• Thread starter bjl23
Im not laughing yet.. Im bad at that track.. SPA and this one are probably my worst tracks.. I'll do few time trials if I get the time over a weekend.. What is decent time for 1 fast lap? Also I need to find the setup for the car..

I had my tune on first post for this and i don't think that you will have any problems at all at this track .
Deffinetly you will move way under 2.05 per lap which is my mark for a quick lap.
You can also use Praiano tune .
And not forget it , am not going to talk you till tomorrow ,so......
giphy (11).gif

@Thematic is a bit crazy move but what i notice is that when you brake ,you took the right line immediately !!!!
No way to move without TC on pad even more on ABS 0 !!!!
Well done mate .

lotus elise 111r race car 2004.jpg
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@smoothbore12 thanks mate.. I'll try when I have time.. is this car on 550 or 600 pp?

I just got absolutely destroyed at table tennis.. 1-4 2-4 0-4 1-4 0-4 in matches and I played really good.. after the match I was really confused and then the dude tells me he was national champion years ago lol
but my ego is still in pain because everyone knows me for my all-around athletic capabilities and I got absolutely killed..
@smoothbore12 thanks mate.. I'll try when I have time.. is this car on 550 or 600 pp?

I just got absolutely destroyed at table tennis.. 1-4 2-4 0-4 1-4 0-4 in matches and I played really good.. after the match I was really confused and then the dude tells me he was national champion years ago lol
but my ego is still in pain because everyone knows me for my all-around athletic capabilities and I got absolutely killed..

Ohhhh , and you want to feel sympathy for you now ?
Well only this i have to say for your " disaster ".....


You can adjust lower LCD settings and make sure you change oils.
Just realize that due to many Khm on the car i had lost enough horses during the last run trying to brake the 30s barrier .
Also i did a cool 2.04 mid after i restore the power through oil change.
The race is at 600 pp but the car can't go that high.

No tune update
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I had few laps.. got 2.07.6 best in TT.. so not that great :P

edit.. also if someone has good tune for Noel's school please share.. I'll need to do few laps TT for that too... My slowest 2 tracks in one round... Only Le Mans + these 2 are my weak spots..

Damn ,i can't hide that all this sound like .....
giphy (12).gif

I have on tune from Noel but didn't test it yet and that's your fault mate since you put me under stress .
When i start it ill let you inform about it since we have enough time.
I think Praiano tune with LCD at 8 - 8 -25 to 30 with gear fixing is good enough ,also you can try mine at post num 6493 which is a bit loose.
54./No tune
Total [5:05.37]
Lap 1. 29.3, 46.7, 26.7
Lap 2. 28.1, 46.6, 26.5
Lap 3. 28.2, 46.7, 26.2
I was a little too consistent here, with two 5:10 back to back, later two 5:09 back to back, and two 5:06 within 15 minutes. But I already am aware that the car can oversteer on lift/light braking, I just can't a: call it whenever b: know how this changes lines c: know all the places where it should apply.
Grazing the outside kerb at Casino feels like it may be useful, but I crashed to the inside barrier at the entry to the tunnel, so I don't even have a sector time to compare. From the replay, where I did this only on lap 3, it looks like the f. tyre indicators go red just the same on both lap two and three.

Answering a question and showing some otherwise cropped stuff:
My setup for the last five years.
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54./No tune
Total [5:05.37]
View attachment 897438
Lap 1. 29.3, 46.7, 26.7
Lap 2. 28.1, 46.6, 26.5
Lap 3. 28.2, 46.7, 26.2
I was a little too consistent here, with two 5:10 back to back, later two 5:09 back to back, and two 5:06 within 15 minutes. But I already am aware that the car can oversteer on lift/light braking, I just can't a: call it whenever b: know how this changes lines c: know all the places where it should apply.
Grazing the outside kerb at Casino feels like it may be useful, but I crashed to the inside barrier at the entry to the tunnel, so I don't even have a sector time to compare. From the replay, where I did this only on lap 3, it looks like the f. tyre indicators go red just the same on both lap two and three.
Answering a question and showing some otherwise cropped stuff:

My setup for the last five years.

