The Easiest Ways to Make Money in Gran Turismo 7

  • Thread starter Famine
But it's full auto. You can't grind nowhere close to 168 hours a week, but the script will do 168 hour grinding per week just fine (or 166 hours sans the maintenance, or it could be 130 something hours a week if history repeats), and netting you 49 million a week. You could earn more with your method only if you grind 82 hours or more per week manually.
I get that and if people want to do it that way, then all the power to them. Maybe I’m old school and want the satisfaction knowing I actually put some effort into earning those credits and cars.

However I can see why people would want to automate it, especially after what PD & Sony are trying to pull with micro transactions.
I get that and if people want to do it that way, then all the power to them. Maybe I’m old school and want the satisfaction knowing I actually put some effort into earning those credits and cars.

However I can see why people would want to automate it, especially after what PD & Sony are trying to pull with micro transactions.
whats the effort on grinding?
whats the effort on grinding?
As in

Me with a pad actually playing the game = effort


Automated script playing the game for you = no effort

Using the word effort more in the mechanical sense of action rather than something being hard and having to put effort in. We know grinding isn’t hard… dull and sometimes tedious, but not hard.
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But it's full auto. You can't grind nowhere close to 168 hours a week, but the script will do 168 hour grinding per week just fine (or 166 hours sans the maintenance, or it could be 130 something hours a week if history repeats), and netting you 49 million a week. You could earn more with your method only if you grind 82 hours or more per week manually.
You better get as much money in as possible while you can, there's no way they won't ruin the payouts for that race for the next update.
I've been doing the World Championship with a VGT car. I get an occasional bump from the base 60k per race for clean run, then the 150k final payout. Or the Ferrari cup at seaside Croatia 50k final payout
Ok, some new info I want to share with you guys:

Fisherman's Ranch my average time is about 3:10 in there (my best was 3:02 but I am not that consistent, especially with the jumps) and I was able to figure out that the time you lose to start the next race immediately is about 17 seconds.
So the real time between each race is 3:27 for me, so that's 207 seconds.
With the Clean Race bonus you win 45.000 credits. That's 782.708 Credits per hour. I use the Toyota 86 Gr. B with a high RPM turbo for this race.

Other "viable" races are in Daytona (Clubman Cup) and the first race of the Pan American Championship in Blue Moon Bay.

The one in daytona you can finish it in 1:34 + 17 seconds for the next race, that's 111 seconds.
You get 22.500 credits with the Clean Race Bonus. That's 729.729 Credits per hour. Which is less than Fisherman's ranch, but it's a lot easier. It is however very repetitive and, most important of all, you need a Tomahawk S. (With Racing Soft Tyres), which sets you back over 1 million.

The 1st race in Blue Moon Bay gives you 52.500 credits with the clean Race Bonus and you finish it in 3:01. However, since this is a championship, you have to go to the next race and quit the championship to start the first race again, and I timed it to be about 1:02 seconds. So the overall time is 3:01+1:02 which is 243 seconds. That 777.777 Credits per hour. Again, you need the Tomahawk S for this and you have to "wall ride" the first corner to be this fast. Just like Daytona, it's easier than the Ranch and your times will be a lot more consistent, Daytona is still easier but this is less repetitive and slightly less boring, and it does give almost 50.000 more per hour.

I'll try to see other races. I think Colorado is the best payout but I really hate that track with a passion with all those jumps that make my times very inconsistent.

EDIT: This is all theory though. I get absolutely bored doing any of these races 3 or 4x in a row, let alone over 10 of each in a single hour. And the more exciting races, the ones with pitstops, simply kill my motivation to do them when I see the payouts being 105.000 or less in over 20 minutes.
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The one in daytona you can finish it in 1:34 + 17 seconds for the next race, that's 111 seconds.
You get 22.500 credits with the Clean Race Bonus. That's 729.729 Credits per hour. Which is less than Fisherman's ranch, but it's a lot easier. It is however very repetitive and, most important of all, you need a Tomahawk S. (With Racing Soft Tyres), which sets you back over 1 million.
People keep talking about this race as a competitive option but they don't factor in the car's price. It's simply not an option if you have to spend 1.5 hours to pay off the car first. Cross this race off the list and run the math with a pickup truck that you already have and you'll discover that the payout rate is pathetic.
People keep talking about this race as a competitive option but they don't factor in the car's price. It's simply not an option if you have to spend 1.5 hours to pay off the car first. Cross this race off the list and run the math with a pickup truck that you already have and you'll discover that the payout rate is pathetic.
I only posted it here as an option. You will eventually have to buy the Tomahawk S for the car collection so... So it's as viable as any other race. And the Tomahawk S is a very good car for clearing lots of other events fast.
So your point of view, is that casual players, should have the exact same access to rewards, as players who spend exponentially more time and effort? That's your idea of fair?

