Viper Zero
That is what is great with America, I can change my political view anytime I want, without having my head cut off or strung up in a public square and have rocks thrown at me.
Welcome to the club

but how can anyone expect to be taken seriously if they keep changing their political view such as you have. What would you think of a politician who changes from Democrat to Republican and then back to Democrat, would you consider him/her a hypocrite and someone who doesnt really know what they value, and therefore cannot be considered a person of integrity, or would you see that person as someone you could vote for because they have the freedom to swap and change on a whim??
It seems that the Democrats think that way. If you disagree with anything, the Democrats will label you as a "right-wing warmonger" and will have nothing to do with you. Howard Dean (the leader of the Democratic National Party) doesn't help much by calling Republicans "evil".
I confess that Im not greatly knowledgeable in US politics but from what I have read its not that different when the name calling is reversed, or do you disagree with that?
What ever happened to the party that includes everyone? Have the democrats forgotten how big their tent is or do they just want to oppose Bush on everything that comes out of his mouth? Freeing people from oppression is good, as long as it's not a Republican president.
If a political party could cater for everyone then there would be no need for an opposition. The opposition is there to oppose, its what they do in a democracy. If you cant accept this then perhaps you are looking for a dictatorship. I think we have just got back to how dare they question what we do and the Youre either with us or against us part of the discussion.
Chalk up another reason why the Democrats lost, again.
Better the devil you know than the devil you dont?
Defend the Victim would be idiotic. The terrorists (insurgents or "freedom fighters" by people not living in reality) over ran a military check point and were killed when they failed to stop after the Marine in question screamed "stop" in Arabic.
Why would it be idiotic, does the victim not qualify for a defence?? How about a victims family, do they not qualify for a defence to see some form of justice served? They are victims also you know.
A life or death situation, to kill or be killed. I'm putting my chips with the Marine
A life or death situation as the car travels away from the check point??? Of course your chips will be on the Marine, he has the gun, and they have a steering wheel and a gear stick. Dont get me wrong, Im not saying the guy is guilty or anything but I am saying that questions need to be asked to find the truth, and if a case is there to be answered within a court of law to establish innocence or guilt then so be it. Do you not agree?
Anyway, have you read the news lately?
Italian journalist gets kidnapped.
She fears for her life every minute during her captivity.
You can image her horror when she is released when the car that is sent to take her to safety is fired upon by American soldiers, injuring her and killing the senior Italian intelligence officer who was sent to rescue her. Lets defend the defender and forget about the victim shall we.
Unfortunately for you, it is true. America has sacrificed more, beyond what was needed.
Did France send troops to stop a tyrant in Iraq or to even give aid to the suffering people under that reign? Did Germany eradicate the Taliban from Afghanistan and allow their people to vote in a free election? Did Russia send a carrier strike force to provide $900 million dollars worth of aid to Tsunami victims?
All this is just from a few years, I can go back further. For example, how America defended Europe from being overran in days by the communist Soviet Union, in the same fashion as Nazi Germany did it 30 years before.
We could swap history lessons with each other till the cows come. For example, we could discuss the genocide of thousands of victims that the US refuses to officially recognise out of pure self-interest, who also turns out to be one of the very ethnic groups the US claim to care so much about in Iraq? This is where the hypocrisy lay.
We could discuss how the British stole land from the sovereign state of Iraq and created a place called Kuwait and was then condemned by the US for doing so and in turn refused to recognise Kuwait but ended up defending it against the very nation that owned it (Iraq) This is where the hypocrisy lay
Or we could talk about how the US harbour terrorists on US soil to this very day and yet at the same time claim to hunt down all terrorists? How about the US start the hunt for terrorists on US soil to get their own house in order before preaching to others? This is where the hypocrisy lay.
See what I mean about till the cows come home
In any case you missed my point about your total strangers line in your sig
It states
in the history of the world, not today, not a few years ago, not even several or 50 years ago but in the
history of the world.
Lets look at some people in the history of the world you belittle by your statement.
My G Grandfather. According to you, his death when going over the top in Belgium in WW1 was nothing compared to an American sacrifice.
My G Grandfathers youngest brother. According to you his death in WWII was nothing compared to an American sacrifice
My G Uncle on my mothers side. According to you his death after the sinking of HMS Exeter in WWII was nothing compared to an American sacrifice.
My Grandfather. According to you his capture along with his brother in WWII and the years spent on the Burma railway and who watched in horror when his brother collapsed with malnutrition and was then thrown on a fire whilst still alive was nothing compared to an American sacrifice.
My Grandfathers other brother. According to you his death when the troop ship he was travelling in was blown apart by a mine on D-Day was nothing compared to an American sacrifice
I could go on, but to be honest Im sick of trying to show how offensive that sort of ignorant statement is for thousands of families like ours.
Thanks for the link. Here is one for you which I know will be right up your street.