• Thread starter bjl23
Hi guys,

I had a go at Noel's school but wasn't loving the racing soft tyres so I put a set of sport softs on adjusted the traction control and ABS to 1 and took the 458 for a drive through the puddles and spray.

I will revisit the class once I've fathomed out how to drive her on racing softs

Tune and aids are shown at the end of the video

As Noel said RS tyres must be used for entry into Class #25

SRF on.
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How the 🤬 x:censored: did you run at 2.18 - 2.17 on SS tyres ?!!!!! :crazy: :crazy:

@bjl23 have a good time and noisy one .

No tune update ( perhaps and the last one )

The Guns and roses is freaking me out , i run on FXX line up and i can't pass from the inside the 🤬 🤬 :banghead: GTR at Stowe $#@$\%#$#@# faq :banghead: . Always ruin my lap there for Christ sake
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Round Two, FIGHT!

Trial Mountain Circuit.jpg

We return to Trial Mountain for another go at the No Tune challenge. This time, I decided to turn off the driving line and let the AI guide me on learning the track. And improvements started coming almost straight away.

I quickly realized that by staying all the way to the right, the Isuzu can make turn 1 and the final corner flat-out without a problem. I got lucky to get a grid without the GT-R this time, and managed to get to first place before the end of Lap 3, getting an entire lap on clean air.

I decided to try and keep my apex speed as high as possible through the corners. Although this usually causes a few problems with the AI, such as one time where the Evo 6 spun me out, ruining my run, or when the M3 decides to park the bus in Turn 5 and stop me dead in my tracks. But with a little determination, everything works out.

After a few runs, I got a much more respectable time of 7:23.576. I might do another run after this, but I'm not entirely sure.

If the picture is unreadable, I'm sorry. I experimented a bit to see if I could take a picture without having to hold my TV in place. Hopefully this is the last challenge I'll have to do with the laptop camera, as I can try and get a phone for myself next month, which should make things a lot smoother.

I have been asked about the rain tires and here is my response. The rain tire was never developed for GT6. This was told to me by a guy who worked on the development of the game. He went on to say that the best tire for rain is the RS tire and I agree as when I got the game and went to the rain part I tried every one of the rain tires and all were a bust. As soon as I put the RS tires like he said I won running away.
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I have been asked about the rain tires and here is my response. The rain tire was never developed for GT6. This was told to me by a guy who worked on the development of the game. He went on to say that the best tire for rain is the RS tire and I agree as when I got the game and went to the rain part I tried every one of the rain tires and all were a bust. As soon as I put the RS tires like he said I won running away.
In career mode this is true. But if you pick a weather track (except Willow since it won't have water) in I think any game mode that lets you choose a track, you get to set the surface model to "Real" and then all the Racing tyres become quite different. So when online was still an option, it could be either "Low" or "Real" (I don't remember but guess that Quick Matches did not use the latter).
In career mode this is true. But if you pick a weather track (except Willow since it won't have water) in I think any game mode that lets you choose a track, you get to set the surface model to "Real" and then all the Racing tyres become quite different. So when online was still an option, it could be either "Low" or "Real" (I don't remember but guess that Quick Matches did not use the latter).
You are correct:tup:!
Finally we settle the issue of priority among me and the GTR at Stowe curve , although am not able to run the yellow lady without TC and put a decent lap :ouch:

Guns and roses

Passing the FXX on brakes at Village help to not overtake me again in Hangar straight and with free air at Stowe i just wave him the " handkerchief " .
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53./No Tune

I got that GT-R on grid at Trial Mountain now. On race one I got a dramatic demonstration of game mechanics as it went very/dangerously slowly just before the long tunnel, then shrinking very quickly on the straight, even vanishing for a couple of seconds behind the hill, and in the next corner its pace gone, as if its engine stalled (though there's no clutch pedal is there, hmm).

But in the last and quickest race I had a 2.4 second gap left at lap three T2. First pass was at 8 seconds into lap four, a right hand side overtake which was technically out of bounds. Then after the corner there almost lost control because of extreme speed and the outer rumble strip: front right tyre overheated before reaching that boundary. Such events are less likely with comfort tyres.

