The Easiest Ways to Make Money in Gran Turismo 7

  • Thread starter Famine
If you want to collect cars in this game you need credits, they make a big deal about the car culture and collection so to nerf payouts on the limited events they have provided you with is just poor. Why not make custom race payouts more in line with those of the normal races? Also, the grind is completely impossible at the moment so in theory you have lost however many hours the game has been down in potential credits - are they going to give you something by way of apology? I doubt it. You pay £70 for a game to be half finished and then the second patch they release they make it more difficult to save for car collecting - something they big up across their promotional material.
Personally I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to nerf the pepper races since they're among those that actually require some skill. Harder races should pay more. The Mini Clubman race for example is actually quite difficult without a proper build and it has an AI racer rigged to fight through the pack and win if you don't. This race should pay more, it makes sense for it to. Yet... it was nerfed.
I laughed when I noticed that car had a turbo and sport soft tires... I still haven't figured out how to recreate that setup and fit it under the PP limit. :confused:
I agree. I told my friends the same thing, there's no way they intended for 1 race to be nearly double the payout of everything else in the game. Fisherman's ranch was the outlier, and no one in their right mind should have expected them to balance the other 99% of the game, to the 1 outlier. That's just naive. You had to know it was going to be the other way around.

People are upset, even though they got what they wanted. Now you don't have to grind Fish Ranch, you can choose between a handful of options and layouts are all within reason. When servers are up, I'll do some math and share results.

We've had the game for 2 weeks, just doing the bare minimum to get your daily roulette, took 6 Fisherman's Ranch races. This is 18-21 minutes depending on your speed, and gave you nearly 600k every day. That's 8M as of today and not what I would consider a grind. Doing my dailies felt like any typical game with similar mechanics.

We get 3m from the game content, (after required purchases and upgrades) and on top of this you can add 14 roulettes for chances at money or better. I'll ignore those because RNG, but that still leaves us with 11M earned without grinding in 2 weeks.

You only had to buy a single car to progress through the entire career, and 1 truck. Everything else was handed to you and lead you right into the next menu. This leaves people with roughly 11M credits as of today, doing the basics.
I did the basics, didn't earn 11 million. Where did you get that figure. Oh wait you include grinding fishermans ranch for the daily workout to that. (why would you if you already have the daily workout from playing the game) Yep 3m is what I ended up with.

It looks like Fishermans ranch is still the 'fastest' way to get credits, but less than half as 'fast' as it was before.

And yeah that roulette is useless, I got 2K for daily workout bonus lol. Most tickets 5 or 10K, the big ending ticket got me the 25th anniversary car which I already had. And I got a couple useless tuning parts for cars I don't have nor can afford :P But once I got the gld bar, 100K! That's one set of racing tires, woohoo! (rain tires not included)

Btw is PD going to give me the 65K I missed out on on Monza and Le Mans :)
Go to the first post. Click on the link. Full article AND video.

This is the discussion thread, and discussion happened on it. Plus a little arguing, but that appears to only have been about whether I'm allowed an opinion or not as the admin of this site (of which I'm still not quite sure of the relevance).

Lol no.

It's objectively inferior to the Fishermans Ranch race while still pretty much requiring the same car and unlocks at the same time. All the other less-good options have a variety of different cars throughout the levels, and while they may be inferior to FR they can be excellent alternatives if you don't fancy dealing with the awful rally modes.

At the point at which FR unlocks, it becomes the fastest and easiest way of making money. All the others are either faster or easier than alternatives up to that point. With the possible exception of Alsace, which I put in simply because it's fun watching Gr.B cars race on a track.
I’m not ashamed to come back in here and apologize for being wrong. I was wrong and you were and are right. In their greed to convince the player base to buy in game credits with real money they rushed out a patch to put a stop to anyone making money at anywhere near a decent rate. And because they rushed that patch out they included a game crashing bug, and close to 22 hours later, the game is still offline. I’m disappointed in hell at the developers and their very apparent money grab. They know the player base is frustrated at the low income races and they decided to make it worse? Who the hell thought that was a good idea? Anywho….

