The credits cost of all 526 cars in Gran Turismo 7 [563 Million total]

  • Thread starter Samus
Damn, Ferrari 330 P4 finally back on market but was supposed to be 10mln (see Three Legendary Cars).
I am 9mln short to Plat my Plat Trophy - any one willing to Wire some spare credits :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is some seriousl GT7 gold digging for next days. Any Advise (2mln for Ioniq TT already included).
Thanks, Any car Reccomendation to be quick and safe - sparing some restarts?
I always use the Nissan GT500 Xanavi car slightly down tuned to get under the PP limit on RM tires. Fuel map 2 to start, then up to 6 at the end of lap 6. Pit at the end of lap 9 for tires and fuel then map 1 till the end. Usually finish a minute up on the field. Watch out for that asshole in the silver Audi! lol...Hopefully never a restart! There's more than enough grinding as it need to add restarts or missed CRBs to the tally.
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Thanks Mate, very helpful.
I am very clumpsy with AI in the CatchTheRabbit GT7 style races, so I probably can take CRB out ouf the equation.

Was just about to spill my frustration how silly low Credits are paid for Online Races just to see @NAXEHT had it already nailed comprehensively see post
Thanks Mate, very helpful.
I am very clumpsy with AI in the CatchTheRabbit GT7 style races, so I probably can take CRB out ouf the equation.

Was just about to spill my frustration how silly low Credits are paid for Online Races just to see @NAXEHT had it already nailed comprehensively see post
The nice thing about the Sardegna race is there's only one way you can lose the CRB - if you pass under a yellow flag. And yellow flags almost never happen in the race. I've run the race more than 400 times and only seen the yellow maybe 5 or 6 times. It's almost a guaranteed 727K credits every time. The only time I haven't gotten the max payout is a few times when I've spaced out and forgotten to pull into the pits with .1 lap of fuel in the tank... :lol: (and boy do I get angry when I do that!)
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Sardegna is really easy with that grinding. I was surprised CRB is granted even if you smash around the walls and AI cars. Platinum well achieved.
IT was cicra 7mln to go indead (thanks to TT gold). But with CE on Sardegna and Alsace it was less hampster treadmilling then expected. But stil dull/boring enough.
I have finally filled my garage with all the cars after purchasing the most expensive car in Brand Central...361 game days in three years to get the cash I needed. I did a fair amount of grinding at Sardegna and took advantage of a 'glitch' or two to speed things up a bit. Pictures are behind the spoiler. :)


