My two cents, for what they are worth...
The pictures of hunger and famine have a much deeper impact on people than some of the more trivial, or novelty value, or colourful or ooooooooohhh-factor pics that are posted. If the picture can make people appreciate what they take foregranted, or open their eyes to the harsh reality that some other humans have to endure, then they are amazing in my book.
It's not about making people feel guilty about they have, or trying to claim you are arty because you take photos of death, pestilence, war and famine in black and white... it's about giving people perspective... and though many pics in this thread are "cool" in two pages time I will have forgotten them and I am unlikely to ever give them a second thought... an image of a child dying, crawling miles for food, though unpleasent, is far far more thought provoking and likely to actually have an effect on the way I see the world... than a goat going rock climbing (although I did like that picture too).