The best GT5 cars according to stormbringer!

I was looking at the data you had for the 905, the car maxs out at 919HP not the listed 852HP. I've also seen the 905 do 370kmh on the Nurburgring, the funny thing is it'll do 350kmh on a pretty short straight.

really? thats a big difference in hp. maybe i missed a mod from the tuning shop. will check up on that. it did manage 358km/h in my sarthe test.
really? thats a big difference in hp. maybe i missed a mod from the tuning shop. will check up on that. it did manage 358km/h in my sarthe test.

Oil Change and a High-RPM Turbo boost it's power up to 919 fully broken in. And yeah, there's a video of someone getting it up to about 375kmh on the Nurburgring with max aero settings.

I think the 905 could possibly top the list for LMPs.
i just saw a youtube video with some dude hitting 373km/h with it.
thanks for pointing that out. 👍

Took out the one I just bought to Deep Forest, after about 10 minutes of tuning it managed a 59.8. There's a tad more time, but that's quite fast.
thats pretty interesting and messed up. would be a huge error on PDs part if this is true. I'll have to test it out once online is back on.
@ Stormbringer, why did you give the R89c a 9.5 on the La Sarthe tests, yet it topped your timesheets. Thinking about buying this motor. 12.5 for handling too? cheers
The r89c is nice, I prefer it to the r92cp. But it isn't as enjoyable as the sauber, r8'01, 905 etc. Hence the lower personal rating. Still it's a solid car, good handling and plenty of power.
Appreciate you getting back to me. I have the R8'01 race car, 905 and Sauber, but was looking at the speed times of this which really struck me. The engine sounds okay too. I am torn between the BMW LMR, Audi R10 tdi and the Nissan R89c.
i would advise you not to take the lap times too seriously. it should give you a ballpark figure of how the car performs and which cars are most competitive with it. A difference of 1 to 2 seconds can really be attributed to driver error (bad cornering, too much braking etc)

I wouldnt buy the R10..waste of money in my opinion. I never drive it + Its the slowest LMP in the game. 908 is a better choice. the bmw LMR is cool though. My memories hazy, but i do i remember getting a good first impression from it.
looks like the japan psn is back online today. hopefully, the rest of the world will come online asap.

from the psn japan website:

"12 May 1992 in Japan 2011 "PlayStation Network" / "Qriocity" service resumed progress

“PlayStation Network”および“Qriocity”の障害が継続しており、誠に申し訳ありません。 "PlayStation Network" and "Qriocity" and continued failure, I am sorry indeed.

先日の最新情報でお伝えしました通り、今後のサービス再開につきましては、お客様に対する安全性を確保した上で地域ごとに段階的に実施する予定です。 As we told the other day with the latest information in regard to future service restart, will be conducted in stages on a regional basis to ensure the safety of our customers.

日本国内にて可能な限り早期にサービス再開ができるよう準備を進めておりますが、現在、より高度なセキュリティを実現し安全性を確実なものとするための検証を行っている段階です。 We are preparing to be able to resume service as soon as possible in Japan, and is now doing the verification stage for ensuring the safety and security, providing more advanced. サーバーは、より安全性の高い施設への移設を完了し、さらに暗号化の強化、新たなファイヤーウォールの増設など、お客様が安心して再び“PlayStation Network”と“Qriocity”をご利用いただくために、最大限の対応をしております。 Server to complete the relocation of more secure facilities, further strengthening the encryption, firewalls and expansion of new customers with peace of mind again "PlayStation Network" and "Qriocity" to stay in a We support the most. また、サイバー攻撃の早期発見を促す警告システムの導入やモニタリング、脆弱性の排除を目的としたシステムのアップグレードを施し、お客様の大切な個人情報を守るために情報管理を徹底するための体制を整えております。 The monitoring and the introduction of warning systems facilitate early detection of cyber attacks, subjected to a system upgrade intended to eliminate vulnerabilities, established a system to ensure information management to protect important personal information of customers We.

お客様に対する安全確保を万全のものとするために、今しばらくの時間をいただくことになりますが、何卒ご理解くださいますようお願い申し上げます。 For those of you committed to ensuring safety, but would take some time for some time now, humbly thank you for your understanding. 最新情報につきましては、当サイトにて随時ご案内いたします。 For the latest information, this website will guide you at any time.

お客様およびパートナー企業の皆様に、ご不便とご迷惑をおかけしておりますことを深くお詫び申し上げます。 To everyone of our customers and partners, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience and inconvenience.
the heading

"12 May 1992 in Japan 2011 "PlayStation Network" / "Qriocity" service resumed progress"

on second read, the rest of it does imply it isnt back just yet, but very soon. Im hoping its today.
the heading

"12 May 1992 in Japan 2011 "PlayStation Network" / "Qriocity" service resumed progress"

on second read, the rest of it does imply it isnt back just yet, but very soon. Im hoping its today.

Ah,ok.They said here:
"PS Blog
Posted 10th May 2011
I know you all want to know exactly when the services will be restored. At this time, I can’t give you an exact date, as it will likely be at least a few more days. We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work through this process.
That it'll be a couple of days from the 10th so 12th is inside target,Let's hope so...
Stormbringer, did you get most of your LMP's with zero miles on them? Because I'm noticing some of them are lacking power like the 905 did.

My Merc C9 has 1014HP, Jag XJR-9 has 1010HP, R92C has 1078HP, and the '01 Audi R8 RC has 907HP. Did you fully break in the motor and fully upgrade them? Did you also change the oil? Just odd that they're missing some horsepower.
thats odd. i got most of my cars from the great community here, as trades, freebies etc.
didnt pay attention to 0 miles, but i do upgrade all my cars before testing them for this thread. Its possible i misssed a turbo or an oil change on a car here and there. 5 cars just seems odd. Will double check when i get the chance.
@ Stormbringer, I am homing in on enough credits for the Cheaper Ferrari F1 car, did you find much difference between the two? and should i really bother blowing all i have for a car most say you can barely use.