The Crew Motorfest - General Discussion

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You can still use pro settings but will be interesting if they actually do fair rules when a car is up for the reward.
Its strange having RPG type structure applied to an arcade style racer... (I wonder why there is no guide or explanation of these features integrated into the game, not even a key for all the weird symbols on the upgrades). I just glaze over when presented with too much faff in the menu's, constantly deleting parts inventory is a chore (reminds me a bit of assassins creed odyssey in having too much inventory management perhaps same dev team?). A streamlining of the upgrades would be welcome as well as a trimmed ergonomic interface, i'm sure even fans of it as it is would rather be driving than stuck in menu's.
I am happy that the monthly rewards are meh (titles) after the call. The grind is somewhat frustrating to get to, especially if you are just playing solo play, but it is what it is. Are the cars available in the monthly grind available to purchase or is this the only way to obtain this vehicle?
Possible bug on PS5, not sure about PC & Xbox.
I DO NOT have the annual pass yet, but I have just bought the Nissan 240SX and the 2023 Z.
The Chevelle and Charger are still locked.
This is basically what happened to me after playing The Crew Motorfest after a certain amount of time:

It just crashes after a certain amount of time

I really hope it gets fixed at some point.
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This game...
I've been grinding for hours now just for that last gold nitro part on my dragster, but it won't drop. I have everything on max for loot, incl. goldfinger. Every other set on dragster is complete (which I don't care since nitro is the only one that counts on dragster).

Sometimes you think the game is watching what parts you have and withholding that exact part from you.

This game...
I've been grinding for hours now just for that last gold nitro part on my dragster, but it won't drop. I have everything on max for loot, incl. goldfinger. Every other set on dragster is complete (which I don't care since nitro is the only one that counts on dragster).

Sometimes you think the game is watching what parts you have and withholding that exact part from you.

The question is it actually worth it? Having picked up the crew 2 late I could see most of the prizes for summits were car variants rather than unique vehicles so is pulling your hair out for hours for a gold part a good thing? Its quicker to make your own car livery and add vanity parts if you want a truly unique garage. The way parts are awarded makes me think the game is like a fruit machine / loot box crossed with a driving game and that fomo / gambling aspect is a bit dubious (similar to GT's prize roulette).
Game got pretty fun with a wheel. Love the feel when throwing the car in the corner trying to cut as much as possible while trying to perfect the countersteer. One trick pony which seem to work on all cars so far. Sometimes you get stuck in an endless loop of return slides.

Any tips for standing starts? I tend to get massive wheelspins. Seems like the game expect everyone to use tc so I often give ai a 3-4 second handicap.
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The question is it actually worth it? Having picked up the crew 2 late I could see most of the prizes for summits were car variants rather than unique vehicles so is pulling your hair out for hours for a gold part a good thing? Its quicker to make your own car livery and add vanity parts if you want a truly unique garage. The way parts are awarded makes me think the game is like a fruit machine / loot box crossed with a driving game and that fomo / gambling aspect is a bit dubious (similar to GT's prize roulette).

The parts absolutely help for summits if you want to collect cars.

Grinding is boring but this is a modern GaaS title where the launch content is meant to last months before the first update and hardcore players can blow through it well before that. I’m already done with the playlists and the first update for this game isn’t until like December. So you grind and compete for the summit or play the grand race a bunch.
Seems like the game expect everyone to use tc so I often give ai a 3-4 second handicap
Wheelspeen is uncontrollable, always use tc at sport if you want to be competitive. Everything off is more for cruising in something derelict.
The parts absolutely help for summits if you want to collect cars.

