The Caterham Cup - FinishedPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
The downloaded folder and its content files cannot be viewed on a PC so you must save it all to a flash pen, get that pen on the PS4 and then go to:
Settings-->Application Saved Data Management-->Saved Data on USB Storage Device-->Copy to System Storage-->Project Cars 2 and then select the file and finally COPY. Then you have to start the game and look for a new replay in the video section.

Let me know if this works. The link to download will be available for 1 week.

Thanks for taking the time to upload, appreciate it.

Unfortunately I could not get it to work. Perhaps I need to reformat the usb to fat32 (in another part of the settings, there's an option to format the usb as PS4 external storage). However, I cannot do this without the usb being min 250GB, my usb pen drive is only 64GB :grumpy:
@Saltyjoe90 I don't think you need to do any formatting, that's only for USB disks used for external storage. I used simple USB pen drives (1 GB) to copy the save onto them and also to re-copy the same save into the PS4 so they definitely work. Can't really help you much more without knowing exactly what is the error message you're getting ...

If you want, try doing the same I did. Meaning, save one of the PCars2 replays you have on your PS4 into a pen, then copy it into your computer, upload it to wetransfer and give me the link. I'll try tp load that replay into my own PS4 and see what happens.

@GTP_RPREGO as punishment for wrecking 2/3 of the field you'll provide the beer for the after party at Oulton Park next week! :sly:
@Hun200kmh Okay, this is annoying. I think it only lets you access data saved to the usb from your own ps4.

View media item 73217View media item 73216
As you see on the images, the usb stick contains your replay file and my own replay file in the same formatting, but the PS4 only detects my own replay file.

You can try it on your end, see if you have any luck (wetransfer link below). Its a long shot, but maybe the zip compression creates an issue with the files? For this reason, I included the replay file and .bin file uncompressed in case those can be detected.
Okay, this is annoying. I think it only lets you access data saved to the usb from your own ps4.
Ah yes, Sony don't like to make things easy do they? "Oh no you can't have foreign files on your system!!!"
I seem to remember getting it to work some time back but it involved fiddling about renaming files and directories, so it might not be worth the trouble. It'll be the next race at Oulton by the time we've sorted it out. :boggled:
Thats a coincidence because after I was told how to find the replays, I checked out that crash and also did a slow mo, but just from a screen grab on my phone.

Also I did a test on my wheel, (G29) and its a lot less ‘clattery’ noisy when I switched the force feedback to RAW, in case that helps anyone else.

On the next track, I know normally the longer one is the 300’s but is that still the case for the next track? Only ask as the longer one is a bit tighter

My TV was super dark and the cockpit view is tricky
feel for you bro
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@IfAndOr sorry for opening a can of worms! It is daft that they make it so hard. I've not much chance of cheating Sony's coding so I'll just make sure to remember to save replays in the future!

@Pantheons I hope I didn't send you off balance with that nudge, just couldn't stop quick enough. The ensuing chaos is pretty hilarious, nearly the whole grid ended up some version of backwards, sideways or upside down :lol:.

I've opted for raw a couple of times, the best example being the karts at the start of career mode, found them undriveable on anything else. But with everything else I stick with immersive. I read somewhere that raw mode was intended for PC with direct drive wheels. Raw feels too floaty for me, I like the feedback of track surface provided by immersive settings (but this is what's creating the rattle!). Have you tried immersive and adjusted the volume/gain, so you feel the track but not to a teeth chattering degree? It's about finding what's best for you, I seem to have a different wheel to most of you (lots of G29) so it'll be interesting to hear what everyone goes for.
@Pantheons it is the longer Island layout for the 300s. We usually run the full course so I thought the variation would make a change.

@Saltyjoe90 no cans of worms. :P The replays are always a problem. The fact you can't save more than 1Gb is also a bind. That's Sony again!

Good luck with that file @John Wells, you'll need it. :)

And different again because I'm currently using informative. Raw give you the unfiltered FFB effects while the others enhance and tweak certain effects to provide a different sensation. Immersive more from the front of the car - heavier. Informative more of the rear - livelier.
@Saltyjoe90 I had to give up fiddling with folder and file names. Got as far as having the file recognized and selectable as a Pcars2 save, but when I want to copy it into the system the PS4 tells me it's a save from another user ... why oh why Sony ... :irked:

To all, I'll be away from the PS4 until monday so can't join any practise fun before we all meet at Oulton Park for the event. In any case, last night I had a couple of races with the Seven and one with the 300 (with @Pantheons, @richroo and some 8 AIs ) and all I can say is that racing this track in traffic is a bloody nightmare, there are no straights worthy of that name so the entire track (whatever version) is basically a long sequence of corners that somehow starts and ends in the same spot (can't call it a the start/finish straight either).

It'll be interesting ... :crazy:

Cheers all :cheers:
@Hun200kmh good effort on getting the file recognisable, you got a lot further than me. Shame that Sony just finds another way to give you the middle finger :grumpy:

Didn't manage to join you guys but thanks for the invites, I managed to get my first bit of practice in today, the slidey seven is enjoying the cambers... I watched a replay back and it looks like there's a lot of suspension travel, perhaps the default set ups could do with stiffening up a bit which would mitigate the tail happiness. But I guess it's fun driving a 300bhp pocket rocket with marshmallows for springs.

