The Crew Motorfest - General Discussion

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How is everyone doing in the custom show with their bikes getting votes?
I have managed plat. Yeah, the update didn't do any good for us casuals. And it certainly didn't make it fair. Whatever fair is. Another proof that fans pushing for changes doesn't mean changes will improve the experience at all.
But it's really up to luck. Last week I saw @sirjim73 Mark X and gave him 2❤️. Nobody else would vote a normal Mark X. Like.... at least change something!!! 😂
And I totally agree, bike themed CS are... boring. There should be at least 20 bikes on each platform.

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I have managed plat. Yeah, the update didn't do any good for us casuals. And it certainly didn't make it fair. Whatever fair is. Another proof that fans pushing for changes doesn't mean changes will improve the experience at all.
But it's really up to luck. Last week I saw @sirjim73 Mark X and gave him 2❤️. Nobody else would vote a normal Mark X. Like.... at least change something!!! 😂
And I totally agree, bike themed CS are... boring. There should be at least 20 bikes on each platform.

Thank you for the votes - I wondered where they came from!

I haven't even worked out how I find others to vote for - like would I be able to see you in the Custom Show and where would your bike be, so i can return the favour?

Random fact for the day - I have banged the gong at the Japanese temple where "Made in Japan" begins :D
I haven't even worked out how I find others to vote for - like would I be able to see you in the Custom Show and where would your bike be, so i can return the favour?
Each platform rests every 8 minutes. Every minute one of the platforms resets. It circulate so (at least on XBox) you have many opportunities someone sees your car/bike. However you need to be extremely lucky some of your friends sees your car. Like since the beginning I only saw @breyzipp three times. Funny enough his Mini Rally showed 2 days in a row when I was checking the Custom Show. Tree times I had a chance to vote for him since the beginning.
Don't worry. It was just luck. Don't waste time searching for other cars. The odds are really low. But thanks for the thought anyway.
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I haven't even worked out how I find others to vote for - like would I be able to see you in the Custom Show and where would your bike be, so i can return the favour?
This is what they changed. It used to be possible to vote for friends if you agreed a time to submit the entry, because your entry always appeared in the show around 10 mins after submitting it (longer at busy time when lots of people were submitting entries). They appear to have now made it random when vehicles appear, which has stopped the organised groups of friends from getting lots of votes, but hasn't really helped anyone else. The top 10 contains many completely unremarkable vehicles.

I've been trying the lossless scaling app with the game on PC. It lets you run at high frame rates by creating intermediate frames. It has to be said, the difference between 60 and 240fps is absolutely stunning (on a 360hz monitor), I wish I could somehow let you all see just how incredible the difference is. Even just looking around the custom show, the difference is incredible. I don't think it gives a competitive advantage, because it makes input lag worse, but everything looks so much clearer, and it's so much less fatiguing. There are some visual artifacts, but overall what it's doing is like some sort of voodoo magic, the results are so good, bearing in mind it does it for any game with no support from the game whereas DLSS frame generation only works for specific games that give it the additional help it needs.
This is what they changed. It used to be possible to vote for friends if you agreed a time to submit the entry, because your entry always appeared in the show around 10 mins after submitting it (longer at busy time when lots of people were submitting entries). They appear to have now made it random when vehicles appear, which has stopped the organised groups of friends from getting lots of votes, but hasn't really helped anyone else. The top 10 contains many completely unremarkable vehicles.

I've been trying the lossless scaling app with the game on PC. It lets you run at high frame rates by creating intermediate frames. It has to be said, the difference between 60 and 240fps is absolutely stunning (on a 360hz monitor), I wish I could somehow let you all see just how incredible the difference is. Even just looking around the custom show, the difference is incredible. I don't think it gives a competitive advantage, because it makes input lag worse, but everything looks so much clearer, and it's so much less fatiguing. There are some visual artifacts, but overall what it's doing is like some sort of voodoo magic, the results are so good, bearing in mind it does it for any game with no support from the game whereas DLSS frame generation only works for specific games that give it the additional help it needs.
I'm currently still jumping between Crew 2 and TCM because I've not quite finished the races in TC2 yet (and i still have photo ops, skills and hobbies to work through :lol: ).

I've just finished season 6 (iced tracks) and have season 7 next up.

I need to get that Suzuki in TC2 this week for the TCM summit.

Anyway, the relevant point is that the difference in graphics between TC2 and TCM2 even on Series S is incredible! So your comments are entirely believable to me.
Maybe this is all a "licensing issue" in the end, but considering that many of the bikes in GTAO have really great visual customization, a lot of the bike customization in this game seems very boring and personality-less.

My personal opinion is that we would like to see an update like the DONK vs Lowriders update that adds a new playlist featuring custom motorcycle culture and new motorcycles with better customization. For example, a Chopper Update or Cafe Racer Update.

But unfortunately, that won't happen.
If you look at the many communities surrounding this game, it seems that the majority of the current players of this game are roughly the same as casual Forza Horizon players.

That is, they are only interested in the latest hypercars or classic JDM.