Ohh man ,i envy you .
After @nostradavor2 laps i was quite aggressive on chicane and at Mirabeau late braking with the wheels point to the right ,put you on the line almost immediately without even let it roll you can hit the throttle.
Also help me to but BB way in the back .
You're in good way and if you find the right path to pass speedy the chicane you can gain a lot and of course sometimes you gonna stop for a with quick hug with the barriers that will ruin everything .
Oh man i envy you and also feels good that you enjoy it .:cheers:
@Thematic I don't know why I somehow thought you have DFGT too.. Looks great :)
Regarding the Monaco you can be pretty aggressive all around.. I actually didn't do many attempts but you can see my lines in vid I posted.. I think its the fastest without touching anything, at least I want to believe so lol
And I was driving that after I was driving Grid Autosport so car physics seemed weird but I thought it was because switching between games.

@smoothbore12 I'm struggling to learn this Panorama track, also find this tune little bit snappy and weird under breaking. I finished only 7 laps got it down from 2.12.1 to 2.03.1 but from the point the track goes downhill I really just improvised since I never really drove the track.
Id be happy if someone give me some tips for driving around here, this is my 2.03.1 lap showing all instruments and stuff and it's watchable quality..

Also Babis you are running div1 times....
just saying :P

edit.. what do you guys think... could some alien go under 2.00?
and also I don't understand why sometimes vids uploaded look ok like these one and some are just trash..
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I had few laps.. got 2.07.6 best in TT.. so not that great :P

edit.. also if someone has good tune for Noel's school please share.. I'll need to do few laps TT for that too... My slowest 2 tracks in one round... Only Le Mans + these 2 are my weak spots..
Tune with Racing Soft.
Brake Balance 7/8
Ballast Weight 126kg
Ballast Position 50%
And I was driving that after I was driving Grid Autosport so car physics seemed weird but I thought it was because switching between games.
At least for me it's the lack of seat time with rally cars or maybe even 4WD. But if PDI meant to make the default settings work on varying surfaces (or rather the physics work like that, idk) then it feels quite good anyway.

and also I don't understand why sometimes vids uploaded look ok like these one and some are just trash..
Experimenting with a video camera, I noticed that it wasn't very good with (that) screen and that it was too sensitive to light, like a night time or not proper day track would have probably been better.
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@nostradavor2 you gain one sec. plus over me in uphill sector .
Can't lift of a little as you do using button for throttle ,as for downhill part there's no tip ,you go as fast as allow you to steer the car in time.
Yes it a bit " snapy" and that for i went on 11 at rear springs and reduce both dambers to 5-4 and please stop whining ...... Only me allowed to do that :lol:

You was that close to be caught by the blue barrier :D.
Anyway ,if you take a fast line up which means 2 sleepstremings i see you near the 20s and by keeping this pace you are able to stop timer between 14s-17s .
With SRF on maybe there is room to be close at 2.00 ( talking about simple humans) but i never test it anyway.
Today i discover a very fast way to learn French language in almost 6 & half minutes time.

After that i totally quite any attempt for today and start talking. " French " for the next couple hours.
Here is a sample :
$%#$%&$%#%\:banghead: 🤬 :banghead:€¥€≥¢≠©®~|√≠≥©¶±{} :banghead: 🤬 @@#$¢£¢€¥

Verdict : 5 laps at Bathurst can make you an expert ............ In foreign languages !!.
Today on NT (mountain) I got a 2:08.3 as first lap but this pace led to a new situation on lap two, and apparently I can't handle those right now. I was approaching the 2nd place in the fast left after the climb (where there is no immediate barrier on the right, only sand) and should have braked a lot... I didn't and while I got the car out of the sand I didn't feel like going down the hill.
I ended up trying for a completed race (the only one). 1st lap 2:08.084, second 2:06 but the rest were garbage: 10:50 finish. I need to relax by sliding on Nürburgring. :)
Always i get 2.07-2.08 first lap and usualy the others are from 2.05- 206 and sometimes a boom at 2.04.
Was trying to reach the two BMW's in front to catch them at start straight .... Well i never make it.
After so many attempts i just try to race it as it goes and while i was on a outstanding 2.03 high on second lap and a dead 2.06 at first one ,what follows is at the vid and i simply quit .
I never did a 2.03 on TT and i thought was my chance to brake the 30 sec.barrier at the end but Lotus didn't agree on that :irked:

Something that helps me to be on more steady lapping was that i use the Praiano's gear box as it is which i wasn't use it till today and was on my own settings.
Its tough to keep the momentum , Forrest's elbow barrier and Murray's corner are waiting for you every single lap .
I did so many laps today and yesterday that the Lotus car frame was on orange color :crazy: when i check to do an oil change .

