Fired from where? I call shenanigans. They're too perfectly positioned, all sticking out at the exact same angle, all spaced exact distances apart.. even Olympic archers can't do that.![]()
I don't know how 'cool' this really is but those arrows were put up there by real archers hired by Ubisoft for that bill board poster. I think it's pretty cool.
C-130 tries to find a suitable place to take off in Antarctica and uncovers a pit of NOPE.
A ludicrous monument in the Turkmen capital, on top of which stood a 36ft/12m solid gold rotating statue of Saparmurat Nijazov, the former dictator of Turkmenistan who, amongst other things, renamed the days of the week and months of the year after himself and his family. He was one of the oddest world leaders in living memory.
This photograph series by Thierry Cohen shows what our cities would look like at night if they had no lights at all.
To create the images he travelled to regions far away from all artificial light, but on the same latitude as major cities. He photographed the skies, and then combined those images with photographs of the cities in question, altered to remove all lighting.
Thierry Cohen