A other trim level Porsche 911 is much more important and dear to them than a all-new motorcycle with great customization options...
Maybe this is all a "licensing issue" in the end, but considering that many of the bikes in GTAO have really great visual customization, a lot of the bike customization in this game seems very boring and personality-less.

My personal opinion is that we would like to see an update like the DONK vs Lowriders update that adds a new playlist featuring custom motorcycle culture and new motorcycles with better customization. For example, a Chopper Update or Cafe Racer Update.

But unfortunately, that won't happen.
If you look at the many communities surrounding this game, it seems that the majority of the current players of this game are roughly the same as casual Forza Horizon players.

That is, they are only interested in the latest hypercars or classic JDM.

A other trim level Porsche 911 is much more important and dear to them than a all-new motorcycle with great customization options...
A lot of generalisations and assumptions there, do you have crystal balls, lol. I agree bikes are less popular than cars, but there's much more shades of grey when it comes to people's tastes. I like how the game evolves, and who knows what is around the corner? They had long Harley bike ride missions in the crew 2, you might just get what you crave in time. If I could toss my hat in for a bike suggestion it would be a Road Rash mode loved that game on the megadrive many moons ago.
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A lot of generalisations and assumptions there, do you have crystal balls, lol. I agree bikes are less popular than cars, but there's much more shades of grey when it comes to people's tastes. I like how the game evolves, and who knows what is around the corner? They had long Harley bike ride missions in the crew 2, you might just get what you crave in time.
Now I feel like creating a long Harley Davidson event with the race creator! 👍:lol:👍
Well, I'm going to struggle to get 5 feats in my slow-as-ass KTM motocross bike this week for the Main Stage challenge :lol:

I am halfway through playlist 5 (Honk if you Donk) and have the Lowrider part still to do. Wow, this one is a LOT of fun.

It dawned on me earlier how big the Custom mode is! I mean there's 20+ Playlists x6 approx races each x 11 types of vehicles = 1320, some races aren't available for all types but there must be 1,000 + races there alone. If I just do the 2 races you need for main stage each week, it will take about 10 years to get through them all :lol: And every time they add a new playlist, that's another 6 months added...!

I was disappointed to see that the Iolani Palace is not on the map (it should be between the golden statue [who is that they've replaced King Kamehameha with?] and the big grey government building that has water around the outside and pillars holding up its roof and water all around it).

Today's random fact - the Iolani Palace (the home for the Royal family prior to the US organised coup) was the first place in Hawai to have a telephone (in 189x as I recall from the museum tour). Not sure who they called with it 🤔
Well, I'm going to struggle to get 5 feats in my slow-as-ass KTM motocross bike this week for the Main Stage challenge
I don't know if you unlocked the Off road addict vol1 playlist. It unlocks a speed trap near volcano that requires 110 kph or 86 mph. It can be done easily in a mtx without any upgrade. You just need to unlock the playlist.
Well, I'm going to struggle to get 5 feats in my slow-as-ass KTM motocross bike this week for the Main Stage challenge :lol:

It dawned on me earlier how big the Custom mode is! I mean there's 20+ Playlists x6 approx races each x 11 types of vehicles = 1320, some races aren't available for all types but there must be 1,000 + races there alone. If I just do the 2 races you need for main stage each week, it will take about 10 years to get through them all :lol: And every time they add a new playlist, that's another 6 months added...!
You can use the GSX-RR racing bike for 4 of the weekly challenges, doubling up on the feats and freedrive distance, and then the main stage and difficulty 3 events.

I'm not absolutely 100% sure, but I THINK you also get credited with custom mode completion for summit events and main stage legacy events. On my alt accounts where I've only mainly only done the bare minimum each week for a few months, I have around 3500-4500 prestige tickets. It depends what you want, I'm happy to just be able to get the occasional really noteworthy item from the prestige shop, like the Black Panthaa R34. If you're a completionist who wants everything, then yes, you'll have to do a lot of specific grinding of custom mode to get everything from the prestige shop.

Having done the summit on 4 accounts, I've actually come to enjoy the events a lot more. On the Isle of Oahu event I got top 100 on an account that didn't even have a half nitro chemist set, just from getting better at it after doing it once per account on 4 accounts! It has been a bit like the helicopter summit in that I hated the bikes at first, but just spending more time using them made me better at all the events, which in turn made them more enjoyable.

Another tip is if you don't want to spend the credits on the Ninja H2, the KTM Red Bull Team isn't far off for the summit speed trap, and I somehow already had that on an alt account, I think it's perhaps included in a playlist bundle.
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The Crew Motorfest Scheduled Maintenance
Wednesday, March 26th
Estimated duration: 2 hours
All platforms
Fixing irregular boosted rewards for the Grand Race.
You can use the GSX-RR racing bike for 4 of the weekly challenges, doubling up on the feats and freedrive distance, and then the main stage and difficulty 3 events.

I'm not absolutely 100% sure, but I THINK you also get credited with custom mode completion for summit events and main stage legacy events. On my alt accounts where I've only mainly only done the bare minimum each week for a few months, I have around 3500-4500 prestige tickets. It depends what you want, I'm happy to just be able to get the occasional really noteworthy item from the prestige shop, like the Black Panthaa R34. If you're a completionist who wants everything, then yes, you'll have to do a lot of specific grinding of custom mode to get everything from the prestige shop.

