The Electronic Three Cometh! - Starts Today

  • Thread starter Robin
Ubisoft needs to be banned from E3.

That... that whole thing was unnecessary, painful, and just forced. All of it. Stop doing lame ass presentations, and just act like you have sense.

Their press Conference?


Yes. They pull the same crap every year and it's just annoying now.

So I suppose a edited version of Aisha Tyler's closing comments should be sent to them for next year:

"Don't do that 🤬!!"

Sad thing is (Other then the Assassin's Creed III gameplay), she's the only reason I watched. Kinda grew bored of anyone else that talked.
"BEYOND Two Souls" That is a joke right?

EDIT: Looked it up and it does exist. Looks great, really intriguing extended trailer.
I guess that's why they changed Ellie in 'The Last of Us'.
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Sony was hit and miss.

Beyond looked really good even though the trailer started slow. It's going to have a very interesting atmosphere. Heavy Rain is one of my Top 5 games for this gen so high expectations for this one.

Battle Royale is looking more interesting the more I see it. Question, is the gameplay identical to SSBB? I always assumed it was more of a standard fighter but have never really seen it.

Last of Us may have been the best gameplay demo I've ever seen. Unbelievable atmosphere, AI looked really good from Ellie and enemies, and the grittiness is going to be awesome.

I was disappointed the "Future of Plus" wasn't more than the games but at the same time there are some top notch games coming in June alone. I'm excited for those but was hoping for it to come to Vita plus new features.

AC III:Liberation changed me from someone who thought he was done with AC after 2 to almost guaranteed purchase of this one and maybe III also.

Black Ops for Vita is good although not the most exciting announcement. It should help Vita sales though, especially if they do a good job with multiplayer.

PSONE games coming to Vita is another good annoucement, make it happen i the next two weeks and I will be thrilled.

Wonderbook sounds like it has potential for a younger audience, but really that much time for a demo that didn't show us much? It felt like it was a planned at the last moment, as if Sony pulled an announcement or reveal late and had to come up with something to show quick.

Overall, it was a good but not spectacular show with some amazing moments but some snoozers too.
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I personally don't see the attraction of Last Of Us. It just doesn't seem anything revolutionary and I'd rather have another Uncharted.

I was hoping for something more original from ND than yet another zombie game. But for those who can't get enough of it, the game looks pretty darn good.

I think we've had enough of Uncharted for a while, though. They did 3 of them, and I don't want to see developers become factories for sequel after sequel (unless they take so long like Polyphony Digital, LOL). Let Drake go and make a triumphant return on the PS4. He'll probably get another Vita game or two in the meantime anyway.
So now we have two PS exclusive with Allen Page ? :D

I wanted to watch Sony's conference. Stayed up extra late, but when at 2 oclock it was delayed and half an hour again delayed half an hour, I was pissed, stayed up for nothing.

Some good games though, but the big WOW was somehow missing.
Well there is still TGS
Very happy with The Last of Us, not so with God of War Ascension but both still look great.

Beyond looks quite interesting too but apart from the two i mentioned above not that fussed about the other games in sonys conference.

Good to know that no new consoles have been revelead either.

Edit: just seen a ten minute gameplay of watchdogs, looks amazing i can see what the fuss is about, doesn't say what consoles it's for tho, hopefully it comes to ps3.
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The cream of the crop were definitely Watchdogs, Beyond and The Last of Us. All we GT5 fans got though was the logo on the screen for a brief moment. :( Maybe during the Harry Potter segment, Kaz could've just walked up and politely said "Don't worry, we got plenty of DLC to come" and walked away.

Also I was blown away by the fact that Parappa the Rapper is in Playstation All-Stars. Otherwise it looked like a really cheap copy of Super smash bros but I take it.
We all need to consider that the last years, E3 was the big thing, now it needs to share it's space with the European and japanese cons.

So I expect many more for the next Game cons.
Girl's making a niche market for herself. Good on her, I reckon. :)

Ellen Page isn't in The Last Of Us, the character of Ellie just looks like her. Apparently they remodelled her to look less like Ellen Page but not sure they succeeded there.
Anyone watching the Nintendo conference? Already abit creeped out by the characthers appearing on people.
Yes I'm watching but my steam is not really good, some image freeze (ign)

Waiting for ZombiU
So basically they're adding a 'U' to the end of all of the current franchises?

If its for Wii U, yes. The only exception however is Batman Arkhem City Armored Edition.
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I missed the first 20 minutes, did they already announce release dates and prices for the new hardware? Or are they saving that for last?
Yes I think it's supposed to be funny that they've bleeped all of the expletives. I'm not sure why though.

Lego City looks fun.
Yes I think it's supposed to be funny that they've bleeped all of the expletives. I'm not sure why though.

Still don't get that. As I said yesterday, they'll show nipples uncensored but turn right around and censor every single swear word.

And :lol: at Reggie.

Other guy: "How does it feel being the puppet master?"
Reggie: "Its like running Nintendo North America"
I've always thought having live translation was stupid, why doesn't the English speaking guy just do the presentation?
So no hardware specs, no release date and no pricing? What are they waiting for?

Because English speaking guy didn't made the game? 💡

I know but even if you could understand the Japanese man you couldn't hear him so it seemed a bit pointless.
So what's new with Nintendo? (I'm not watching it at the moment because I need my computer to be running photoshop smoothly)