My direct and sincerest apologies Famine, I was out of line.
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11M earned without grinding in 2 weeks
Doing FR 6 times per day everyday for two weeks is not grinding ? And how much would you get without "not grinding" FR ? 97500 x 6 x 14 = 8M, so if you take your "not grinding" FR you end up with 3M in 2 weeks ? noice !!
Doing FR 6 times per day everyday for two weeks is not grinding ? And how much would you get without "not grinding" FR ? 97500 x 6 x 14 = 8M, so if you take your "not grinding" FR you end up with 3M in 2 weeks ? noice !!
If you can't be bothered to earn your daily roulette, then I'm not sure what to tell you. 20 minutes a day to get ~40 miles, and I get rewarded 600k for it, and a chance at another 500k? That doesn't even begin register on my radar of 'grinding'. Honestly, many of you have never played an MMO RPG, and it really shows.

20 minutes is how long I used to wait in a queue, just to get into the event I wanted to grind, that takes 3 hours to do... and you only get to enter once a day, and you have to beat every NM on all 6 levels of difficulty to reach the boss, and then you have to beat the boss on all 6 difficulties, just so you can start farming the Rank Points, to level up the gear that you need... and there are 5 pieces of gear per NM, and you have to level each one individually... And you have 22 jobs that need different gear sets... and you have to level each job you desire to play, to 99, and then merit, and then capacity, and then Master level., and to beat the highest version of the NM, you have to have an ultimate weapon, which is 10 times harder to achieve and infinitely more expensive than the event you'r etrying to do... And I learned how to use 3rd party tools, learned how to write code in C++ just so I could min/max my gear changes for the 20 different job abilities of each single Job I play, and you have to understand how your job coincides with between 5 and 17 other jobs in your alliance...

This is why there seems to be a continental disconnect between the player base. For people like you, instantly jumping into a 3 minute race against the computer, to make the highest reward possible, that isn't even a requirement to access anything in the entire game, is a "grind". For me, that's actually getting to play the core intent of the game and being rewarded the maximum possible outcome for it. Perspective. You don't seem to have a clue what grinding is.

It's so frustrating to hear you all cry about how you wanted a longer career mode, more races against the computer, and then watch you switch threads and cry about how many times you have to race the computer to make money, and call it 'grinding'.
If you can't be bothered to earn your daily roulette, then I'm not sure what to tell you. 20 minutes a day to get ~40 miles, and I get rewarded 600k for it, and a chance at another 500k? That doesn't even begin register on my radar of 'grinding'. Honestly, many of you have never played an MMO RPG, and it really shows.

20 minutes is how long I used to wait in a queue, just to get into the event I wanted to grind, that takes 3 hours to do... and you only get to enter once a day, and you have to beat every NM on all 6 levels of difficulty to reach the boss, and then you have to beat the boss on all 6 difficulties, just so you can start farming the Rank Points, to level up the gear that you need... and there are 5 pieces of gear per NM, and you have to level each one individually... And you have 22 jobs that need different gear sets... and you have to level each job you desire to play, to 99, and then merit, and then capacity, and then Master level., and to beat the highest version of the NM, you have to have an ultimate weapon, which is 10 times harder to achieve and infinitely more expensive than the event you'r etrying to do... And I learned how to use 3rd party tools, learned how to write code in C++ just so I could min/max my gear changes for the 20 different job abilities of each single Job I play, and you have to understand how your job coincides with between 5 and 17 other jobs in your alliance...

This is why there seems to be a continental disconnect between the player base. For people like you, instantly jumping into a 3 minute race against the computer, to make the highest reward possible, that isn't even a requirement to access anything in the entire game, is a "grind". For me, that's actually getting to play the core intent of the game and being rewarded the maximum possible outcome for it. Perspective. You don't seem to have a clue what grinding is.

