They're under the Fender manufacturer.Another question here guys, might seem basic but it`s doing my head in, ive got one demolition derby car, how do i actually buy another?, where are they?, when i bought one i had a few to choose from, but have no idea where to find them now, ive had a look under vehicles roster etc, but cannot find them under any brands..
I just bought the Crew 2 is it worth getting the Season pass?
I just bought the Crew 2 is it worth getting the Season pass?
@rallymorten Yeah, I can help you with those. How soon do you want to start?
@rallymorten yeh if your stuck m8 about in the evenings and can help out
Let me send you a message on PSN... or not...
I’ve sent you a couple of messages. Until I get a response back, I’ll be hanging around the Key West area.
Looks like I had my messaging set to Friends Only too. Whoops.
Enjoy your 100% completion.
Sorry man. I guess I was just disappointed at how I wasted my time and yours over a simple mistake.
I'm also curious on what kind of visual customizations we can have for the Mercedes.How much do we want to bet I can predict what the three most popular liveries for the M6 will be?
That said, I'll take that drop. Nothing remarkable, no, bu- hang on a second.. *frantic googling*..yeah, that's the Mercedes that used to be a police car and never got a road version. Huh.