It's a winning combination, narrow, windy, undulating track with no clear passing points and a packed grid of temperamental cars :D.
Hmm, interesting. Didn't know about that. Seems to be priced at 350 euros, but it looks like that is just the DD thing (I'm sure there is a more technically correct word for that) and not any wheel itself. I expect you'd have to buy Fanatec pedals then too?

For the recent DD-converts (@AndreasR and @Napalm_LT ), have you found your Fanatecs to be better than the lower priced ones you used before?
Hmm, interesting. Didn't know about that. Seems to be priced at 350 euros, but it looks like that is just the DD thing (I'm sure there is a more technically correct word for that) and not any wheel itself. I expect you'd have to buy Fanatec pedals then too?

For the recent DD-converts (@AndreasR and @Napalm_LT ), have you found your Fanatecs to be better than the lower priced ones you used before?
Yes definitely it's only the base. And you'll need to add 350 for pedals and 300 for a rim. That then puts your cost wise in the ballpark of the thrustmaster T-GT + thrustmaster load cell pedals. Which makes it a less extreme write off than the Podium for PS which cost about an installment on my mortgage :boggled:
Am I the only one here who's excited about the Fanatec CSL DD
I did read the GTP front page news article about that and thought hmm, maybe. But then realised that was just the wheelbase and that a PS version with rim and peddles would probably be twice the price and thought hmm, maybe not. Still out of my price range I'm afraid.
Well I left that track like a Terminator leaving a police station.



Napalm, these Easter weekend days are "Family heavy" for me so my gaming egoist fun can only happen a bit late, or else :scared: . I'm sure we'll meet soon, very curious on your fanatec experience!

Happy Easter everybody :)[
The 1st race
Am I the only one here who's excited about the Fanatec CSL DD - and especially the statement that they're working on a PS version?
Can't wait for it to be available , may get the more powerful power supply with it as well.
In 2008 we went to Croix in France for a race weekend with Bemsee and on one of the evenings the sidecar guys did a charity event. You paid and got some instructions and then a couple of laps on the side (or back really, as you can see from the video). I went on a Yamaha 600; great fun, but hard work.
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I love Oulton Park.
Yeah Oulton is great and it suits smaller and slightly slower cars well. But it's a track to have patience on when racing and not be too aggressive, or it'll end badly.

I'm not sure it would suit LMP1s though! :crazy:

Those sidecars! Around Bathurst!!

I'm still thinking about the endurance event that was mentioned earlier. I may have a car and track combination now, plus some suitable weather conditions. Get practising on those pitstop tyre changes. ;)
And while testing I've found a couple of cars suitable for another series. So that might be 3 future series ideas I have now, so all good. I'm aiming for a mix of shorter and medium length races with the occasional longer one. That should cover everyone's tastes. :)
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Hmm, interesting. Didn't know about that. Seems to be priced at 350 euros, but it looks like that is just the DD thing (I'm sure there is a more technically correct word for that) and not any wheel itself. I expect you'd have to buy Fanatec pedals then too?

For the recent DD-converts (@AndreasR and @Napalm_LT ), have you found your Fanatecs to be better than the lower priced ones you used before?
Sorry for delay.
I owned few Logitech wheels and T300. I found T300 better than G27 and Fanatec better than T300. Is DD1 worth it's price is a question. It was strange feeling and needed to get used to all that force. In the begining I reduced FFB, because it was to strong for me, but after 2 weeks or so I returned to Fanatec recomended settings and I didn't find wheel is to heavy now.
DD1 advantages over T300 - it is faster, I can feel slidings better, much better surface feeling (now I know what big curbs are :) ), much better pedals, I don't need to think about overheating, premium build quality, more buttons, you can save and use different settings for different rims or games (you can adjust them on the go), big ecosystem and more.
What I don't like - not all buttons work, but it is due PS4 compatibility and game developers. Hope new PS5 games will support more. And price of course ...

I think CSL DD would be a superrior choice, but it isn't as cheap as could think: I am almost sure PS compatibility will cost some more money, you need rim, pedals and power supply to unlock all power (8Nm). All this equipment will cost more than 800 €, but I would pay this price. Acctually I use FFB at 40, so it is 8 Nm from 20 Nm DD1 does, so it is the same to CSL DD full force. If it could handle this for a long time and don't overheat (there isn't a fan in CSL DD) I think it will be bestseller number 1 and that mean you will need to preorder and wait for a long time to receive it :)
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What are all your plans regarding the PS5?
1. Got one already?
2. thinking of swapping to one soon?
3. Holding off for as long as possible, or at least another year?
4. Binning PS for another system?
Personally im in no rush, I imagine maybe next year sometime for a PS5, but depends on what comes out, cant see a reason to for me right now.
What are all your plans regarding the PS5?
1. Got one already?
2. thinking of swapping to one soon?
3. Holding off for as long as possible, or at least another year?
4. Binning PS for another system?
Personally im in no rush, I imagine maybe next year sometime for a PS5, but depends on what comes out, cant see a reason to for me right now.
100% depending on what titles get released. If a title board me on the hypetrain I'll get a PS5 alternative I'll wait until my PS4 die.

The fanatec CSL DD (PS Version)could drive me to PS5 if it only is PS5 compatible