It's so frustrating to hear you all cry about how you wanted a longer career mode, more races against the computer, and then watch you switch threads and cry about how many times you have to race the computer to make money, and call it 'grinding'.
Definition of grinding: Playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress smoothly through the game.
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I agree. I told my friends the same thing, there's no way they intended for 1 race to be nearly double the payout of everything else in the game. Fisherman's ranch was the outlier, and no one in their right mind should have expected them to balance the other 99% of the game, to the 1 outlier. That's just naive. You had to know it was going to be the other way around.

People are upset, even though they got what they wanted. Now you don't have to grind Fish Ranch, you can choose between a handful of options and layouts are all within reason. When servers are up, I'll do some math and share results.

We've had the game for 2 weeks, just doing the bare minimum to get your daily roulette, took 6 Fisherman's Ranch races. This is 18-21 minutes depending on your speed, and gave you nearly 600k every day. That's 8M as of today and not what I would consider a grind. Doing my dailies felt like any typical game with similar mechanics.

We get 3m from the game content, (after required purchases and upgrades) and on top of this you can add 14 roulettes for chances at money or better. I'll ignore those because RNG, but that still leaves us with 11M earned without grinding in 2 weeks.

You only had to buy a single car to progress through the entire career, and 1 truck. Everything else was handed to you and lead you right into the next menu. This leaves people with roughly 11M credits as of today, doing the basics.
I was a little pissed about it until I realized I haven't even driven my F40 yet and I was aiming for the FXX-K. There's tons of cars in my garage I didn't get to enjoy yet, still I was pushing to buy more. At this point I had to ask myself if I was doing things right.

The people who want to own the Jag in the first couple weeks of play are simply delusional. I've played GTS, and only GTS, from the start of September to the start of November, and I was never anywhere close to buying any of the 20 million cars, despite farming Blue Moon Bay for a while. It's just not doable. I then realized this type of content is there in the game for the people who had been playing for a much longer time, some of whom even lucky enough to win the cars in the daily roulettes.

For me, the overall income nerf hurts my style of play not because I can't get an old Jaguar I'd drive for 2 minutes then forget in my garage, but because upgrading each car in the game can cost you north of 200,000 credits and is in fact what slows you down. I like to experiment, tweak and see my cars grow into beasts, which is why I'm playing this instead of paying extra for a wheel and playing ACC. 800,000 credits/hour limits my experience a lot.

If you can't be bothered to earn your daily roulette, then I'm not sure what to tell you. 20 minutes a day to get ~40 miles, and I get rewarded 600k for it, and a chance at another 500k? That doesn't even begin register on my radar of 'grinding'. Honestly, many of you have never played an MMO RPG, and it really shows.

20 minutes is how long I used to wait in a queue, just to get into the event I wanted to grind, that takes 3 hours to do... and you only get to enter once a day, and you have to beat every NM on all 6 levels of difficulty to reach the boss, and then you have to beat the boss on all 6 difficulties, just so you can start farming the Rank Points, to level up the gear that you need... and there are 5 pieces of gear per NM, and you have to level each one individually... And you have 22 jobs that need different gear sets... and you have to level each job you desire to play, to 99, and then merit, and then capacity, and then Master level., and to beat the highest version of the NM, you have to have an ultimate weapon, which is 10 times harder to achieve and infinitely more expensive than the event you'r etrying to do... And I learned how to use 3rd party tools, learned how to write code in C++ just so I could min/max my gear changes for the 20 different job abilities of each single Job I play, and you have to understand how your job coincides with between 5 and 17 other jobs in your alliance...

This is why there seems to be a continental disconnect between the player base. For people like you, instantly jumping into a 3 minute race against the computer, to make the highest reward possible, that isn't even a requirement to access anything in the entire game, is a "grind". For me, that's actually getting to play the core intent of the game and being rewarded the maximum possible outcome for it. Perspective. You don't seem to have a clue what grinding is.

