Again, what do you know about me and how and when I use my scientifically methods? I still subscribe to my science magazines but that the FE has simply opened up my mind for new things.
Flat Earthers do not ignore science at all, they even use science to explain a lot of things, they simply ignore space and all that. Because of many scientific inconsistencies that the FE crowd points out, why are you ignoring those? For example: Can you see stars or not? Do you have delay in communication or not? Why are we seeing bubbles, and floating stuff in space? Why do we see divers or even thumbs sticking out through the glove in space? Stuff like these is what made me more pro FE that the accepted world view when FE is in the picture.
In this thread I defend the FE topic itself, not if FE is true or not because all that I know is collected through the FE videos and arguments therefore I can not 100% claim to be a true flat earther. Do you follow?
I still follow many interesting stuff that are about space, quantum mechanics and what not, but I am not blindly believing it. How hard is it for you to understand this?
What I am surprised by is that your lack of understanding that people may change their stance on something like an atheist becoming a religious or vice versa. To be honest I think in my case something like FE is just a new fresh take on the world view regardless of how it really is because I am getting older, maybe it is a step in a religious direction or maybe it is just a phase but it is interesting.
And you dont need to drop everything else to being interested in something new? What are you freaking out about? What gives you the right to say that people like the Flat earthers are stupid and it seems you include me here without knowing anything about me at all.
To me you sound just like a religious mob that is out to burn the witch