Still first, the gap was now 1.362 s at T1, and at T2 still over 1.2 s. The GT-R pulled alongside before we crested the hill. GT-R went upto 207 km/h, Isuzu did 172 that time. Retook 1st position in the corner with the yellow markings, left side. A few hundred meters on we changed places twice, and T3 gap was 1.362 seconds. Imagine that. Ichikawa might be an actual surgeon. GT-R went past on the straight leading to the chicane, and the cars were almost side by side in it, though the monster kept ahead and yes, went full throttle, as far as the game replay reveals it, from under the first bridge after the chicane to finish.

107.4 km on odometer, so either that's how much I did here (all full races), or maybe within a few percent of that.
Total [7:27.046]

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I got that GT-R on grid at Trial Mountain now. On race one I got a dramatic demonstration of game mechanics as it went very/dangerously slowly just before the long tunnel, then shrinking very quickly on the straight, even vanishing for a couple of seconds behind the hill, and in the next corner its pace gone, as if its engine stalled (though there's no clutch pedal is there, hmm).

But in the last and quickest race I had a 2.4 second gap left at lap three T2. First pass was at 8 seconds into lap four, a right hand side overtake which was technically out of bounds. Then after the corner there almost lost control because of extreme speed and the outer rumble strip: front right tyre overheated before reaching that boundary. Such events are less likely with comfort tyres.

Still first, the gap was now 1.362 s at T1, and at T2 still over 1.2 s. The GT-R pulled alongside before we crested the hill. GT-R went upto 207 km/h, Isuzu did 172 that time. Retook 1st position in the corner with the yellow markings, left side. A few hundred meters on we changed places twice, and T3 gap was 1.362 seconds. Imagine that. Ichikawa might be an actual surgeon. GT-R went past on the straight leading to the chicane, and the cars were almost side by side in it, though the monster kept ahead and yes, went full throttle, as far as the game replay reveals it, from under the first bridge after the chicane to finish.

107.4 km on odometer, so either that's how much I did here (all full races), or maybe within a few percent of that.
Total [7:27.046]

View attachment 893119
If you block the GTR on the straight on the last lap you will win.
OR I end up hitting the right or even left barrier, as happened at least once with other cars there.

Yea ,the fear to end up loosing control after Icikawa attack is 50-50 percent .
Anyway ,the Isuzu can run at almost dead 48s ( no need to cut the chicane for this) if is in clean air and the most important is not to loose speed somewhere which is quite difficult for 4 laps especially the first two.
This little thing called Isuzu drives remarkable good and thats why i chose it.
First thought was to run this at Rome circuit which was fantastic and i change my mind and put it among the " lions" to give and the opportunity for some of us to achieve more on the GTR trophies ...... Breakfast , dinner, lunch etc.
If you block the GTR on the straight on the last lap you will win.
The overtaking driver is responsible for the decision to pass another car and to accomplish it safely. The overtaken driver is responsible to be aware that he is being passed and not to "impede or block the overtaking car". A driver who does not use his rear view mirror or who appears to be blocking another car attempting to pass may be black flagged and/or penalized. In the SCCA you can only block one time and no more or you could be black flagged or penalized. All of this is at the discretion of the Race Stewart.
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You never know:lol:. Could be the next race. What do you think??
I don't like the particular car thats all .
Spa is an excellent track anyway ,a bit large but way more " interesting " that La Sarthe .
From USA makers what was impressed of ,was Shelby series one 03 but i don't know how will deal with the rain .
Its your call anyway and looking forward What's inside the pot.
I don't like the particular car thats all .
Spa is an excellent track anyway ,a bit large but way more " interesting " that La Sarthe .
From USA makers what was impressed of ,was Shelby series one 03 but i don't know how will deal with the rain .
Its your call anyway and looking forward What's inside the pot.
Not very well. You are way too young to drive such a powerful car in the rain. Stick with the Cadillac:lol:.
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@nostradavor2 7:17.656
@paddycars1 7:17.933

@smoothbore12 7:19.692
@bjl23 7:20.212
@CozmicDragon 7:23.576
@Thematic 7:27.046



@smoothbore12 3:26.761
@bjl23 3:28.837
@paddycars1 3:29.481
@Thematic 3:29.559
@CozmicDragon 3:30.880



@paddycars1 11:32.840
@smoothbore12 11:46.217
@Thematic 11:47.366
@bjl23 11:55.838



please send your replays to @skeagracing



Div 1
@paddycars1 1:07.266
@Thematic 1:09.137

Div 2
@smoothbore12 1:09.256
@bjl23 (hopefully)