It's so frustrating to hear you all cry about how you wanted a longer career mode, more races against the computer, and then watch you switch threads and cry about how many times you have to race the computer to make money, and call it 'grinding'.
Don't forget the juicy hunt camps which are usually only available to paying members in F2P games.

Imagine the state of this forum if Fisherman's Ranch was DLC.
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So from what I understand the Sunday Cup event at Daytona oval was not nerfed? If this is true, with the Dodge Tomahawk S, it doesn't pay much worse than the Fisherman's Ranch race.
Definition of grinding: Playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress smoothly through the game.
If "racing" is a repetitive task you don't enjoy, you bought the wrong game.

You do NOT need to race Fisherman's ranch to UNLOCK anything, or to PROGRESS through this game.

All you did was prove my point, you don't know what grinding is.

The entire game can be progressed to COMPLETION without doing a single thing for money. The career mode gives you enough cars and enough money to complete EVERY SINGLE REQUIRED TASK. With plenty left over.

It's like if someone cried about all the "grinding" they did because they spent endless hours painting every car they own in the livery editor. "Wah I did a repetitive task!" Yeah, but one that was by pure choice, was not required to complete or progress through the game.

Did you guys get max level in Sport? Did you complete all those 3 stage circle things? They put them in the game, so by your definition they are absolutely required to be completed and you're not calling that a grind? That's how you guys are representing this car collection tracker. They give you a nice convenient visual tool and you treat it like a job.

Let me say this one more time. The menu rewards will give you more money than you need to complete EVERY single task in the game. You can finish every single piece of content, every mission, license, menu, circuit experience, and current race in the entire game... Without spending even half of the rewards you get though the menu books.

What you do after that, is on you. No one forced you to race Fish Ranch repetitively. YOU chose that. YOU sacrificed fun for efficiency. You can earn money racing any car, any track, any way you like. YOU chose to grind money, so you could obtain whatever it is you wanted, because that's what YOU decided you enjoyed. YOU decided having what you want sooner, was more important than enjoying yourself and getting it later.

Take responsibility for YOUR decisions. The game made you do nothing. 20M credits unlocks nothing. It provides you zero progress. And more importantly you can obtain 20M credits in anyway you would like to. YOU chose to make it a grind by repeating the same race. YOU chose to put a time requirement on your gameplay.
If "racing" is a repetitive task you don't enjoy, you bought the wrong game.

You do NOT need to race Fisherman's ranch to UNLOCK anything, or to PROGRESS through this game.

All you did was prove my point, you don't know what grinding is.

The entire game can be progressed to COMPLETION without doing a single thing for money. The career mode gives you enough cars and enough money to complete EVERY SINGLE REQUIRED TASK. With plenty left over.

It's like if someone cried about all the "grinding" they did because they spent endless hours painting every car they own in the livery editor. "Wah I did a repetitive task!" Yeah, but one that was by pure choice, was not required to complete or progress through the game.

Did you guys get max level in Sport? Did you complete all those 3 stage circle things? They put them in the game, so by your definition they are absolutely required to be completed and you're not calling that a grind? That's how you guys are representing this car collection tracker. They give you a nice convenient visual tool and you treat it like a job.

Let me say this one more time. The menu rewards will give you more money than you need to complete EVERY single task in the game. You can finish every single piece of content, every mission, license, menu, circuit experience, and current race in the entire game... Without spending even half of the rewards you get though the menu books.

What you do after that, is on you. No one forced you to race Fish Ranch repetitively. YOU chose that. YOU sacrificed fun for efficiency. You can earn money racing any car, any track, any way you like. YOU chose to grind money, so you could obtain whatever it is you wanted, because that's what YOU decided you enjoyed. YOU decided having what you want sooner, was more important than enjoying yourself and getting it later.