What's a 'fair time line' in a game that is designed to have a 5 year shelf life? It's likely 6 months before we see a full cycle of the legend garage for perspective.

You guys realize this is a business right? That this entire video game is an advertising campaign? That the reason these sponsors, companies, and manufacturers partner with Gran Turismo, is because of how valuable the product placement is?
That value is directly correlated to how many eyes their product reaches, how long those impressions last, etc etc. That's why dedicated gamers are rewarded in game, because they are financially worth more, as statistics, to future companies, manufacturers, games, tracks, etc. You think it's a coincidence that GT pivoted itself into the Olympics? FIA partnerships, so on and so forth.

PD wants to keep you around as long as possible for active player counts, total player this, copies sold that, so that they can sell their reputation for profit outside of the game. They want to keep you around for as long as possible because they want to sell you more cars and tracks with DLC.

Gran Turismo is not, never has been, and likely never will be, about instant gratification.
Again you are doing straw man argumentation, most of us who disagree with you want payoff to be similar to GT3/GT4 or GT6 with seasonal events. Even if GT7 increase payoff by 100% there would not be instant gratification!
Well I guess we have different definitions of grinding then. I can remember doing races over and over again to be able to buy the next car or upgrades to be able to tackle the next race/championship in the Pre GT5 times. That to me is also grinding. GT5 did bring it to the next level, sure.

Grinding for me is not a problem. It is to keep peeps playing. And it doesn't matter if you play GT, Assassins Creed, GTA V, Horizon or many other games. They all have mechanics to keep you playing to get to a certain level to complete the game. If you don't have much time, it will take you longer or won't complete at all. That is why we have different difficulty levels, story lines and side quests. The only people who need mtx are those impatient and willing to pay to progress. The only way I pay for mtx is for games that are free-to-play and I don't mind putting some money in the developers pocket. But no way I put hunderds of euro's in any game. Hunderds of hours yes, because to me that is relaxing, doing what I like, gaming.

And that is why I do not like those complaining about grinding in a thread that was started to keep everyone informed about easy ways to make credits fast in game without cheating. Do some races have too high rewards and other too little? Yes. Can that be fixed? Yes. GT Sport was not much to look at when it came out. Online and few single player races. It ended having quite a lot of single player content. I loved those 1 hour/30 laps endurance races with 440k payouts. I would rather do those than 12x an offroad course with 5 minute races and 96k reward per race. GT 7 does not offer those endurance races yet. Patience is virtue i guess.
It's the extent of grinding that is the issue, like poverty, it's not zero in Denmark, but quantitatively much better than vs UK/USA! GT4/GT3 had very little grinding compared to GT5/GT6/GT7, even with seasonals.
First race in the world GT Series championship.

7 laps of Deep Forest in 10 minutes for 60K which becomes 90K with a clean race. Six races an hour with 360K up to 540K. Not bad at all.
I just got to Menu Book 39. What's your recommended car?
I just got to Menu Book 39. What's your recommended car?
I used the AMG GT3 with soft race tyres for that.

I now use the Sauber Mercedes C9 with max ballast and a sizeable nerf to power to get it under 800pp
Hope you're all happy, this is what you wanted.

It was too predictable that Fish Ranch would get nerfed because of how much better it was than everything else. You all cried and moaned that you wanted things more even.

Now they are.

Blame PD all you want, but they're giving you exactly what you asked for.
Totally wrong, because they asked for more credits and less grinding time!
If "racing" is a repetitive task you don't enjoy, you bought the wrong game.

You do NOT need to race Fisherman's ranch to UNLOCK anything, or to PROGRESS through this game.

All you did was prove my point, you don't know what grinding is.

The entire game can be progressed to COMPLETION without doing a single thing for money. The career mode gives you enough cars and enough money to complete EVERY SINGLE REQUIRED TASK. With plenty left over.

It's like if someone cried about all the "grinding" they did because they spent endless hours painting every car they own in the livery editor. "Wah I did a repetitive task!" Yeah, but one that was by pure choice, was not required to complete or progress through the game.

Did you guys get max level in Sport? Did you complete all those 3 stage circle things? They put them in the game, so by your definition they are absolutely required to be completed and you're not calling that a grind? That's how you guys are representing this car collection tracker. They give you a nice convenient visual tool and you treat it like a job.

Let me say this one more time. The menu rewards will give you more money than you need to complete EVERY single task in the game. You can finish every single piece of content, every mission, license, menu, circuit experience, and current race in the entire game... Without spending even half of the rewards you get though the menu books.

