The Alternative Christmas Song thread (Wham free)

  • Thread starter lbsf1
United Kingdom
Warwick Uni
lbsf1 GTP_lbsf1
obsmu (my brothers acount)
Hi, guys its nearly Christmas and that means the same mindless songs being played over and over again.

This thread is for all of the brilliant alternative Christmas songs that exist. However due to the very nature of them being alternative means that you don't hear them (plus the fact that some of them aren't exactly following the commercial spirit of Christmas ;) ), so everyone share your favourite alternative Christmas songs here for everyone to enjoy.

I would also like to declare this a Wham free zone so that those (including me) who are participating in the competition can visit this thread with their sound on without the worry of being Whammed. Due to the fact I'm not a mod means I can't enforce this however please be courteous and don't use this thread as an opportunity to wham people.

Weird Al Yankovic "Christmas at ground zero"

Weird Al Yankovic "The day Santa went crazy"

Blink 182 "I won't be home for Christmas"

Enjoy these ones and post your own.
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I think this could do better in the Music section. ;)👍

I was wondering whether to put it there, however I decided on here because most of the songs that go in here aren't gonna be real music (two of mine are Weird Al songs so if anything are closer to funny videos) and if I was going to give this thread a theme it would be Christmas rather than music.

Only people interested in music visit the music section, however you don't have to be that interested in music for this thread simply because boring and repetitive Christmas songs affect us all so we all need alternatives.
I like the song "Carol of the Bells" by August Burns Red.

A Rock Remix of a Christmas song = Epic ;)👍

You'll perhaps have heard it during an American Dad Christmas special (the song playing during the battle with Santa 👍)
By the way, if you are using Youtube videos, could you put the name of the song underneath them so that for people who cannot view the Youtube links at all, still knows what the song is called?

I am currently working in China and Youtube (I don't know why) is blocked, although there are many other music sites and videos that I can still access/visit to listen to. I recently heard the song "jingle bells" in a supermarket and I really wanted to punch something pretty hard at that time....
Youtube (I don't know why) is blocked

My theory is that it's because of Google's ownership.

Submerged has a point. It'd be nice to include the title so that those of us who can't see the video can look it up else where.

EDIT: Submerged, you're still located in England according to your location. ;)

Kevin Bloody Wilson - Hey Santa Claus.

I actually had to take the time to search for one that didn't have swearing in the still. There is swearing in almost every line, but it's damn funny.
I like Kevin Bloody Wilson's songs. I was listening to some just last night before leaving work. Mick Me Mate The Master Farter is a good one.
I like Kevin Bloody Wilson's songs. I was listening to some just last night before leaving work. Mick Me Mate The Master Farter is a good one.

Well of course, the entire last line saying "true pitch perfect calibrated turbo thrusted... double jointed arse" line I can burst out on the spot.

Considering they gave it away for free years ago (and that all their other music is easily-found on youtube), it's weird EMI is obsessed with taking this down any chance they get. So enjoy this - it's definitely a favourite seasonal song of mine.
Sorry posting from phone.

I heard
"misty mountain wonderland"
On the radio the other day. Fantastic xMas version of L.Z. misty mountain hop.

Oh and the rap battle is hilarious.
Heres a gps, who gets lost for 40 years.
Theocracy always releases a free Christmas song every year. They're awesome. The newer ones are pretty funny too, e.g., All I Want For Christmas (Is My Old Job Back).

And this year's:

Can't really post any of it... since it's not appropriate at all, and also it's not on YouTube.. but the Goldie Lookin Chain did an album of christmas songs last year.. "It's a Goldie Lookin Chain Christmas (Fairy tale of Newport)"...

Personally I find it brilliant, check it out if you can find it (it's on spotify)

You knows it.


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