Take responsibility for YOUR decisions. The game made you do nothing. 20M credits unlocks nothing. It provides you zero progress. And more importantly you can obtain 20M credits in anyway you would like to. YOU chose to make it a grind by repeating the same race. YOU chose to put a time requirement on your gameplay.
I think that most of the people here are car lovers, and we'd like to drive specific cars that we love dearly. Some of those cars cost huge amounts of credits. But we also want to respect the free time we have.

Getting to level 100 or whatever is not important to me.
So after doing some checks, I’m currently grinding the “Trial Mountain Cup”

I timed myself from pressing X into the cup to the exit out. So basically from the “Worlds Circuits” screen and back.

9 minutes 50 Seconds

I used 672pp Focus RS and being conservative to ensure Clean Driving Bonus. You can net 100K

30K per race (inc CDB) + 40K finish bonus.

Now I’m not the fastest driver by a long shot plus the car isn’t optimised for this circuit, but it’s around 10K per minute for me.

I’m not sure how this compares to other races, but a quick glance vs High Speed Ring as of patch 1.08 that is around 3K per minute difference.
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I tried the afk route X remote play method from psnprofiles and with clean race bonus it gives 22.500 every +-4:30min, so around 300.000 a hour.
I tried the afk route X remote play method from psnprofiles and with clean race bonus it gives 22.500 every +-4:30min, so around 300.000 a hour.
That’s still less than the minimum 600K per hour than the Trial Mountain Cup.

Plus you get to have a little fun flying round a legacy track. Granted it gets wearisome after about an hour but if you can get your timing even lower even by 1 minute that nets you an extra 60K.

I don’t own the Tomohawk so I’d guess someone out there can net at least an extra 100K per hour using on Trial Mountain.
Sorry if stated in an obvious place, but what are the AFK races and are they actually AFK? (Or near enough).
The Pan-American Championship Race 1 at the Blue Moon Bay Speedway, 35,000cr for just over 3:00 minutes and it 6 laps using the SRT Tomahawk S VGT.
That’s still less than the minimum 600K per hour than the Trial Mountain Cup.

Plus you get to have a little fun flying round a legacy track. Granted it gets wearisome after about an hour but if you can get your timing even lower even by 1 minute that nets you an extra 60K.

I don’t own the Tomohawk so I’d guess someone out there can net at least an extra 100K per hour using on Trial Mountain.
But it's full auto. You can't grind nowhere close to 168 hours a week, but the script will do 168 hour grinding per week just fine (or 166 hours sans the maintenance, or it could be 130 something hours a week if history repeats), and netting you 49 million a week. You could earn more with your method only if you grind 82 hours or more per week manually.
Tried Colorado and I can do it in about 3:40 on average. It nets you close to 900.000 credits per hour.

But it's a dirt race...

Using the Tomahawk S you can also get some decent credits/time in Daytona.
@Grimm6Jack what car are you using?
For the dirt races, I use the Toyota 86 Gr.B that I've won (missions or licenses, can't remember). Have a high RPM Turbo on it and that's pretty much everything. It's more than good enough, in fact, probably any Gr.B is enough.

If you want the best, the Audi Quattro Pikes Peak S1 is probably the fastest but I don't want to put too many km on it.
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So after doing some checks, I’m currently grinding the “Trial Mountain Cup”

I timed myself from pressing X into the cup to the exit out. So basically from the “Worlds Circuits” screen and back.

9 minutes 50 Seconds

I used 672pp Focus RS and being conservative to ensure Clean Driving Bonus. You can net 100K

30K per race (inc CDB) + 40K finish bonus.

Now I’m not the fastest driver by a long shot plus the car isn’t optimised for this circuit, but it’s around 10K per minute for me.

I’m not sure how this compares to other races, but a quick glance vs High Speed Ring as of patch 1.08 that is around 3K per minute difference.
I tuned my car to 811 PP and do a race in 4minutes.

It is pretty boring this way but easy