The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
Another Dakar 2010 picture:crazy:


How the hell do they know exactly where to go???!!!
They are amazing though. That is in the title of the thread, is it not?

Do I need to go more in depth with the direction of the thread or have I confused you?

No…photos of starving people are not amazing in the context of this thread.

People…really…you all have free will to open a thread in the opinions and current events section if you would like to talk about the stunning tragedies of this planet. It just isn’t going to be here.
As "eye-opening" as those pictures may be, no-one wants their eyes opened for them while they're having a nice dream.
So let's continue then with the premise of the thread.
I'm all for it and this is the best thread on the 'Planet so let's keep it that way.
Carry on and personally, think we had a good discussion on something a little different.
They are amazing though. That is in the title of the thread, is it not?

I'll agree with Moglet on this. Though as much as I hate to voice my opinion because I always seem to get a crapstorm for doing so. Moglet is right. They are AMAZING, not for the fact that the kid has scars on his head, nor the fact the man is emaciated to a point that if anyone in this thread would just want to die from starving SO bad. They are amazing because they show how much a human can endure and continue living. Sure it may be gross and controversial. But they are amazing for the fact that humans can endure so much and keep on going. Lighten up guys. Don't like it? Don't look. Simple as that. Get it. Got it? Good. Moving on now.
Do I need to go more in depth with the direction of the thread or have I confused you?

You started a thread that got 'best thread' on the forums, that doesn't mean you can go round being condescending to members if they don't agree 100% with your interpretation of the title. The sarcasm was completely uncalled for and you're currently coming across as an immature kid trying to boss people about.

People…really…you all have free will to open a thread in the opinions and current events section if you would like to talk about the stunning tragedies of this planet. It just isn’t going to be here.

So just because you've started the thread you think you can moderate other people's posts in it? Give me a break. It's a public forum, the point of it is that people WILL post other things in it.

If I started 'The amazing, cool and interesting photo thread' you can guarantee it would get closed immediately, there's no need for a seperate thread at all. If it's going to cause trouble though, can I make one, mods?
Now those are some amazing pictures.
The bird picture is epic. That fish is like 'oh shoot'. :D
You started a thread that got 'best thread' on the forums, that doesn't mean you can go round being condescending to members if they don't agree 100% with your interpretation of the title. The sarcasm was completely uncalled for and you're currently coming across as an immature kid trying to boss people about.

While I could agree that the sarcasm was a bti over the top, I disagree on HelloMOTO being condescending about it. It may very well be that it's not the first time he's had to clarify the purpose of the thread. read my comment a few posts back about the purpose of it.

So just because you've started the thread you think you can moderate other people's posts in it? Give me a break. It's a public forum, the point of it is that people WILL post other things in it.

So would it be alright if I go and post pics of naked chicks in the funny pic thread and then get mad because someone doesn't like them?

If I started 'The amazing, cool and interesting photo thread' you can guarantee it would get closed immediately, there's no need for a seperate thread at all. If it's going to cause trouble though, can I make one, mods?

Maybe because you're branching it off this one? How about 'Controversial, passionate and moving pic thread'?

I said this before and, as usual, I got ignored.

Yours Truly
I think you're all missing the point. The point of the thread is for posting pics that are amazing/cool because of themselves and the subjects in them, not due to the emotions they may arise. The thread calls for being a bit more superficial than you're being by posting an image of hunger-stricken kids and death.

It's the difference between seeing the H-bomb picture and seeing how awesome the colours of the blast are and the level of detail, rather than thinking of the death shower it's bringing to whoever's unfrtunate enough to be within the blast range and how wrong it is for bombs to exist.
For myself, an amazing photo is something that moves me. If I feel nothing when seeing it, I don't find it amazing or cool.

Some of the pictures in this thread are amazing and cool, some are not. This is subjective. The picture of the starving child moved me. Not because it was a starving child, not because it made me sad, but because the photographer was able to catch a life and death struggle (emphasized by the silent, waiting vulture) in one single frame.

Now, is someone going to have the gall to tell me that picture isn't amazing and my opinions and thoughts are incorrect?

Photography (and music, film, and all forms of art) are subjective. Let subjectivity have a place in this thread as it concerns art.
for myself, an amazing photo is something that moves me. If i feel nothing when seeing it, i don't find it amazing or cool.

