT 51.8% DONE!!! WOOHOO!!! i'm hopin to finish b4 gt4 cuz this game is killa!!!
LOOk for me on gt4 online :D :D :D :D :D
aNy NeW gUyS aDdEd 2 dA lIzT?-_=+?????

Okay, gansta rant over. I'm still at 92.5%, don't want to finish because now that I'm this far, there really is no point. I've realized that the game is more than worth completing. I could easilly finish the last 8% in the next week or so, but I don't want to make it unenjoyable for myself. I love cars. I don't know a lot about them, but this game is too great to finish.

Now, has anybody else finished the game recently? I know Polyphony_001 was getting pretty close, so how's it goin for you guys???
I'm at 98.2%. All I have to do are the time trials. I'm never gonna get to 100%... :(
Event Horizon
I'm at 98.2%. All I have to do are the time trials. I'm never gonna get to 100%... :(

If you've managed to do the S-licence tests, the arcade time trials should be easy for you!

I should put my name on the 100% list. I've done it 3 times, all with auto-transmission :yuck: ! Last Auto run I did also has all gold licences. Now I'm 60.3% with manual-transmission and all gold licences, and I'm trying to hit 100% complete with miles on every car in the garage and at least one of everything in the game, without buying anything that can be won otherwise. Getting pretty fed up of Rome and Trial mtn enduros though as I can't seem to get hold of the Delta Rally car or the Lister Storm!
gah! im at 99% and take a guess whats preventing me getting any further! :grumpy:

thats right! its the last TT :grumpy: on a PAL machine i have to take off a further 3 seconds
than the NTSC version :grumpy: and i think im gonna use that smily once more! :grumpy:
100% Complete
Cr.21,575,900 Prize Total
607/803=75% Win Ratio
44 Gold,2 Silver,2 Bronze
144 Cars Owned
19039.7km Total Mileage
Cr.87,491840 Total Car Value
140 Bonus Cars Acuired
760 Trophies Acquired :)
I am at 99.2(?) percent, I only have the Grand Valley, Laguna Seca, and the Indy Enduro left to do. If you need to get golds on all tests for the game then I'm screwed. :lol:
I am at 99.2(?) percent, I only have the Grand Valley, Laguna Seca, and the Indy Enduro left to do. If you need to get golds on all tests for the game then I'm screwed. :lol:
No; you don't need all golds to get 100% in the game. Just do everything.