The Electronic Three Cometh! - Starts Today

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They only released Uncharted last November, give them time.

So far it's NFS MW2, GOW, and Last of Us for me.
PS Plus? Only more free contents in 12 months time.

Eh? No, they are ramping up the freebies with the likes of Little Big Planet 2, Infamous 2 etc. The 12 month thing was a free 12 month membership for attendees of E3. The free games are coming in the next few days, NA at least. There was some blurb about indies too, and some other PS+ features I forget.
March 12, 2013:

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Me either.

Sony press conference fail....

Wonder book fail...

Only on Spike.


Er and GT4 tv apparently.

Anyways this E3 belongs to Ninty.
So Uncharted without lots of ammo/resources?

Well that and crafting was shown, better melee combat (probably because you'll be doing a lot of it but it's probably still QTEs), non-regenerating health so using medkits will become a strategic thing... Otherwise it looked pretty similar to Uncharted, but we'll know more as time goes on. I hope Minecraft has kind of opened peoples' eyes to survival games, we don't get nearly enough good ones. If nothing else I'm just glad Sony's conference didn't involve any chest high walls and aiming down sights... Oh wait, there was Far Cry 3 but that wasn't exclusive.
So Uncharted without lots of ammo/resources?

Yes. Every pick up you find on the ground is your weapon to use to defend yourself against a mob/infection and you use your surrounding as your cover.

Also every hit from your enemy decreases your health in real-time, so that means you can die in any time.

One word, Survival. ;)
Yes. Every pick up you find on the ground is your weapon to use to defend yourself against a mob/infection and you use your surrounding as your cover.

Also every hit from your enemy decreases your health in real-time, so that means you can die in any time.

One word, Survival. ;)

You can't reload a saved game?
Of course you can.
I was quite interested by I Am Alive, but decided against buying it and decided to wait for The Last Of Us instead, seems to have been a good decision but I wonder if you can bluff enemies with empty weapons like you can in IAA or if they'll just relentlessly attack you no matter what?

Actually I've just remembered what the time is, definitely time I slept. Goodnight chaps and gentlewomen, it's been fun.

Only on spike, G4 my arse.
In fairness, Sony were always gonna be worse off going last. MS presented Tomb Raider like it's an exclusive. Sony did that a little with AC3 but it was more because of the Vita thing. If you add up the "exclusives" per platform, yeah Nintendo shone but not much between MS and Sony really, and I think I prefer Sony's.
I was quite interested by I Am Alive, but decided against buying it and decided to wait for The Last Of Us instead, seems to have been a good decision but I wonder if you can bluff enemies with empty weapons like you can in IAA or if they'll just relentlessly attack you no matter what?

Not sure but IAA is incredibly tedious (at least the demo is) and is an on-rails experience dressed as a free-roamer. Also IGN got it right in their review, that the bluffing thing is ridiculous as the enemy forget as soon as you holster your gun. TLOU looks like it's in another ballpark in comparison.
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Guess it depends on what were your expections, but I kinda don't really care for the whole "Who had the best conference" conversation. I'm like what games interested me. I'm still not a fan of motion gaming and the fact that it keeps getting pushed by the big three (and I know Nintendo will be mind numbingly dull because that what the whole console is based around) pretty much has me prepared to look away. Overall, here's some games that interested me from both Microsoft and Sony:

Gears of War
Forza Horizon (mostly interested in how they pull off the NFS open world element)
Halo 4 (Madness I know, but I'm actually interested for some reason this time)

Playstation ALL Stars (Doubter turned somewhat believer)
God Of War (Pure bias, doesn't matter because God Of War)
Last Of Us

Only negatives for me from both conferences are the dragging on of unnecessary things in my mind (in Microsoft's case, the integration with smartphones and other stuff). I pretty much occupied myself with youtube when it came to anything regarding Motion gaming, really works alot better then complaining. Same with the "Facts and figures" speeches (Which are inevitable).
For me it was:

Forza Horizon (Xbox)
Beyond (PS3)
The Last Of Us (PS3)
Assassin's Creed III (Multi) - Having never played any of the AC games
Tomb Raider (Multi)
Watchdogs (Multi)

Must admit I didn't see all of the MS part, or any of the Nintendo part, though I don't have a Wii or DS so only something very revolutionary would grab me.
Must admit I didn't see all of the MS part, or any of the Nintendo part, though I don't have a Wii or DS so only something very revolutionary would grab me.

The Microsoft press Conference is being reaired right now on G4
Ubisoft needs to be banned from E3.

That... that whole thing was unnecessary, painful, and just forced. All of it. Stop doing lame ass presentations, and just act like you have sense.
Ubisoft needs to be banned from E3.

That... that whole thing was unnecessary, painful, and just forced. All of it. Stop doing lame ass presentations, and just act like you have sense.

Agreed, they don't need to piggyback off Sony and Microsoft when they have a presser of their own. One or the other, Ubi.