Grinding is boring but this is a modern GaaS title where the launch content is meant to last months before the first update and hardcore players can blow through it well before that. I’m already done with the playlists and the first update for this game isn’t until like December. So you grind and compete for the summit or play the grand race a bunch.
Nothing wrong with that, for me having progress linked to a dice roll mechanic on part awards rather accumulated XP is the issue. Ive had 100 hours out of it, so its been good value, but grinding linked to chance is really off putting. The prizes are not very compelling when they amount to vanity items or variations of vehicles which can be purchased anyway. I understand folks want complete collections and be winners of leader boards so if grinding is for you go for it.
Its feature. SP content, aside from first two cars, are timed exclusive and could be bought 7 days after release.
SP content? I haven't seen any mention anywhere of the extra 25 cars being available to everyone 7 days after release.
Also, I was given the LBWK edition Supra on day 1. I didn't pre-order.
hey guys just joined today cause I had an issue that is bugging the crap out of me lol. when you pause the game the only thing I can do is switch or mod my cars or mod my avatar all the other icons to the left are grayed out like the gear icon which I assume is for settings, how do I access that cause at the moment I can only do it from the main menu before starting the game. By the way I am on a PS5 if that helps.
I’ve already pretty much stopped playing it. It was a nice diversion for a couple weeks but I’ve already tired of it.
Same here, will dip in for new playlists, but the GAAS engagement just isn't there without some form of genuine competition / decent awards / content. I do like tinkering with liveries / photo mode so there's that at least. WRC 23 is close now so it plugged a gap.

@Dave McFly you can access the left hand menu by hitting start a second time and it will open up, it took me a while to get into that menu too not exactly intuitive hitting start twice is it...
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I log in for the summits weekly but I am slowly getting burned out of grinding for cash for some of the vehicles used in them. I dislike grand races. I don't mind doing the weekly main stages with the higher XP vehicles though.
I still can't play this game seriously until they fix the bugs in the livery editor and address the issue of people abusing the reporting feature.

In the meantime, all my passion and desire for livery production will go into Hotwheels Unleashed 2.
This game's livery editor features are not as good as Motorfest's except for fonts and gradient shapes, but I can trust that I can work on it for hours without having to worry about crashes or losing my livery.
And that trust certainly existed in TC2 too...
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I’ve already pretty much stopped playing it. It was a nice diversion for a couple weeks but I’ve already tired of it.
I'm not soo much tired of it, I've just moved on to Forza Motorsport, which is soo much more fun to play.
There are some problems with rewards and pace that makes endgame not as fun as it can be. I guess we ain't get any updates till December, which is ok schedule for 5y.o tC2, but not new Motorfest. QA update and rebalance are seriously needed ASAP.
There are some problems with rewards and pace that makes endgame not as fun as it can be. I guess we ain't get any updates till December, which is ok schedule for 5y.o tC2, but not new Motorfest. QA update and rebalance are seriously needed ASAP.
Agreed. I think I am still coming in and playing the summit and then racking up some more cash by doing the main stage with higher XP vehicles.
I've completed all the playlists but noticed just now when looking back through them some give the ⬜ /🔽 option and some just the 🔽 option? i know i won them all apart from drift when i got 2nd i'm wondering what i missed ?
Does anyone know how you can select your all your own cars in custom races?

When I select custom event I can choose from all my own cars, so i select a max level street tier 2 car. But when i start the event in a crew i can only select that car and 5 others while i have more street tier 2 cars of that level. It seems like it is matching cars on an other way than the parts level?

I just want to play the events in a crew where we can all use our cars that are the same level.
Racing drift cars for the week's summit events was rough and annoying until I made this change in Controls: Steering to wild preset setting and Brake to precise preset setting. You can leave Throttle in default. The control and feeling are better, more like TC2.
Hey guys, I'm looking for a fun, simple car game to scratch that itch I so often get, and keep me occupied for a few weeks. But before i spend an enormous chunk of money on another Ubisoft game (got burned by The Crew 2) I thought I'd ask if its Motorfest is worth the cash. I dont have high expectations, I just want to be moderately entertained for a while. Does anyone know what the single player content is like? Is there enough events/variety/progression to make it worthwhile?