Some of the pictures in this thread are amazing and cool, some are not. This is subjective. The picture of the starving child moved me. Not because it was a starving child, not because it made me sad, but because the photographer was able to catch a life and death struggle (emphasized by the silent, waiting vulture) in one single frame.

Now, is someone going to have the gall to tell me that picture isn't amazing and my opinions and thoughts are incorrect?

Photography (and music, film, and all forms of art) are subjective. Let subjectivity have a place in this thread as it concerns art.

Hmmmm... seems like after I posted that H-bomb some controversy arose.... Just for clarification, my mind set while posting that pic was exactly what Tom Servo stated before in one of his posts... I saw beauty in it with all the detail and such, even though it is a means of mass destruction and a threat to humanity... The pics of the famaine are disturbing and not really what I would normally look at, but I am also in no way offended by them either... It just provides a little peek into reality and can make you think about the fact you should appreciate what you have...
You started a thread that got 'best thread' on the forums, that doesn't mean you can go round being condescending to members if they don't agree 100% with your interpretation of the title. The sarcasm was completely uncalled for and you're currently coming across as an immature kid trying to boss people about.

My condescending nature of the comment was very intentional. After multiple explanations about the photos and why I don’t want them posted in this thread, I still got resistance. The lack of respect you are showing for a thread I created isn’t becoming of you. If I don’t want those types of pictures posted, why don’t you just graciously accept my request? Instead I get a bunch of people whining that their “rights” in a public forum have some how been violated.

So just because you've started the thread you think you can moderate other people's posts in it? Give me a break. It's a public forum, the point of it is that people WILL post other things in it.

As you can see I have not asked that the photos be removed. I do not think that they are so offensive that they should not be seen. I simply do not want to leave the impression that those are the direction we should be heading for future posts. Yes, I am self moderating the thread because I am a big boy and I don’t (at this point) think I need help from the staff to keep my thread under control. They already have enough to do here at GTP. This thread is nearing two years old and because of everyone else’s contributions, it has maintained a very high level of quality. It’s just going to stay that way.


If I started 'The amazing, cool and interesting photo thread' you can guarantee it would get closed immediately, there's no need for a seperate thread at all. If it's going to cause trouble though, can I make one, mods?

On a serious note, maybe there is another thread in the making here in the photography section of the forum. One that would let you post pictures of interesting composition, no matter the content.
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The Shuttle Endeavour launched into orbit last week, blazing upward on its penultimate mission to the International Space Station. As it approached, astronauts onboard the now nearly-complete station snapped this dramatic photo of the Orbiter:


Stunning. And while I am a scientist and a realist, I can’t help but see the poetic and metaphoric nature of this shot. With just four remaining flights of the Space Shuttle, we soon really will be seeing it riding off into the sunset.
Nasa hasn't updated their blog on Cassini, likely due to the President's Day holiday, but I did find this two minutes exposure shuttle launch image taken from the intracoastal waterway. This is the biggest I found.

Probably water under the bridge now, but I thought I would explain myself as I hope I'm not one to make sweeping generalizations.

This comment:

Maybe a little insensitive for a public forum?

Not a comment on the pictures (which are very poignant and provocative, although I myself wouldn't describe as either 'cool' or 'amazing') but a comment in regard to the somewhat insensitive 'joke' the OP made about the pictures. We don't need to dwell on that though.

This comment:

The more and more I read about Africa and hear stories from first hand experience, the more I get a boiling anger inside that the developed and developing world can continue to get away with freely exploiting these destitute PEOPLE with no apparant guilt. It's absolutely $&*#&*! disgraceful.

Was not intended to be directed at individuals, but a few countries and global corporations that continue to exploit Africa's cheap labour and rich natural resources such as oil, gas, timber, diamonds, gold, nickel, etc., etc. without batting an eyelid. Of course the individual is not directly responsible, but we do live in a society that continually demands more but generally overlooks the consequences that rise from 'our' appetite for excess. In fact, and rather unfortunately, nowhere is this more true than where I live in Hong Kong which has the highest disparity of wealth on the planet.

On topic, the last batch of photos posted are stunning. I am especially interested in the LED light paintings. Both amazing and cool!

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