The Electronic Three Cometh! - Starts Today

  • Thread starter Robin
After 2 hours, Valve person Chet finally came on with news of.......Counterstrike
like holding things back valve?
I think the only person here who needs to "deal with it" is you.

It's a video game conference between competing companies. If you don't like something you see vote with your wallet; not by having a nerd tantrum all over the Internet.

Nope. @ People saying I'm taking this too seriously, I think you take my post way too seriously. It's TEH INTERWEBS and people troll and rage, because they can. So I say it again: deal with it. Don't like it, don't qoute it.

but I'm asking - how can't you be disappointed with this press conference? A true gamer should be. That's my opinion.

Thank you good Sir, someone with common sense in here. And yes, I'm no spoiled brat (23 and earning money of course). I expected simply something REALISTIC. Does Nintendo want the hardcore players and sell many U's? They said yes. Do they have the financial back-up to achieve this? No doubt. So why do they almost nothing to achieve this? (And don't even start mentioning the "loss" they make with the 3DS, no matter how big it is, they made a fortune with the DS and Wii, period).

I'd find far more fault in Nintendo's from a "true gamer" point of view if Microsoft didn't spend 10 minutes of theirs talking up Internet Explorer of all things, and 20 minutes before that talking about crap that had absolutely no reason whatsoever to be at E3 instead of CES. Nintendo didn't do that great based on what they needed to do (then again, Sony needed to give a good reason to buy a Vita and they almost completely ignored it), but they still did far more than MS did and came pretty close to what Sony showed.

Everything true 100%. Still doesn't explain how Nintendo is imagening to establish a NEW console. The others are at the end of their life-cycle. Duh. (Except for the Vita part, that was actually also absolutely crazy what Sony did there, namely: almost NOTHING, it's as if they want to let it die...)
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And here we go with this "true gamer" crap again.

I was slightly disappointed in the conference because they didn't focus enough energy on actually making it about the Wii U - all they did was focus primarily on the games, and that's a welcomed thing but I wanted a bit more focus on the perks, the "gimmicks" if you will. What kind of media does it use? How dense is the media? i wanted specs, or at least an outright hint of how powerful it is at this juncture.

Same here

I wasn't expecting a new Zelda or Metroid because those take time (especially in the case of the latter with the Other M foolishness).

Fair enough. Wave Race? F-Zero? Pilot Wings? Anything else than casual games, ports and Picmin?
You know since they were rather silent about the specs and perks as you say, you would at least hope for some games... even if it were some short clips of how the games could look, you know like the Zelda one last year if I remember correctly.

ZombiU does look interesting; it wasn't until that scene with the pick axe and the code input where I was genuinely interested.
Yeah it was the one-eyed game among the blind ;)

Ninja Gaiden 3 - sold.
Assassin's Creed 3 - even though I've yet to play 1 and 2; sold
Batman AS: Armored Edition - sold.
F1 All-stars - sold?
yeah sold on Xbox360 or PS3.

And don't forget. While you could buy those games on WiiU until fall 2013, after that there is no reason, because the hardware will be totally outdated when the true next gen arrives.
So it seems Nintendo only has one year to gain core gamers, I don't see how.

There are others as well. I love Nintendo, not only because I grew up with them, but mainly because they simply aren't afraid to try something new.
you mean like old hardware ;) ? No I get it, but to be honest, didn't work out for me with the Wii and that tablet thing... I just don't see how it makes games any better. Some games might profit, but what's the use when PS4/Xbox720 games will look so much better. And don't forget that a more powerful hardware also means more moving objects, better AI, in short - more possibilities for better game experiences in most genres (especially racing, fps, rpgs and of course open world games)

No offense to you, but I kind of don't like this mindset. Just seems eerily elistist and non-inclusive to me. I too have played games since the early 1990s, hell I was basically born in a gaming family (Thank my dad for that). I however don't look at games the same way and have actually narrowed down my preferred games and in the process, lowered my expectations. I'm not dissapointed because I didn't expect Nintendo to have much for the core gamer. Shouldn't mean I'm not a real gamer, just that I'm not that type of gamer.

Well, that was not my intention. It is just easier and a lot faster to use the terms "casual" and "core", because everybody knows the general difference. Two words can't get it right in every aspect, but they get the job done most of the time.
Casual games can be fun, can be as addictive and fanatasic as any AAA block buster.
Yet I and many other gamers usually prefer deeper more complex games.
The Wii should have been what the Wii U is. It seems they are always a little too late regarding hardware power.

The conference sucked, maybe WiiU won't, but today I was not impressed.
Well, at least you can actually play Nintendo games on a modern big screen Tv now, the 480p picture of the Wii looked awful on my 55 inch HDTV.

I'd find far more fault in Nintendo's from a "true gamer" point of view if Microsoft didn't spend 10 minutes of theirs talking up Internet Explorer of all things, and 20 minutes before that talking about crap that had absolutely no reason whatsoever to be at E3 instead of CES. Nintendo didn't do that great based on what they needed to do (then again, Sony needed to give a good reason to buy a Vita and they almost completely ignored it), but they still did far more than MS did and came pretty close to what Sony showed.

Kinect, Move, apps... I don't need them, they could keep it.

The question is, what is to expect from a E3 press conference in year 7 after the launch, one year before the successor is released? I for one don't expect anything.