Relax on what ?!!!!!
I prefer to eat hot charcoals than this
Forrest's elbow barrier and Murray's corner are waiting for you every single lap
I saw how you do the Forrest's Elbow when you do get it right, nice!
I must do the last turn sort of slowly because I've had maybe one crash with this combo, out of many. I shift down before turn in, too.

Both of these tracks we are racing are actual street tracks.

Subaru S206 NBR CHALLENGE PACKAGE in the European mountains, the old routine settled quick and while I didn't care about results, it was almost time trial pace, so you have a point.
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I had a bit free the tv at night since Mary was playing something at her phone ,so i try a bit - again- the Bathurst nightmare .
I did my first attempt just a bit under 30s , i pull out a nice 2.03 high but wasn't happy at all since i was to late on first lap 2.08 high and the rest was closet to 2.05s .
Was on a line with the BMW's but the first car didn't bring any troubles to pass him at first turn and the cars was in good line at the track plus the phoenix audi help me with a bit of sleepstreming after Forrest's elbow since i let him pass me.
I try again and discover a new element that occurs when you move so fast...... The backmarker !!!
So i try once more and to be honest the second lap was a bit of disaster since we change kisses with both BMW's at all the uphill sector and i left somewhere at least my right mirror near the cement wall.
Anyway ,from my side am quite pleased from the outcome since i was - finally- at a momentum for to clock steady and hug free .


First lap was 2.06 low and second one 2.05 high the next are on the vid that follows.
Thanks to @Thematic and the SRFless event he picked .
Thank God also that i didn't ruin everything at the back of the 320 i on last lap
@smoothbore12 fast times.. your times improved a lot since I joined the hub
I realy don't know ,one thing is certain ,if i trust my car and feel confident i push as hard i can .
On the other hand trying to keep the same pace didn't help me at all when control race needed as is the school lessons.
I loose concentration and skrew up my runs.
I wish i could use my old wheel but i have not space for that plus Mary she will start hiting me not only with a shoe ..... She will grab a see flipper and that's painful enough :lol:

Here it is my DIY seat for the future , resting about a year ago since i build it

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@smoothbore12 it's good to see you keeping up your protein with those eggs while your racing. :lol:

:lol::lol: :lol:

We have about 50 chickens here and we sell the eggs that's why are there .
Our financial status is very low and that was a solution that occurs by the time we took the first 10 for home use at first place.

As for GT7 am also waiting too and mostly for what ps will release for.
I don't like the totally reliance from internet as gt sport have ,i like the plurality of gt6 in cars and tracks and the carrier mode .
Gt sport was start as an investment to support ps4 sales and nothing more ,also was addressed for limited audience and if i can say " professional " players .
I hope gt7 to be fully of content and not updated every 2-3 weeks to make it interesting .
Definitely i won't be from the first that will buy the ps5 since it will be expensive as it seems till now .
Same applies to gt7 if is for ps5 .
Although i believe the new virus situation that hit across the world ,will make tremendous change of plans in every aspect and might wait a lot more for the reveal of ps5 , gt7 and other stuff also.
When ps3 released was outrageous expensive against the ps2 which still remains the best selling console ever.
In about ten months we will know how when and if .
And definitely if i put in my hands gt7 i will support it whith a weel ,hope the g29 to fit for but i don't have high hopes on that.
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Hello everyone! Let me start by saying that I haven't play GT6 since the seasonals ended.

Today however I looked at my DFGT and thought about having a go. Once I started the game I couldn't decide what race I wanted and because of that I started looking for a community based seasonal challenge and I found this thread.

Let me say that the no tune challenge is right up my alley and I am glad that you keep playing and challenging each other.

I had an amazing time with the challenge, unfortunately I could only do a 5:15 which compared to your times is a bit embarrassing.

I think I will be around trying more no tune challenges.

Best regards to all of you.


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Hello everyone! Let me start by saying that I haven't play GT6 since the seasonals ended.

Today however I looked at my DFGT and thought about having a go. Once I started the game I couldn't decide what race I wanted and because of that I started looking for a community based seasonal challenge and I found this thread.

Let me say that the no tune challenge is right up my alley and I am glad that you keep playing and challenging each other.

I had an amazing time with the challenge, unfortunately I could only do a 5:15 which compared to your times is a bit embarrassing.

I think I will be around trying more no tune challenges.

Best regards to all of you.

Welcome new mate , there's absolutely no reason to feel shame about it .
Enjoy what you like to participate and when the " rust" wash out from your hands ,am sure it won't be like this.
A BIG welcome again