What you do after that, is on you. No one forced you to race Fish Ranch repetitively. YOU chose that. YOU sacrificed fun for efficiency. You can earn money racing any car, any track, any way you like. YOU chose to grind money, so you could obtain whatever it is you wanted, because that's what YOU decided you enjoyed. YOU decided having what you want sooner, was more important than enjoying yourself and getting it later.

Take responsibility for YOUR decisions. The game made you do nothing. 20M credits unlocks nothing. It provides you zero progress. And more importantly you can obtain 20M credits in anyway you would like to. YOU chose to make it a grind by repeating the same race. YOU chose to put a time requirement on your gameplay.
You still don't understand that some or many players want much less grinding, i.e. racing the same races repatedly 'just' to get the most expensive cars because the most expensive cars are the most wanted/desired/fun etc.? And GT5/GT6 during online seasonal events had much less grinding by time-factor to achieve the most expensive car?
People keep talking about this race as a competitive option but they don't factor in the car's price. It's simply not an option if you have to spend 1.5 hours to pay off the car first. Cross this race off the list and run the math with a pickup truck that you already have and you'll discover that the payout rate is pathetic.
Quoting my own post with a caveat lol.

I'm sure several of you have read about the script that has been written involving this car. I've spent several hours today trying to get it to work reliably (and to get my Remote Play connection to work reliably :rolleyes: ) on an HDD PS4 with some luck but not a lot. Fortunately I've made back the price of the car already. It's been kind of a fun experiment but if the script only truly works on PS5 (apparently there is some sort of connection bug with PS4 remote play on PC) then I guess we're all left out to dry.

But yeah, there's a new fastest method in town and it involves science.

Edit: It's possibly I just solved the Remote Play connection bug by turning off Windows "location privacy settings". Will report back shortly.
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Quoting my own post with a caveat lol.

I'm sure several of you have read about the script that has been written involving this car. I've spent several hours today trying to get it to work reliably (and to get my Remote Play connection to work reliably :rolleyes: ) on an HDD PS4 with some luck but not a lot. Fortunately I've made back the price of the car already. It's been kind of a fun experiment but if the script only truly works on PS5 (apparently there is some sort of connection bug with PS4 remote play on PC) then I guess we're all left out to dry.

But yeah, there's a new fastest method in town and it involves science.
It's not the fastest method, BUT it's "good enough" and you do 0 work. I haven't used the script yet, only did the good ol rubberband + PS remote play... Got 1.7 million in just over 3 hours. Doing nothing other than from time to time, manually restart the race.

I guess that Sauber C9 is going to be mine today then. I'll try to at least get the Mark I GT40 in another 2-3 days. The F1 and the 917k I'll just have to leave them for later, pains me, especially the F1, but I have to get the cheapest cars first. Hopefully there isn't another nerf to the payouts.

If you try to grind manually, you can still get more credits, but you bore yourself to death.
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It's not the fastest method, BUT it's "good enough" and you do 0 work. I haven't used the script yet, only did the good ol rubberband + PS remote play... Got 1.7 million in just over 3 hours. Doing nothing other than from time to time, manually restart the race.

I guess that Sauber C9 is going to be mine today then. I'll try to at least get the Mark I GT40 in another 2-3 days. The F1 and the 917k I'll just have to leave them for later, pains me, especially the F1, but I have to get the cheapest cars first. Hopefully there isn't another nerf to the payouts.

If you try to grind manually, you can still get more credits, but you bore yourself to death.
It's the fastest method while you're cooking dinner lol. Or while you're sleeping. Hard to believe that gaming has come to this but as long as I can keep this Remote Play connection from crapping out then I think the problem is solved.

As of this posting this is the first time my Remote Play has continued uninterrupted for more than three races and the script has just started the fourth race without a hiccup.

Edit: Wow, my phone was on wifi and I got a text and it blew the connection to Remote Play. Unbelievable. Sony, wtf are you doing. This wifi connection is 150 down 20 up, there is absolutely no reason for connectivity issues. My buddy is getting torn a new one for sending that text, I was on a mission. :lol:
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If you haven't completed the circuit experiences, I highly recommend doing them. The payouts aren't too bad considering how long they take.
Circuit Experience will receive an update with higher payouts shortly. I think t mighty be good to wait until theo.
For me the best was to geht to money right now is Sardegna 3 Lap offroad. With Focus WRC Group B & High RPM Turbo this makes clean race 60.000 in 3:50 minutes, which is around 900.000 per hour.
With the new update I think WTC 700 at Le Mans is a good thing. The race lasts 30 Minutes and there are 550k prize for win plus CRB.
But is it easy, or efficient to make money (if you are able to win it reliably) ?

Have you tried it yet ?