The fact that we even compare the Sony and MS press conference to the one of Nintendo proves how much Wii U failed to impress.
A prelaunch conference should blow people away - that's hard without games or impressive hardware.
So, any news I've missed apart from Nintendo's show being apparently somewhat disappointing? I don't even know where to look for this stuff any more, Rock Paper Shotgun is the only general gaming site I check these days.
The Nintendo conference wasn't that bad, a bit boring with all the monotonous voices (at least for the 20 minutes I watched). But the Wii U doesn't look that great, sure I can scan and use it as a multi interface with the game but it's nothing game changing, and god it looks hard to hold.
So far, E3's been pretty boring. Watch Dogs and Forza Horizon have been the highlights so far.

The WiiU doesn't interest me at all. I'm not really a fan of the tablet idea but Nintendo know their market and I have no doubt it will sell as well as the Wii and DS did.
I'm just waiting for Arma III news now, oh and Borderlands 2. Not really interested in anything else I don't think.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed E3 2012 Trailer

Danica Patrick is in Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed

Danica Patrick, NASCAR racing star, is a playable character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. This is despite being a real human person and not a cartoon hedgehog, confined monkey, or any other kind of Sega all-star.

Credit: JC Fletcher
Did you see the "Forza Horizon" hands-on demo on G4TV just now? Here are some things I noted:

* Colorado chosen for diversity and... for music?
* rewind feature?
* off-road
* outdated notion on physics? A little of everything. Total Forza experience.
* assists offered

I know I should probably take this elsewhere, but (and I even blogged about this in my main blog) Forza Horizon REALLY looks to be what the TDU series SHOULD have been. I think that's really going to catch on if people really buy into this spinoff of the Forza series.
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Did you see the "Forza Horizon" hands-on demo on G4TV just now? Here are some things I noted:

* Colorado chosen for diversity and... for music?
* rewind feature?
* off-road
* outdated notion on physics? A little of everything. Total Forza experience.
* assists offered

I know I should probably take this elsewhere, but (and I even blogged about this in my main blog) Forza Horizon REALLY looks to be what the TDU series SHOULD have been. I think that's really going to catch on if people really buy into this spinoff of the Forza series.

I disagree. It simply looks more like what tdu 2 could have been (although these physics still look terrible) but definitely not what it should have been.

Tdu 1 was and still is one of the best free roam driving games to date. Tdu 2 should simply have been a new map and cars for tdu 1. I can guarantee that's what most original fans wanted. They screwed it up sooo badly in number 2 I'd be surprised if they could ever recover from it.
I disagree. It simply looks more like what tdu 2 could have been (although these physics still look terrible) but definitely not what it should have been.

Tdu 1 was and still is one of the best free roam driving games to date. Tdu 2 should simply have been a new map and cars for tdu 1. I can guarantee that's what most original fans wanted. They screwed it up sooo badly in number 2 I'd be surprised if they could ever recover from it.

The physics look bad because they have all the assists on. :P
I think the only highlights were Tomb Raider Most wanted Watch Dogs and the crispness of the graphics in Medal of Honor everything else not even on my radar
For me E3 this year was pretty dull in terms of software, some Gems that shine and some real horrid stuff. I have to admit I didnt watch anything from MS because I dont own thier console and none of thier IP's get my blood pumping. So i just skipped over thier show.

I was interested in Nintendo simply because im a fanboy. I too was a tad dissapointed in the lack of details from AAA titles but as others have said though they are keeping mum on this probably till TGS. The hardware looked interesting but nothing that made me say "wow stunnning, game changer"

Sony showed off the best IP's with Beyond and The Last Of Us, but this is pretty shoddy considering how much was on show. Hardware wise I dont care much for the Vita.

As for PC and tech demos some nice ideas were shown and lovely graphics. TGS should be allot better from Nintendo and Sony.
Best of the show for me has to be The Last of Us , I pay attention when gameplay looks as good as the reveal trailer and if anything it looked even better, can't wait for this.

Nothing else really wowed me, Watch Dogs was a nice surprise and i'll keep an eye on that and there's a Doom 3 hd remastered edition that was announced and i look forward to finally playing Doom 3.

Overall no real surprises and games like GT6,The Last Guardian,Agent,GTAV and Grid 2 were a no show so pretty poor E3 in my opinion.
Im sure GDC will have a way better turn out, with more of what actual gamers want to see... not a bunch of motion games and blo-ridah.
In case anyone is interested in Arma III: GameSpot video of the full E3 demo

And if you're more interested in Day Z:PC Gamer article about how the Day Z creator has been asked to work full time on it

Arma III looks amazing underwater and at night, but I got a strong feeling of deja vu from the rest. That's fine by me though because I love Arma II anyway, and Arma III looks to be building on it. Various places state a Q3 2012 launch but he mentions 2013 in the video, which is a shame but Arma II is still relevant now being as unique as it is so that's fine.
Thank you Neema. Been waiting for Arma III. Will be watching that as soon as I'm home. Assuming it's out on time that will likely be the first game I download with my new rig next year.
From a Facebook update, I noted the favorites of mine from E3 2012:

* Assassin's Creed III
* Watch Dogs
* Forza Horizon
* Madden NFL 13
* Ni No Kuni
* Lollipop Chainsaw

I was most impressed with Watch Dogs the most. The concept and execution and story are nothing short of convincing. It's probably a game I would most want to play if I could play any E3 2012 game right now.