The 100% club thread...

I seem to be a latecomer, but I finished GT3 around November of last year, and I bought it when it first came out... I must admit I played it a lot just for the fun of it and to get prize cars I wanted. I have more than 24K miles registered on my game. :D

GT4, please come soon. :D
Alfa Romeo
I seem to be a latecomer, but I finished GT3 around November of last year, and I bought it when it first came out... I must admit I played it a lot just for the fun of it and to get prize cars I wanted. I have more than 24K miles registered on my game. :D

GT4, please come soon. :D

hey well done! :P

i have something like a billion miles registered...

maybe 100 billion? lol anyone who's done the speed of light escudo trick and then saved will know what i mean :embarrassed:
Hi all, since yesterday I can call myself also an 100% member. Got my ps2 in november and borrowed GT3 from a friend of mine who didn't care about the game anymore. I did have played GT3 sometimes before, but that wasn't really quality gaming :).

But last week I had to finish three more I-A licenses and 7 Super license tests. But got them all gold this week! time trial and arcade mode did I finished a while ago..not really hard. And must say that the golding the super license was easier then I thought :)

So 100%...but only about two weeks to I've to wait for GT4 a bit longer...probably will improve my skills a bit more...and search for some extra prize cars

But do the licenses count for your game process??? And who of you who achieved 100% also did gold all the licenses?
I believe licenses count, as long as they're done (in any color, not necessary gold).

But I've done 'em all ... :)
I just joined the 100% club as well. This'd be the first GT i've ever done all the way to 100%.

Until GT4 arrives, I'll probably be trying my hand at getting gold licenses. I'm up to 31 golds now.

after thrashing an RUF around Complex String till the tyres were bald, I finally have 100% on GT3. So.. thats GT1, GT2, GT3, GT-Concept (UK) and GT4P all polished off. Totalling 1100 races in GT3 alone, must have done over 6000 in my time now.

Not many golds admittedly, but thats not my thing. I just want to have funjust driving, not get upset everytime I lose a tenth of a second because something happened round the corner i wasnt expecting. Like someone else said, no two laps will ever be identical, unless its the AI driving... but we're not AI.

It has taken nearly 2 years to complete GT3... can't imagine how long GT4 will take me!! (I blame A-levels and University).
Congrats... :) No mean feat completing GT3... after completing Prologue as well, I had no choice but to occupy myself by going on to finish off the license tests, but given that GT4 is now just around the corner, you'd probably be wasting your time trying to get all golds... that said, once you start playing GT4, you'll probably never play GT3 again, so maybe you'd like to get them over and done with before focusing on the big one... you have 24 days! :D

Well.... I wont be getting GT4 for a while (SHOCK i know, but I need to pass my degree!! so if I dont have it, I cant spend 24-7 playing it 💡 )... but the plan is to use my efforts on GT3/GT4P to give me a head-start in terms of licenses, and get going on sim mode. My aim in GT4 is to own at least 1 of every car in the game. Could take quite a while. Not worried about golds unless there is no other way of getting a car... :scared:
i've got mostly silver now, given that i did all the licenses well over a year ago, and have improved since then, but obviously not enough!
Not many golds admittedly, but thats not my thing. I just want to have funjust driving, not get upset everytime I lose a tenth of a second because something happened round the corner i wasnt expecting.

i dont think i've played gt3 with another car on the track (besides my own/ghost) for over a year now. i derive pleasure from driving, not even really running against the clock.

but i think i'll have to do the 10th TT some time... although like touring mars said, i have 24 days, and after gt4 comes out, im not likely to touch gt3... :D
in my last game of gt3 i completed it, but i sold my last ps2, but bought another one when i heard about gt4, and so far have done about 80%
When you start the Time Trials, don't be surprised if your completion percentage doesn't increase as you beat them. When all 10 are done, if everything alse is complete as well, you'll get 100%.
*gasp* A place where i can feel wanted, for years now i thought that i was alone.
j/k I was at 98.2 for a while and was wondering why.(not the same deal w/ gt2...nooo!!) I soon realized that i had forgotten a time trial. Hah, silly me!
*gasp* A place where i can feel wanted, for years now i thought that i was alone.
j/k I was at 98.2 for a while and was wondering why.(not the same deal w/ gt2...nooo!!) I soon realized that i had forgotten a time trial. Hah, silly me!

Interesting... when I had nothing but the Complex String TT to do, I was at 99.0%.. that was UK PAL version. Anyone know why its different?
Interesting... when I had nothing but the Complex String TT to do, I was at 99.0%.. that was UK PAL version. Anyone know why its different?
Actually, complex string was done but i hadnt finished the rally stage. Does that make a difference?
Yeah! :D :sly: :dunce: I did it, I defeated GT3: A Spec after almost 3 and half years lol!! :dunce: :dunce: --- Randy
4th time to 100% completion.
This time in 229 game days, 100 % win ratio and all gold licences.
I also used a C class car for the arcade tarmac events. How many have done that before?
Uncle Harry
4th time to 100% completion.
This time in 229 game days, 100 % win ratio and all gold licences.
I also used a C class car for the arcade tarmac events. How many have done that before?
Haven't done all of the above, somehow the 229 day and 100% win ration just doesn't sound like fun to me, but, I have done every single tarmac arcade race (easy, normal & hard) in a Mini, which now sits in my Simulation garage with over 700 miles on the clock! This probably doesn't come as much of a shock though!!!
I love the game and get great enjoyment from playing, I set myself this task more as a test to myself rather than for a fun experience.
Not meaning to be rude or anything but to me, my sense of fun would be calling you Shetland, ( a breed of small horse ) instead of Smallhorses. :) :)
Also thanks very much for the comments at the end of my write up. Much appreciated
I just wanted to take the time to welcome myself to the 100% club. I just spent an hour and fourty five minutes beating the Complex String Time Trial. I thought I would be excited about this, I think I am more relieved than anything. I did it just in time for the American Feb 22nd release of GT4! Can't wait! I am preordered and ready for overnight shipping! 👍 :) 👍
Finally I completed the two time trial races... and now reached the 100% with 91% winning ratio, 603 days and a lot of cars... this is my first time :)

just in time for GT4
Interesting... when I had nothing but the Complex String TT to do, I was at 99.0%.. that was UK PAL version. Anyone know why its different?
I'm exactly the same at the moment. 99% with only the complex string TT to go ... but I find it tough just staying on the track. :grumpy: Must try harder and do it before GT4 comes out.

Edit: I've just done the complex string TT today but I'm still on 99%. How come? I've done all the arcade single races on hard, all the TT's and got all golds in all the career races/championships. Anyone know what I'm missing? Please help coz I so want to be in the 100% club.

2nd Edit: Just went to double check everything had been done and I found the culprit ... somehow I'd missed the first TT :dunce: (Elise at midfield). Anyway, did it with ease and am now a proud member of the
club. Woohoo!