Having done the summit on 4 accounts, I've actually come to enjoy the events a lot more. On the Isle of Oahu event I got top 100 on an account that didn't even have a half nitro chemist set, just from getting better at it after doing it once per account on 4 accounts! It has been a bit like the helicopter summit in that I hated the bikes at first, but just spending more time using them made me better at all the events, which in turn made them more enjoyable.

Another tip is if you don't want to spend the credits on the Ninja H2, the KTM Red Bull Team isn't far off for the summit speed trap, and I somehow already had that on an alt account, I think it's perhaps included in a playlist bundle.
I don't have the GSX-RR yet as I don't have it in TC2 [I am saving TCM monies for TCM exclusive cars whenever they appear in Summits etc and only buying TC2 cars with TC2 money], however I managed 5 slaloms on the motocross bike.

Up to level 21 Main Stage. Next month or May I'll try to get to level 50.

Finished off the Lowrider playlist (was surprised to find a "music rhythm" game in TCM :lol: and also ran through the Bike Lovers as my 6th playlist yesterday while that had 50% boost. I also have started collecting beach 🍩 and Jasper's doodles - which made me realise that I can't use Fast Travel anyway as I've got lots of that stuff left to find.

Finding the game very addictive, it all appeals to the "completionist " in me.

I'm missing the Audi S1 for next week's Summit, so I'll need to pick that up in TC2. At some point I still have all the hobbies/photos/skills to work through in TC2 as well...
I don't have the GSX-RR yet as I don't have it in TC2 [I am saving TCM monies for TCM exclusive cars whenever they appear in Summits etc and only buying TC2 cars with TC2 money], however I managed 5 slaloms on the motocross bike.
I started doing that at first, buying everything I could in TC2 instead. But there has come a point where my main account has so much money in TCM that it's not worth worrying about any more. I often already have one or more of the summit bundle cars, so the bundle is cheap, and I often already have reward items, so the game gives me credits for those. As a result, my credit balance just keeps going up. I even bought every electric hypercar in the week when there were summit activities where you could use any one of those, so I could try them all, and I'm already back up to 17m credits.

I've just established that summit activities DON'T contribute to custom mode. The 2nd summit activity this week is Touge Spirit from the Made in Japan playlist, and I just did it on an account that didn't have that event completed with Rally in custom mode. After I'd done it in the summit, it still wasn't completed in custom mode.
I started doing that at first, buying everything I could in TC2 instead. But there has come a point where my main account has so much money in TCM that it's not worth worrying about any more. I often already have one or more of the summit bundle cars, so the bundle is cheap, and I often already have reward items, so the game gives me credits for those. As a result, my credit balance just keeps going up. I even bought every electric hypercar in the week when there were summit activities where you could use any one of those, so I could try them all, and I'm already back up to 17m credits.

I've just established that summit activities DON'T contribute to custom mode. The 2nd summit activity this week is Touge Spirit from the Made in Japan playlist, and I just did it on an account that didn't have that event completed with Rally in custom mode. After I'd done it in the summit, it still wasn't completed in custom mode.
Would you be a legend and tell me what is the fastest/easiest way to grind cash?
I desperately need those fruity n juicy bucks 😅
Thanks in advance, I know you're a legend anyway but introducing me to the mysteries of grinding will make your legacy even more honorable 😬
I just recalled something, I saw a player with a Purple Motorfest logo by their level count, saying LEGEND. Is that because of their level being super high or is that because they're YouTubers?
Would you be a legend and tell me what is the fastest/easiest way to grind cash?
I desperately need those fruity n juicy bucks 😅
Thanks in advance, I know you're a legend anyway but introducing me to the mysteries of grinding will make your legacy even more honorable 😬
There are really just two events that everyone recommend Ridin in my Buick (Dunk vs Low) and Kiss me Kombi (Vintage garage). The first one will get you 1,1 mil the second 950k per hour with an Alpha GT and Bucks magnet.
Would you be a legend and tell me what is the fastest/easiest way to grind cash?
I desperately need those fruity n juicy bucks 😅
Thanks in advance, I know you're a legend anyway but introducing me to the mysteries of grinding will make your legacy even more honorable 😬
If you do the weekly challenges each week, then unless you want to buy more cars than you need for the summit each week, the money will eventually start to pile up.

If you want to specifically grind, the two events that strela mentioned both have cuts. For Kombi, the cut doesn't matter much for grinding, it only saves a couple of seconds. For Ridin in my Buick, you need to learn the cuts, as they're huge. Another event you can do is Hummer E-xpress (Electric Odyssey). This is tricky with Alpha GP, but you can do it with a Racing car, the Gallardo Super Trofeo is very good for it due to being AWD (many other cars that say they're AWD clearly aren't, as just two of the wheels spin at the start of the event), and very easily get good bucks from that, but again there's a reset that you need to learn from a YouTube video. I can work out the bucks per hour for that event later, can't do it right now.

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